Crazy (Fun) Spring Schedules

It’s that crazy fun time of year when we have a few extra curricular things winding down and even more picking up - and during the 2 weeks of overlap I just had to record all the fun things the kids are involved in. Each thing feels valuable to each kid and with the help of awesome friends/carpools, a daughter that drives and is more than willing to help, and understanding coaches and teachers, we’ve been able to make this schedule work. But for the record — here it is.


  • Piano Lessons - every Wednesday afternoon - practices an hour every day - she drives herself. : )

  • Musical Rehearsal - every Saturday for several hours - she’s been asked to be a part of the Musical that will be performed at Girls Camp this summer. Such an awesome experience. - she drives herself.

  • Family History Center Volunteer - several Thursday nights each month - she drives herself

  • Young Women’s - every Wednesday night - she drives herself and Luke.

  • Swing Dance - Friday afternoons (for the first half the season) - she drives herself and Megan


  • Competitive Soccer - Practices on Wednesday 5:30-7:00 Thursday 4:30-6:00 and Friday 5:30-7:00 Games on Saturdays - great group of four families who take turns carpooling

  • Middle School 8th Grade Track - Practices after school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday — Most Track Meet’s are on Tuesdays after school. - group of 3 parents who alternate pickup after practice

  • Young Women’s - every Wednesday night - she gets dropped off after practice and Emily drives her home

  • Swing Dance - Friday afternoons (for the first half of the season — then when soccer started and other sports for some of the other kids they’ve been having rehearsal whenever they can fit it in. Megan started in 3 classes and ended up in 4 for the Performance) Emily drives her

  • Extra Soccer Practice - Megan helps out with Luke’s Monday night Soccer Practice (Chris is the coach) - Chris drives


  • Rec League Soccer (Dad Coaching) - Practices on Monday 5:30-6:30 and Thursday 5:30 - 6:30 Games on Saturdays - Chris drives

  • Computer Programming Class at the Elementary School - On Mondays after school with Matt - Luke and Matt walk home

  • Chess Club at the Elementary School - On Tuesday Mornings at school with Matt - Luke and Matt walk to school

  • Young Men’s - every Wednesday night - Emily drives

  • Swing Dance - one class on Wednesday afternoon, on class on Friday afternoon - Emily drives

  • Neurofeedback - this isn’t really a extra-curricular event but it’s a big part of his schedule so I’ve included it - every Monday and Friday from 11:00 - 12:15 - Neurotherapy of Colorado Springs - 20 minutes away and I drive


  • Rec League Soccer - Practices on Tuesday 6:00 - 7:00 and Thursday 6:00 - 7:00 Games on Saturdays - group of five families who carpool for practices

  • Soccer Practice on Monday night - Megan and Matt go to help/practice - Chris drives

  • Computer Programming Class at the Elementary School - On Mondays after school with Luke - Luke and Matt walk home

  • Chess Club at the Elementary School - On Tuesday Mornings at school with Luke - Luke and Matt walk to School

  • Cubs Scouts- every Wednesday night 6:00 - 7:00 - carpool with 4 other families

  • Swing Dance - one class on Tuesday afternoon

I write this just as Swing Dance ends for the season. Chess Club ends pretty soon as well. Really it’s a great schedule with so many great carpools. We have a great community of people willing to help each other, which means that even though various kids are here and there I am able to be home most of the time in the afternoons… minus a couple long days of competitive soccer practice carpool each month and of course Tuesday Track Meets. Life is good. Now if it will just warm a little bit so our soccer games and track meets won’t be snowed out. : )

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