A little pool

We had a fun evening. Chris blew up the little swimming pool we bought at Costco and we played and splashed for a couple of hours. It was wonderful. At first I thought the water straight from the outside tap was going to be too cold but it was SOOOO nice and refreshing! Ryan and Chris splashed each other relentlessly! The kids did somersaults in the water, turned the 'benches' on either side into slides, and had swimming races from one side to the other. Even Chris tried a somersault. The kids were so amused... especially that he sat up complaining that he got water up his nose! After the whiney 'Don't splash me' people got out... (Megan, Emily and Mom)... Ryan and Katie put the sprayers on full blast to play. It was a great 87 degree evening. I'm sure we will put the little pool to use several more times this month!

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