Right after the kids went to school and Dad left for work Emily, Megan and I started working on our Valentine surprise for Dad. We got a basket of yummy candy and cards, cut out red and pink hearts and headed down to the hospital. The girls were so excited. They practiced tip toeing down the hallways and were unusually quiet except when anyone passed and smiled, and then Megan would say, "We have a Valentines secret for my dad." in a rather loud voice. They would smile and then we'd go back to tip-toeing. The girls put up hearts while Chris said, "come in" a couple times with no response from us. A minute later he came out to see what was going on. "Happy Valentines Day!" Very fun for the girls. We visited with lots of the Radiology department before heading out for lunch with Dad. Chris said the whole afternoon everyone that passed by had to come in and comment on the hearts.