"What time is it?
We have been singing this High School Musical 2 song a lot the past twenty-four hours. Yep, school's out and I'm not sure who's happier... me or the kids.
This week has been busy with end of the year class parties and award ceremonies. Katie got two awards. One for mastering all of her addition facts (answering each question in less than 2 seconds) and the other, the PRINCIPALS AWARD, for all A’s the entire year. Go Katie.
Ryan got HONOR ROLL… all A’s and two B’s for the entire year. His second award was for AR (accelerated reader). They have a reading program in the school that has the kids reading books and taking comprehension tests. Points are given based on the percent of questions they got right and the reading level of each book. Each fourth grade teacher gave an award to the student with the highest AR points in their class. Ryan’s teacher, Mrs. Ward, said “And I bet it’s no surprise that the winner of the highest AR points is… and then in unison the entire class said, “RYAN J” It was so funny. He said some of them were pushing him to go up before she even said his name. He had over 230 AR points. The next highest in his class had 130 AR points. Thank you Harry Potter books.
Both Ryan and Katie had a great year and fabulous teachers. Yeah for being done with fourth and second grade!!
Now it's Summer, summer, summer, summer....