Costumes for Halloween 2012


It was a ‘find a costume out of the costume box’ year at the Johnson home – and they managed to find something pretty easily. 

DOCTOR JOHNSON – 3 1/2 years old

Ryan was a doctor for Halloween when he was about 4 in Washington.  10 years later it gets used again for Matt.  When I pulled it out and showed Matthew he was thrilled.  I had him try it on and go show everyone in the living room a couple weeks before Halloween and the “oh, he’s so cute” response he got from all his siblings and the “that’s awesome, Matt” comment from Dad sealed the deal.  He was pretty excited to be a doctor and when anyone would ask him what he was, he’d say, “I’m Doctor Johnson”.  It was pretty cute.   We had a funny conversation right before Halloween when I told him he was a Doctor just like Dad.  “Dad’s not a doctor like me.”   While Dad does actually wear scrubs some of the time, it’s not the outfit Matthew is used to seeing.  Hopefully someday Matt will actually believe that Dad IS a doctor like Matt.

Matthew Doctor5Matthew Doctor9Matthew Doctor6Matthew Doctor2Matthew Doctor1Matthew Doctor8Matthew Doctor3Matthew Doctor10


DASH or MR. INCREDIBLE - almost 5 years old

Luke was also a ‘Ryan costume re-do’ and was thrilled to be a super hero of sorts – changing between Dash and Mr. Incredible whenever he felt like it.   Of course he liked speeding through the house and through the streets.  He ran into a ‘grown up’ Mr. Incredible while he was trick or treating who looked at him and said… “I’ve been looking all over for you!”   Luke thought that was pretty awesome.

Luke - Dash1Luke - Dash2Luke - Dash3Luke - Dash6Luke - Dash7

HOT PINK COWGIRL – 7 1/2 years old

Boy howdy, is this costume just perfect for Megan or what?  I suggested a few ideas of things she could be for Halloween and she attached herself to a cowgirl – only she had a BRIGHT idea of her own… her hot pink jeans.  Luckily a friend had a bright pink bandana and we were set to go.  A girlie tom boy with some spunk.  That’s my girl.

Megan - Cowgirl8Megan - Cowgirl6Megan - Cowgirl7Megan - Cowgirl3Megan - Cowgirl4Megan - Cowgirl5Megan - Cowgirl1


PIRATE GIRL – almost 10 years old



SECRET AGENT – 12 years old


BATMAN – 14 years old

Ryan decided early that he wanted to be Batman – which totally fits him since he goes around the house sayin’ “I’m Batman” in his low Batman voice ALL the time.   We bought this shirt so he could wear it to the Stake Halloween Dance and he decided he needed a  cape and made one himself.


A couple of super heroes…

Ryan and boys2Ryan and boys

Our Halloween Night was really fun.  We decided to go trick or treating on base so a group of us met over at Heidi’s house and went from there.  Ryan had a soccer tournament game that night so he and his friends and Chris were doing that for most of the night and then Chris took him over to base after so he could hang out with some friends and do a little trick or treating for leftover candy.  Katie was excited to meet up with her school friends which she did and then met us back at Heidi’s house.  I took Emily, Megan, Luke and Matthew and we trick or treated with friends around the Colonel Housing on post.  It’s like Trick or Treating Heaven over there.  Every house is total decked out with decorations and everyone’s in the front yard passing out candy or hot apple cider.  It’s just fun.  We walked around a large block and the kids were content to head back to Heidi’s house to count candy and trade.  We brought goodies to eat and enjoyed staying to chat for awhile and then headed home.  Fun night.  (Thanks for having us Heidi!)

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