Christmas Adam

Jared, Geneva and kids slept over and came to church with us.  We had a great Sacrament meeting and enjoyed hearing the primary kids sing.  After church we took pictures, ate nachos and homemade salsa, played games, made dinner.

Johnsons and ChuggsJohnsons and Chuggs2Johnsons and Chuggs3

After dinner Chris took Carter, Ryan, Katie and Hanna on a service errand for someone in the ward. 

When they got back we had a Christmas talent show.  Katie played ‘Silent Night’ on the guitar… which she taught herself.   Emily played ‘Bring a torch, Jeanette Isabella’… I never knew the name of that Christmas song but I love the tune.

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Josh and Cole sang ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ and Megan and Luke sang a version they made up called ‘Thrasher, the Big Black Reindeer’ (with special guest appearance by Ryan as Santa.)

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Without hesitation Matthew ran up to sing his personal favorite… the ABC song (sung the ‘Super Why’ way).  Geneva and Jake sang a cute song from Polar Express.  Megan played ‘Silent Night on the piano.

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Katie and Emily have been perfecting ‘Silver Bells’ all season all.  So cute!  Megan and Luke sang ‘Must Be Santa’ with cute actions that they made up themselves.  Adorable!  Then the whole family sang “Snow, Falling through the Air”.

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After the talent show we turned on the TV and watched some of the videos.  Such great material – weeping instantly. 

The Chuggs brought their chocolate fountain for a special dessert.  Then we stayed up way too late exchanging gifts and playing Carcassonne and Dominion.  So fun to have this gang all together.

Talent Show treats
LisaChristmas, Chuggs, GermanyComment