Baltic Cruise Trip–Copenhagen Last Day

{Finally finished posting about the Cruise!}


This was the view out of our Copenhagen hotel.


After a late night at Trivoli Gardens we walked back to the hotel, went straight to bed and got up at 7:30 to get ready for church and then downstairs for our free breakfast. It was quite the spread too – the biggest breakfast buffet we’ve seen at a hotel. Our hotel was pretty neat. The room was small but the whole hotel had a fun contemporary feel and the lobby was just cool.


Ok, so before all these hotel pictures we actually rushed off to church on the bus.  LDS churches in Europe are not so easy to find but it helps that this church was close to the Copenhagen Temple.  We saw the spire with Moroni and knew to get off the bus.  A few streets away we found the church.  Thank goodness for those signs that look the same even though the language is different.  Inside the church lobby is another Christus.  How lucky are they?

Church Temple1Church Temple2

After church we walked to some kind people about what we had seen and loved in Copenhagen and where we were from.  Friendly people all over the world.  So nice when people come up to greet visitors.  I need to be better about that – it sure makes a difference to the visitor.

The Copenhagen Temple

Church Temple3

Church Temple6Church Temple5Church Temple4Church Temple7Church Temple9Church Temple10Church Temple8temple

After taking pictures of the temple we headed back on the bus to the hotel, got our luggage and headed on our way to the airport.  Just a few last pictures of Copenhagen on the way out.  


What a great trip. Crazy to think that tomorrow (August 27th) school starts AND Mike flies in.  Don’t unpack those suitcases yet… let the crazy adventures continue…