And now we’re in Prague

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We found a really great three bedroom apartment to rent for our three nights in Prague.  It was close to the bus stop and had a great view of Prague’s Castle from our balcony window.  That meant that we had climb 4 flights of curly staircase to get to our apartment so it felt like we got plenty of ‘tower climbs’ and ‘scenic views’ right from the beginning.   The landlord met us at the apartment and showed us around. 

We had heard that parking in Prague was somewhat scary and that parking in a guarded garage might be the best option but she assured us that the vehicles would be safe IF we took out everything in the vehicles that wasn’t bolted down.  If even a pair of sunglasses was showing then we’d be targets.   We took her advice to heart and had a crew of kids and uncles carrying everything  4 flights up to the apartment and Megan and I on vehicle detailing.  Other than needed a good vacuuming (which it ALWAYS needs), this is the ‘emptiest’ our van had been in… well, ever.   We equally gutted the Audi and locked them up tight.  The landlord said that parking here would be good because we could keep an eye on them from the windows of our place, but we looked at each other unsure how that was supposed to make us feel better.   We imagined ourselves watching from high up in our ‘tower’ shouting “hey, stop that!” like it would make some sort of difference.  But thankfully there was no tower shouting or racing down 4 flights of curly stairs to run after bad guys.   No car problems at all.

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The apartment had two bedrooms (one for Mike and Brian and the other for most of the kids), two bathrooms and a kitchen on the main floor and then curly stairs up to the master suite which had this bed and living room area plus a big balcony.

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Once we settled in we ventured out in search of dinner and found a pizza place that we ended up eating at several times.

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And then walking back to the apartment… Prague adventures in the morning…

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