Funny little boys

silly MattMatt Chris3silly Luke

LUKE   (41/2 – 5 years old)

Luke has been saying some cute sincere and pretty funny prayers lately…

    • “Please bless that we can have blessings.”
    • “Please bless that we can eat… (looks up at food on his plate)… potatoes… and (looks up again)… corn”
    • “Please bless that we can play Wii.”
    • “Please bless that we won’t fight or scrunch.”
    • “Please bless Dad that he can have a blessing to be better when he was sick.”
    • “Please bless that I will like eating green stuff (asparagus) when I grow big like Megan.”
    • “Please bless Emily won’t be the best crier when we’re mean to her.”
    • “Please bless that Mike will find a girl to marry and then please bless that he will have a fun time with the wife that he found.”
    • “Please bless that I will ALWAYS say the prayer.”
    • at least he’s saying “Please Bless” now.  He used to start every sentence with ‘Make Sure…”

“I really need to learn Spanish.  I really really need to.”  Why?  I say.   “I’m just kidding.  I don’t need to.”

Luke got a CTR ring at church and I helped him put it on his ring finger.  Without me noticing he took it off and put it on his middle finger.  Then all the way down the hall he excitedly showed everyone his new ring with only his middle finger up.  A series of chuckles informed me of the change.

Luke wet his pants while being distracted playing Wii and came up and said, “Mom, I peed in my pants.  Don’t spank me!”   Frustrated I said, “What should I do then?”       “Just say bad words to me.”

Luke really can’t say  ‘Scout camp’.  It always came out ‘Scamp Cout’ – every time.  So funny.

Luke includes me whenever he’s playing pretend.  “I’m Luke Skywalker and you’re Mommy Skywalker.”  “I’m Link and you’re Link’s mommy.”  I always get to be the ‘mom’ when he’s playing pretend.

About the German kids at the park Luke said… “Those German ones live with us and we live with them and they live in our Germany.”

After quite a while of Luke playing Wii and getting kind of grumpy I said, “Luke, you have 2 choices: take a nap, or play something besides Wii.”  Luke wrinkled up his forehead and said, “THOSE AREN’T THE ONLY CHOICES, THAT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!”

Katie responded to Luke by saying, “Really? Seriously?”  Then Luke said, “You sound like Lissie when you said, ‘Really? Seriously?’ cause that’s what she says when I say she’s beautiful!”   (Lissie is the 17 year old who Luke has a crush on and isn’t afraid to talk to her about it.)

On Luke’s 5th birthday he woke up and said, “Mom, I think I know how to read.  Because I’m five, maybe I know how to read now!”   AND… without me knowing he went and measured himself on the wall and wrote his name.  Pretty cute.

Luke, in a recent primary lesson about families, said “If a girl kisses a boy then a girl gets kids in her belly.  You (pointing to me) married Chris and then kissed.  Kissed makes true power to make kids.”

Chris said to Luke in a firm voice… “You do not climb on that!”   Luke said, “My neck gets scared when you talk like that.”

After watching Luke rush down the snowy hill on a sled I said to him, “Was that scary, Luke?”  He answered…   “No… well, my stomach was scared but my face wasn’t.”

That one reminds me of one he said awhile ago that I can’t remember if I already recorded on here or not… when I confronted Luke about yelling he said, “I was mad and I yelled.  My brains were telling me to do that.  It got in my head and it came out my face.”

“I just smacked my head because it told me to do something bad but I didn’t  listen.”


MATTHEW   (3 – 3 1/2 years old)

“I want to watch STAR WARS… Matthew David Johnson STAR WARS not Luke Skywalker STAR WARS.”

Matthew in the bathroom… “I can pee so much because mine thing is so big – look, it’s so big.”

Matthew’s been rediscovering the Baby Einstein videos lately and thinks the puppets are so funny.  When I walk in the room he grabs my arm and says, “Keep staying and don’t go away.”  He just loves to make me watch all his favorite shows.

Matthew’s been really interested in babies lately.  When he saw a cute baby on one of his videos he said, “Oh, that baby is so cute!  I want to marry her when she gets to be a girl.”  So cute.

At Megan’s soccer game Matthew would cheer and say the cutest thing… “Megan, you can do it, really you can!!!”

One day Matt looked at his macaroni and said, “You made it good and I like goodness!”

When we were talking about our asparagus at dinner Matthew started singing a new version of Coldplay’s Paradise (a family favorite)  “Aspara – spara – sparadise”

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