Matt’s SUPER Party
The first present Matt picked up was 3 Super Hero shirts. He was pretty excited.
Also very excited about his Luke Skywalker figurine and Speeder Bike.
Superman shirt, baseball shirt, Coloring book, Batman toothbrush, another Mr. Magee Book (which we love). And thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Walton for the Mario and Yoshi legos.
The Superhero Cars were pretty exciting too… for all the boys.
This is an adorable game. So fun to play with this little guy!

Thanks to the Moons, Chuggs and Grahams for these Star wars mini figurines and a light saber. A bit hit!
On the Sunday before Matt’s birthday, my friend, a cake baker extraordinaire, asked what I was doing for Matt’s cake. I responded that I was going to open a cake mix, make it into cupcakes, ice it using pre bought frosting… She stopped me before I could even finish, disgusted, and then said, “I would like to bake Matthew a birthday cake, what do you want it to look like?” I gladly took her up on her offer… she is so sweet. I told her that he was getting a few super Hero things for his birthday and she liked the idea of a Superman cake. It couldn’t have turned out better. We all LOVED it and it was one of the very best chocolate cakes I think I’ve EVER tasted.
I love when Matt tried to blow out his candles. It took him a couple times to get them all out and he was trying not to smile while he blew… it was just adorable.
After cake eating, the little boys went straight to opening the Star Wars stuff and Super Hero cars. Then Megan, Luke, Matt and I played The Sneaky Squirrel Game, read Matt’s new Mr. Magee book before bed and tucked them in. Our evenings seem to go so quickly these days. Chris and Ryan don’t get home from soccer practice until 6:00 and we have a ton of organizing for the move 9 days away. It was nice we were able to celebrate Matt’s big day before moving day comes! We love you, Matt. Can’t believe you are FOUR years old!