
We have had such a great three weeks in Canada.  It’s been six years since all of us were here together!  That’s way too long.  It’s so fun to have Grandma and Grandpa all to ourselves.  Some of the fun things we’ve done…

  • Roasted marshmallows on Crescent Beach for FHE
  • Gone for several hikes in Watershed Park
  • Went to Mercana to visit Grandma at work
  • Played at Bear Creek Park
  • Walked to 7-11 and got Slurpee's from my childhood house
  • Canoed by Stewart Farms
  • Played Speedminton at the Stake Pioneer Picnic
  • Played Pandemic with Brian, Ryan and Katie
  • Had tickle fights with Grandpa and stole his shoes
  • Watched the tugboats and train go by on our river walk in New Westminster
  • Played Wario and Just Dance with Brian
  • Watched the clock blow in Gastown and walked to the end of Canada Place
  • Taught a Young Women Lesson for my mom’s Ward on DATING
  • Went across the border to get something notarized so Chris can close on the house!
  • Bought Canada sweatshirts at Roots for the whole family
  • Ate Canadian candies: jujubes, Crispy Crunch, Smarties, Nibs, RealFruit, Caramel Apple Filled Werthers
  • Played mini golf at the cool Art Knapp Plant place
  • Talked to Chris on the phone daily
  • Had great homemade dinners every night – thanks to Grandma and KATIE GIRL!
  • Went on little motorcycle rides with Grandpa
  • Cheered on Katie, who worked on Personal Progress and completed several GOOD WORKS goals
  • Played lots of Dr. Mario with Mom and Brian
  • Went to Costco and had fries and GRAVY!!
  • Stayed up late watching the first two seasons of Downton Abbey with popcorn or treats every night
  • Played with the Lord of the Rings Chess people to ‘make families’
  • Climbed trees in the backyard
  • Ate Somosas for dinner – Indian deep fried spicy potatoes
  • Slept in every morning!!  { I love summer! }
  • Ran a mile and a half around the duck pond 4 times a week
  • Picked plums and blueberries whenever we wanted
  • Heard about Ryan’s first driving lesson from Grandpa down at Annacis Island
  • Walked through oozing mud at Spanish Banks with Vancouver in the background
  • Walked to the duck pond to feed the ducks
  • Listened to and acted out scripture stories with Grandpa
  • Went to Target with Mom and Katie and walked down every isle
  • Walked high in the trees at the UBC Botanical Gardens Canopy Walk
  • Played ‘What time is it, Mr. Fox?’ with Brian in the backyard
  • Took apart Grandpa’s old computer
  • Drove Ryan across the border and dropped him off at the airport
  • Went to the Asian Night Market with Mom, Brian, Ryan and Katie and tried some fun foods
  • Went shopping at the outlets in Morgan Crossing with Brian, Mom and Katie
  • Played with Grandpa’s Bottle Rocket
  • Shot BB guns at empty pop cans with Grandpa in the backyard
  • Walked up to the Elementary school to play at the playground
  • Had Book of Mormon camp with the kids
  • Painted and drew, read books, played Wii, played house, build towers, played dolls, made up pretend families
  • Make Lemon Meringue pies with Grandma
  • Made Taylor Swift music videos in the backyard
  • Researched stuff for the house and worked on Ryan’s High School classes and registration
  • Watched families of raccoons eat plums in the backyard
  • Hang out with my Mom and Dad who I just adore.

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