Hogwart’s Halloween

It was Emily’s idea to do the Hogwarts theme this year.  Last year we just picked random costumes out of the Dress Up Box and Emily was adamant that we needed a theme.  Love her.  She has devoured the Harry Potter books the last couple of years and wanted to be Hermione – a perfect fit since she’s kind of a book worm and a smarty pants herself.

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Megan was happy to jump on board and had no problem being ‘Ginny’ – especially since Ginny is a little sporty, being on the Quidditch Team.

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Emily needed Matt and Luke to be Harry and Ron… pretty much as an extension of her own costume, but they were more than willing.  10 years ago, Ryan and Katie were Harry Potter and Hermione for Halloween and so we already had Matt and Luke’s costumes which have gone untouched for the last decade.  Matt loved ‘getting the scar on’.

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Luke was happy to be Ron because, and I quote… “Ron is the buff guy and he’s funny and he’s scared of spiders.”  For his school Halloween party, though, he went as Harry with scar and glasses.

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We had a great Halloween night.  We were excited to Trick Or Treat in our own new neighborhood.  We dropped off Ryan (Prince – The Charming One) and Katie (BYU super fan) off at Ryan’s friends house to go Trick Or Treating and then headed back to hook up with Emily’s best friend from school, Caroline and her mom.   Then we trick or treated up and down a ton of streets surprised at how long the boys wanted to go.  It was a great night.