French Riviera– Off to Monte Carlo

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After our morning in Annecy, France we headed further south into the French Riviera portion of our Spring Break. (Seriously, Spring Break’s from here on out are just not going to be the same.)  It was a beautiful drive.  We passed by the French Alps of Chamonix and then headed into Italy and along the coastline until we reached the country of Monaco. 

A few interesting facts about Monaco from Rick Steves:

  • Since 1929, cars have raced around the port and in front of the casino in one of the world’s most famous auto races, the Grand prix de Monaco. 
  • Two-thirds of its residents live here because there’s no income tax. 
  • While “independent”, Monaco is run as a piece of France.  A French civil servant serves as state minister and manages the place – with the blessing of Monaco’s prince.
  • While it’s famous casino provides only 5 percent of the states’ revenue, it’s 43 banks – which offer an attractive way to hide your money – are hugely profitable.
  • Collectors snap up the rare Monaco versions of euro coins so quickly that many locals have never even seen one.

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Monte Carlo is the area in Monaco around the Casino and is named for the local prince who presided over Monaco’s 19th century makeover… “Charles’ Hill”.  Today, Monaco has the world’s highest per-capita income.  The casino is designed to make the wealthy feel comfortable while losing money.  It was designed by Garnier (with an opera house inside) in 1878 who also designed the Paris Opera Garnier.  ‘The scene inside is great at night – and downright James Bone-like in the private rooms. 

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Loved the tulips everywhere.

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We got a kick out of these glass Casino doors.  We were so skinny!

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The area around the Casino is really quite impressive.  Fun to see all the expensive cars lined up around the circle.

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We walked from the Monte Carlo area down to the Port to see all the yachts lined up one after another.  We would have loved a tour inside of them – but from what we could see they were pretty amazing with full living rooms and giant TV’s. 

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Oh, I was wondering where I could get super yacht insurance!

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After walking around by the water we headed back up to where we parked our cars.   One last picture of Matt with Monaco in the background.  Fun to have been there!

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