Matt turns Five

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Matthew’s birthday was on a busy Thursday and there was no way we had time to celebrate with the whole family.  Instead we decided we’d move his ‘birthday party’ to Friday night… but on his actual birthday Matthew and I had a special date to Barnes and Noble where he got to pick out his free birthday cupcake and then shop for a book.  When we found this one we sat down in the isle and I read him every page.  Fun to spend the time together.  He was excited to show it to the other guys in the house and now he and Luke quote the book and talk about it all the time.

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Three presents from Mom and Dad.  Present #1: A Star Wars Darth Vader Chair, which he is pretty excited about.  He had a small ‘anywhere chair’ for years which he carried around everywhere and finally outgrew.  He’s pretty thrilled with his replacement and for the rest of the day kept saying, “I just want to play with my chair.”  Megan’s pretty excited about it too.

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A card and a kiss from Emily.

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A card and a kiss from Megan.

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Present #2: a Darth Vader backpack for Kindergarten next year.  Love that picture on the right.  He was ecstatic!  Both of these things I’ve had for months because of a great sale.

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Present #3: A Darth Vader pillow for his bed.  See a theme?

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Love this kid so much.

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Knight Playmobil from Grandma and Grandpa Walton.  So excited to have some ‘bad guys’ to add to his collection.

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What a happy boy!

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