He’s seventeen now. I can hardly believe it – but I can hardly believe it every year. When I took him outside for a birthday picture we just couldn’t seem to get the rest of the kids out of the picture. I think everyone loves this kid. What a great big brother and such a good example. Those younger boys sure do think he’s the best.
Ryan’s birthday landed on the day after we got home from Lake Powell and after Katie and Emily had already left for Girls Camp so we went to Pei Wei for dinner and watched a movie at home but left the presents for later in the week when everyone would be home. He got the new Imagine Dragons Album, the new Dominion expansion: Adventures, a new game: Istanbul, the iTunes movie: Avengers Age of Ultron (when it comes out in September) a German Stately Type Shirt and tickets to the Imagine Dragons concert in July. Movies, Games, Music and Germany… sounds like Ryan. He lucked out with some cash from his Grandparents and a few Aunts and Uncles – good thing because this kid is poor. Happy, but poor.