FHE–Goal Setting


The girls were anxious to have a Family Home Evening where we could set goals for the New Year.  With company here well into January and a trip to Mexico, our New Year and all the new goals to come with it didn’t really start until the third week of January.  One Sunday afternoon we sat down to fill out goal-setting worksheets:

Mom – 42

  • Spiritual Goals: Read the BofM Everyday!!!  Go to the temple at least once a month.  BE GRATEFUL
  • Family Goas: Family Scripture Study after dinner, BE KIND, Less Contention, FHE’s on intentional spending/finances, how we spend our time/disconnecting, Family History, ITES book
  • Health Goals:  No Soda, Exercise 5 days a week, drink more WATER, Bed by 11:00, avoid high fructose corn sugar and try to eat clean foods.
  • Personal Goals: keep up on photo editing and blogging, read BofM in four months with Emily, Be present when the kids are home from school, Disconnect from iPHone

Katie – 16

  • Spiritual Goals: Read the BofM everyday
  • Family Goas: Fam scripture study, FHE with assignments, be nice, one-on-one time
  • Health Goals: Workout/bike 1 time a week, drive safely
  • Personal Goals: Journal every day

To Make the most out of 2017:

  1. I will learn… sewing/cooking/ballroom/ukelele
  2. I will improve… myself
  3. I will avoid… bad movies and music
  4. I will give… time to volunteer
  5. I will make time for… scripture study
  6. I will develop the habit of… family history
  7. I will change the habit of… failing

Megan – Age 11

  • Spiritual Goals: Do one Faith in Good every Sunday, Read a story from the Friend every Sunday
  • Family Goas: Reading the Scriptures and saying Family prayer every day
  • Health Goals: Workout every Saturday, run a lot, 20 push ups, 4 pull ups, 40 sit ups
  • Personal Goals: Get good grades, Do homework right when I get home, Practice Soccer, Work Out

To Make the most out of 2017:

  1. I will learn… to choose the right
  2. I will improve… in soccer, in piano and being obedient
  3. I will avoid… pornography
  4. I will give… my love, my friendship and my happiness to everyone
  5. I will make time for… scripture study
  6. I will develop the habit of… doing homework the night it is assigned
  7. I will change the habit of… going to bed without praying and reading my scriptures

Additional notes:

My Favorite Things:    Favorite sport: soccer     Favorite color: blue    Favorite class: Math/Science   Favorite Teacher:  Mr. T/Mr. Patterson   Favorite Music: Hamilton/Moana  Favorite Movie: Hunger Games  Favorite Holiday: Christmas   Favorite Season: Spring    Favorite Candy: 3 Muskateers   Favorite Drink: Sprite  Favorite Dessert: Peanut butter pie   Favorite friends: Brynn, Loryn, Charlee (and my soccer fam!!) Madi, Kaylee, Barbie, Aliya, Natalie    Favorite Book: Catching Fire    Favorite hobbies: Soccer and Swing Dance

Future Husband: Tall, nice, good with children, blond, soccer player, handsome, swing dancer and BIG BYU fan.

A typical day: I wake up at 6:30 for school.  I get dressed and do my hair. I go down stairs, eat and go to school.  On Blue days, I have social studies – Mrs. Murray then I have Math – Mr. T  On Silver days I have science – Mr. Patterson and Language Arts – Mrs. Hedrick.  I come home from school and start my homework.  Later on I practice the piano.  I go to Swing Dance on Mondays and Thursdays.  I go to soccer on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I come home, eat dinner, finish my homework and go to bed at 9:00.

Luke – Age 9

To Make the most out of 2017:

  1. I will learn… to right cursive
  2. I will improve… of not fighting with my brother
  3. I will avoid… ‘robbers, theves and bad guys’
  4. I will give… presents, love, kindness
  5. I will make time for… my scriptures
  6. I will develop the habit of… piano in the morning everyday

Matthew – Age 7

  • Spiritual Goals: Pray every night, Read a story from the Friend every Sunday
  • Family Goas: Family home Evening every Monday and Family prayer
  • Health Goals: Run, Eat good food
  • Personal Goals: Be good at school, not get frustrated

To Make the most out of 2017:

  1. I will learn… to choose better
  2. I will improve… in swimming
  3. I will avoid… dangerous things
  4. I will give… love to everyone and happiness
  5. I will make time for… spending time with my family
  6. I will develop the habit of… not fight with Luke
  7. I will change the habit of… not screaming