Report from Elder Johnson–Snow Way!

Dad,  Sounds like sweet golfing, and eating, and fishing, and warmth… and classes, I guess. I loved the picture of you and your fish.  I love you. Work life sounds tough. Oh yeah, I am a missionary. I do plenty of work. This week was good. Besides the snow, the sisters had a baptism, our investigators are doing great, many are progressing and have baptismal dates, and I love my life.  Oh, also, I guess I haven't told you this. Elder Larsen, my comp, has already been to a semester at BYU and will be a sophomore while I am a freshman there. So that is cool. He is telling me all about it and I am excited.  I also had a dream that I was talking to you and I told you that and I was super excited about it. But, in the dream, you didn't care. But, I know you do. And that is what reminded me to tell you about it. Thanks for being the best dad ever. Keep up the good work. Elder Johnson

Megan, I love you and miss you too. Have fun with the no school day, and keep up the awesome soccer skills and I can’t believe you are going to be in Young Womens soon. What? Young Womens already? That is crazy. You are awesome. Thanks for the email.  Elder Johnson

Luke, I am doing so good! Thanks. Sounds like you are having fun! How is school going? Which Pokemon game do you have and how is it? Is it fun? I love tacos and spaghetti, and Red Robins. Awesome. I miss you too. Thanks for you fun attitude and for being an awesome brother. Elder Johnson

Matt, Thanks so much for the Email. And thanks for writing it, Dad.  Wow, swimming and swing dance sound so fun! I didn't know you were doing a dance club! I hope it is fun! Keep up the good work and fun stuff. You are awesome! Making good choices is important, especially on a mission. Keep making good choices!  I love you way more!  Love, Elder Johnson

Mom, You are so good at taking pictures. I especially like the colors and the amazing view... and dad holding an iguana and kissing a fish. $30 is cheap for a massage?? Sounds fun! Whales and dolphins is fun!  Also, do you have a specific recipe for snicker bar salad. We made it yesterday with apples, snickers, and whipped cream. It was good! No, I don’t need any other recipes right now.  We have some delicious sanduiç and suflaqe places to eat all the time, and some good traditional Albanian places too. I love the food here. It is the best of the best.

What? Katie told a boy she liked him??? That's not my sister. Just kidding. Sounds like Katie is doing good. That is awesome that she is working hard and studying scriptures.  I am still just shocked that she liked a boy. Oh no, Katie is growing up without me. Now, when I get back, we will both be in the same grade. Crazy! I love her!

Good. Emily is so fun. Is she playing any of those LotR songs on the piano yet? She got accepted into Middle School Choir All State? Awesome. So is she really busy? I miss and love her.

I know I could've been a better brother to all my siblings, and keep making commitments to be better and nicer and more interested to my siblings when I get back, because they are my best friends. I am still learning and growing. That process never stops. It is good, but I just wish I could be perfect and I’m not even close. That is ok though. It is an important and great part of life.

I love love love my siblings and I want the very best for all of them. I know each of them are struggling with different things, but I will pray for them for sure. They are all so great. I miss them, but I am so busy making great friendships and working and studying and thinking, that I forget sometimes. I mean that I do not think about pre-mission life at all really. But, I also think of post-mission life a tad too much. Elder Larsen and I get into great long discussions at night about BYU and classes and life, because he went to a semester at BYU before the mission. It is so fun, and Elder Larsen is so great. Such a good example and fun friend. Tell my siblings I love them so much. I am so proud of them and how much they are improving and working and growing. Katie, Emily, Megan, Luke, and Matthew: You can do it! But not alone. Work together, love each other, and definitely let Jesus Christ, our biggest brother, do some of the heavy lifting. Ask Heavenly Father for His help with the improvements you want to make and He will help you. I love you and He loves you and your parents especially love you. If any of you have any questions or thoughts or concerns or tough times, just email me. You are all amazing.

Also, I would suggest FHE's with a special focus on the Atonement this month. The perfecting influence of the Atonement. Because I have found it to be the most important thing in my improvement. Maybe teach how you can study it, apply it, and be grateful for it.

Thanks for these updates on all the kids. They are so nice to read. Maybe in another 6 months, we can do this again. I love my family and my life. Love you, mom! Your boy, Elder Johnson


Hello everyone,

So, super great week.

This week, it snowed! In Tirana!  For the first time in 32 years. So that was so fun. All the Albanians were so excited about it and were making snowmen and throwing snow. It was great. It is super cold here, but I am fine. Also, everyone else in our district didn't have water for a few days after that. But, we did, so we are good.

My companion, Elder Larsen is so great.  Such a good example and fun friend.

The sisters had a baptism this week, so that was awesome. Përparim and Denis, our investigators, came to that, and hopefully they will be next. Përparim is set for two weeks from now. We have had some solid lessons this week with Përparim, Egezon, Denis, Myzafer and Xhemali, Arjan, and Klaus. It was a great week.

Also, the last two weeks, I have been playing the piano in sacrament meeting. That was fun. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. Luckily, now someone who can play in the ward is back, so I don't have to anymore.

In my book of Mormon reading this week, I found Mosiah 4:11

11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.

The gospel has been such a blessing in my life, and learning of the precious gift of the Atonement brings me so much joy. I know that we can gain a remission of our sins, and by praying daily and standing steadfastly in the faith, we will be blessed and learn and grow even more.

Katie, Emily, Megan, Luke, and Matthew: I love you so much and want the very best for you! I know each of you are struggling with different things, but I will pray for you for sure.  I am so proud of you and how much you are improving and working and growing. You can do it! But not alone. Work together, love each other, and definitely let Jesus Christ, our biggest brother, do some of the heavy lifting. Ask Heavenly Father for His help with the improvements you want to make and He will help you. I love you and He loves you and your parents especially love you. If any of you have any questions or thoughts or concerns or tough times, just email me. You are all amazing.  Also, I would suggest FHE's with a special focus on the Atonement this month. The perfecting influence of the Atonement. Because I have found it to be the most important thing in my improvement. Maybe teach how you can study it, apply it, and be grateful for it.

I love my family and my life.  I love you all.  Have a great week.


The view out of our balcony, covered in snow and me on the phone from Elder Larson’s side of the table.
