Miscellaneous March

March charts and the Lucky Jar ready to go…

March charts-1

I found Matt and Luke one morning reading the ITES book together and looking up the scripture that goes with it.  They were planning a Family Home Evening lesson on Abinadi, which they gave to us later that evening. They are too cute.

Luke and Matt studying-1

Boys teaching FHE-1Boys teaching FHE-2

Luke and Matthew before school – eating cereal for breakfast of course.

Breakfast boys-1Breakfast boys-3

Cute Megan with her new braces on…

Cute Megan-1

St. Patrick’s Day treats

St. Patrick's Day-1

Emily after church – and always reminding us to read the Book of Mormon as a family

Emily after church-2Emily scriptures-1

Emily after church-1

Luke and Matt before school

Luke and Matt before school-4

Luke and Matt before school-5

Luke and Matt before school-6

Luke and Matt before school-7

Luke and Matt before school-1Luke and Matt before school-3Luke and Matt before school-2
