Megan Turns 12
My Megan girl is finally 12. She’s been waiting for this day forever!! Thursday, April 6th, was a crazy night. Katie had a High School Soccer game at 4:00. Matt had soccer practice from 5:15- 6:15. Megan had soccer practice from 5-7. Emily had volleyball practice from 7:30-8:30. We ate Megan’s requested dessert: Peanut Butter Pie but we decided to wait to open presents until Saturday in-between Pride soccer games.
Ryan sent the following note: “Megan. Happy Birthday, Sis. You are the best! I am so blessed to have you as a sister. Not only are you always happy and excited to do fun things, but you are also really smart, and cute! It is so fun to hear about all your adventures. 12! Wow. Young Womens will be exciting! Keep up the good work with school and soccer (and careful around all those boys!) I sure love you! You are a light! Just thinking about you brightens my day! Thank you for being amazing. Forever your brother, Elder Johnson
The girls gifted Megan with a ‘Sisters Day Out’. Luke and Matt ordered a Cinderella POP figurine and wrote her a cute note telling her it was coming in the mail soon.
Grandma and Grandpa Walton sent a cute loud card and some cash.
New soccer pants for Megan. She grew out of her old ones and has been wanting some new ones for awhile. This was definitely ‘an acceptable clothing present’. This girl loves to wear leggings and soccer pants, sweatshirts and Converse. She has a pair of cute jeggings that she tolerates sometimes, but these soccer pants are going to get a lot of use. In fact, she put them on immediately.
New headphones for this music loving girl.
Soccer pants and headphones. What else could a girl want? Happy Birthday Megan!