Matt turns 8

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Of course Matthew has been SO excited for his birthday.   It’s been a topic of all of his conversation for weeks.  Do you have my presents yet?  Are they wrapped?  I haven’t seen any wrapped presents at all?” And this all two weeks ahead of the big day.  Before he would ever walk into my room, he’d stop and say, “Mom, can I come in or are you wrapping my presents?”  He made me laugh.  I told him over and over that I would be wrapping his presents on the day of his birthday while he was at school.  He was SO excited to see everything ready as he walked in from school. 

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Luke was pretty excited too.

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Katie’s card said, “ Dear Batman – I mean Matt.  Happy Birthday!  You are 8!  Holy Cow! That is such a big age! I am so glad you are my brother, Matt!  I love playing Super Mario Bros with you and jumping on the tramp and talking and cuddling.  Have a fantastic… I mean gr8 birthday!!  Katie (Batgirl)

Emily’s card said, “ Dear Matt.  I love you so much!  I am so excited that it is your birthday!  You must be happy too!  It is crazy that you will be eight.  I remember my eighth birthday.  I got baptized on that day, and it was so exciting for me.  When I got baptized, I felt the spirit so strongly, telling me that what I was doing was right.  It was warm and happy.  I know that the whole family is super excited for you, just like I am.  Eight is a big number.  Thank you for being such an awesome brother!  I love you!  Love Emily”

Megan and Luke made a cute Gamepad themed card together… Megan  said, “Happy B-day!  I love you.  I am so excited for you to get baptized.  Cub scouts is going to be fun.  You are very handsome, funny and a fantastic brother.  I love playing soccer and jumping on the tramp with you.  We are M buddies!  Love Megan”

Luke said, “Dear Matt, I love you so much!  You’re going to get baptized and that’s awesome.  I think you're going to feel the Spirit when you get baptized.  You're really funny, smart, fast and an amazing brother.  Love ya!  Luke”

Megan and Luke gave Matt a FIGIT SPINNER – which is the craze these days at school.  “Everyone has one” my kids say. Megan and Luke each bought one for themselves as well so they could enjoy them together.  Matt was pretty excited – hence the tight squeeze hugs.

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Stink book 9 and 10 to go with the Series that he’s been powering through since Easter.

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Scriptures and a Scripture case…

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A Cub scout uniform for this excited new WOLF – and the LEGO Batman movie…

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A batman lunchbox from Grandma and Grandpa Walton…

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He opened up a Black Batman t-shirt and immediately took off his blue shirt to put on his new one… but not without showing off his muscles for a minute.

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Dad was pretty excited about Matt’s last present – golf clubs and yellow foam practice balls. 

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We ate hot dogs, watermelon and vegetables for dinner and then chocolate cake and ice cream.

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We love you Matt!

Two weeks later we had a birthday party with his friends.  Soccer outside, presents and then pizza, popcorn, and candy while watching LEGO Batman.  He had a blast.  So glad he’s got a crew of fun friends!

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