Miscellaneous September

We painted the laundry room and Luke and Matthew’s bathroom in two days time.  We picked the same light blue that is in our kitchen and master bedroom.  I love the way it turned out.

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I just love these pictures of my dad.  I wasn’t there but thought I’d include them in my miscellaneous pictures. : )

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Fluorescent day at the High School, a field trip for Luke and Ryan at School in the Woods, and my little cub scout getting his Bobcat Award.

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Love these crazy boys that Matt gets to hang out with.

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Our YW basketball practice fell through so we built pyramids instead.

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Katie got asked to PROM while on a super cute date with Brandon Hansen. He had planned an elaborate homecoming ask throughout their date. First they went to Goodwill to find crazy clothes to wear ice-skating. When they bought a few things the cash register worker handed Katie a Silver star. ⭐️ Then at the pizza place when they delivered the pizza to their table, Katie got another silver star. ⭐️ Then they went roller-skating and when Katie got her roller-skates the worker handed her another silver star. ⭐️ Katie could definitely tell that something was going on and that she was likely being asked to homecoming.  When Brandon dropped her off at the doorstep, there were silver stars on the door. The stars said:

1. starlight star bright

2. First star I see tonight

3. I wish I may I wish you might

Door: Be my date on homecoming night.

It was really cute. He put in a lot of time and effort getting that all prepared as did his mom and sister Zoey.

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After church one Sunday.  Funny that inadvertently, Katie and Megan dressed the same and had curled hair, and Emily and I dressed the same with straight hair.

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Headed to the Richins house to celebrate Hanna’s birthday.

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