About Me

Years ago when I was telling a friend about things going on in my life, he smiled and said, "It's good to be Lisa."  The phrase stuck. 
I grew up outside Vancouver, Canada with amazing parents and five younger siblings who are still my best friends.  I graduated from BYU with a degree in Elementary Education and met and married the man of my dreams.  After teaching 2nd grade for two years we joined the Army and moved to Maryland with our two week old baby Ryan.  Chris did four years of Medical school... and Katie was born.  We moved to Washington State for five years of Radiology Residency and Emily and Megan were born.  We moved to Columbus, Georgia for three years... and Luke and Matthew were born. Then we headed to Germany for three unforgettable years.  Now we're in Colorado and we love it. 

I love my family.    I love organizing.    I love York Peppermint Patties.   I love watching movies with Chris.  I love girls Night's Out.  I love talking to my Mom and Dad.  I love photography.     I love talking to my kids... ALL the time!  I love the church magazines.  I am in LOVE with my husband.  I love journaling.  I love charts.  I love labeling.  I love tulips.   I love vacationing and exploring new places... I love that Chris and I BOTH love this.    I love couple trips with great friends.  I love getting together with my siblings.  I loved living in Germany.  I love having a  clean kitchen with nothing on the counters. I love COLDPLAY.  I love watching Downton Abbey or Larkrise to Candleford or other BBC period dramas.    I loved (and miss) teaching 2nd grade.  I love guacamole.  I love chocolate icing oreos dunked in milk.   I love just being with my husband.   I love family home evening.  I love being in Young Womens.   I am not a morning person.   I love going on walks.   I love Stevens Candy Cane hot chocolate.   I love getting my missionary son's emails on P-days.  I like watching shows with Chris. 

I'm blessed to be wife to an amazing husband,  and mother to six happy kids.   It's good to be me.
