Katie’s Acceptance to BYU

Friday afternoon I met Dad up in Denver and we went to the temple to do a session.  Then we headed home to spend the evening with Katie.  Friday was the 'BYU Acceptance Letter Day' and Katie's friend heard from a friend that they would start sending out emails at 5:00pm.   Katie checked a few times that day but didn't worry about it too much.  5:00 came and went and she hadn't heard anything.  Dad, Katie and I went out to dinner to Modern Market  and decided to leave all of our cell phones in the car so we wouldn't be distracted by every sound or vibration.  We had a great dinner. 

We got back to the car and checked.... nothing.  We decided to watch a chick flick -- the Notebook, to distract us.  Emily and Megan watched with us.   Then we checked again... nothing.  At 10:30 Dad and I were on Katie's bed Katie refreshing her BYU account and Dad checking Cougar Board to see what funny things other BYU Dad's were posting about NOT getting application letters yet.  Everyone was a bit frustrated and it was a little stressful. 

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On Katie's bed-2

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Finally at 11:00 Katie and I decided to head to bed.  Dad stayed up until 1:00 randomly checking with no success.   I woke up at 4:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. I tried for a bit and finally decided to wake Dad up to see if he knew.  He checked again.  The system was still down.  It took us a while to finally fall asleep.  At 6:30 Katie got a text from a Daylee saying that the emails had been sent out.  Katie checked immediately and then printed out her acceptance letter, got all the kids dressed in their BYU shirts and came in to wake us up.  It was SO EXCITING!!!    What a sight to wake up to!

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So Katie will go to BYU summer semester -- which starts June 26th and goes until August 16th.   So exciting!! : )

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Dad was so excited he decided to go put the BYU flag up!

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So proud of you Kates!! #byubound
