Fathers Day and Katie’s last Sunday

It turned out that Katie’s last Sunday before heading off to college was on Father’s Day.   So we celebrated them both!  : )

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Our Annual Father’s Day Questions…

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1.What does Dad do at work?

  • Matthew says… Look at bones and help people go back to life.
  • Luke say…  He’s an X-ray doctor (what is that called again?) and he looks at X-rays and he looks at people’s broken bones (well sometimes they aren’t broken).
  • Megan says… He looks at pictures of bones and checks to see if there is anything wrong with them. And he works out.
  • Emily says…He is a Radiologist and looks at people’s bones on the computer and uses big Radiology words to tell what’s wrong with it… something like subclavical but that’s not it.  It was something with a lot of syllables that totally sounds made up.
  • Katie says… He is a Radiologist. He works in a dark room but he sometimes talks to people. He is over the Mammo Department.
  • Ryan says…Well, lots of people ask me that question and this is what I tell them: Babai im është një radiolog, një mjek që shikon skanime të kockave dhe të pjeseve të tjera të trupit të një personi, të dallojë se çfarë problemi ka.

2. What does Dad do at home?

  • Matthew says… He comes home and says ‘hi guys’ and he eats dinner and then tickles me when I’m in bed, and then watches a movie with Mom.
  • Luke say… He edits videos for home videos, and he sometimes is looking at his mission journal.  Sometimes he plays board games with us and eats dinner with us.  Oh he sleeps too.
  • Megan says… He’s on his computer typing about his mission or he’s on his spreadsheets.  He’s always doing something on his computer.  And he likes to play board games.
  • Emily says… He likes to play games and watch movies – except for were not watching movies right now.  He likes to talk with his family.
  • Katie says… He watches movies, plays games, does spreadsheets, helps me and Ryan with college stuff, makes videos, types out his mission and blogs.
  • Ryan says…He works on videos of family trips and blogs of his mission, and he shows his love for his children and wife by spending quality time with them.

3. What does Dad like to watch on TV?

  • Matthew says… Scary movies, Weird movies like learning about being healthy
  • Luke say…  He likes to watch BYU football games and basketball games, CUBS baseball games.  He watches love movies with Mom and he watches Series of Unfortunate Events with us as a family.
  • Megan says… He doesn’t watch a lot of TV right now but he likes to watch a Spanish show, and Series of Unfortunate Events and Stranger Things I think.
  • Emily says…The Spanish show,  I don’t know.
  • Katie says…   Spanish soap operas… and scary movies.
  • Ryan says…Sports. He also likes to watch movies and tv shows with his family.

4. What does Dad do after you go to bed?

  • Matthew says…How am I supposed to know?
  • Luke says…   He tucks us in usually.  He stays up late and either edits pictures or watches a show with Mom. And I think he’s on his computer all night until 1:00am.
  • Megan says… Watches a show or is still on his laptop.
  • Emily says…  He…these are hard questions… I keep wanting to say ‘watch movies’ but does he? Even though we’re off movies?  Oh, he writes his mission journal all the time.
  • Katie says… Watches shows with mom or listens to podcasts, or runs on the treadmill.
  • Ryan says…When I go to bed at 10:30 my time, it is 2:30 your time, so probably lots. He comes home from work, (goes golfing on the way if there is time), and gives his wife a hug. After that, I am not sure.

5. What does Dad like to eat?  What would he make if he had to make dinner for himself?

  • Matthew says…Rice and curry sauce.
  • Luke say…  He likes pancakes with tons of fruit.  Pasta and Spaghetti.  He likes Salad I think.  Well, ya he does.  He likes corn for some reason.  And all the healthy food.  He does like ice cream and all the unhealthy food too but doesn’t eat it that often – like all of us.   He would make… does he know how to make macaroni?  Maybe he would make pancakes since I think he knows how to make that. Probably he would go to the store and get some pizza from Costco.
  • Megan says…He likes all food pretty much.  He’d probably just eat beans, cheese, salsa and chips if he had to make it himself.
  • Emily says… He would make that rice and curry sauce.  He wouldn’t make it he would just heat it up.  He likes anything that mom makes – probably anything at all.
  • Katie says…  He likes to eat homemade lasagna and vegetarian meals and organic strawberries. If he had to make something for himself he would probably do rice and some of the Thai sauce since he has that for lunch everyday.
  • Ryan says…I have no clue. I should probably know more of these answers. He might put a pizza in the oven, or on special request make Christmas Breakfast.

6. What does Dad do at church?

  • Matthew says… He bears his testimony.  He gives talks about missions. 
  • Luke say…   Sometimes he’s at work during church, but sometimes he’s there at church.  He listens to talks in Sacrament Meeting and then after that when I’m in primary, I have NO idea.  I think he’s a good teacher and leader or something like that.  I have no idea.
  • Megan says… Sometimes he’s not at church, but he goes to the men’s class for men. Elders Quorum.
  • Emily says…He serves people and his bears his testimony and he’s a good example.  He just got called to be something…  Darn it. Something in the Stake.   ??
  • Katie says…  He sits with Mom and puts his legs out in front of him in the second row.  He bears his testimony.  He is the Stake Sunday School counselor to Dave Norton.
  • Ryan says…He ministers. He bears his testimony and is sensitive of other's needs.

7. Does Dad like to clean the house?

  • Matthew says… No. All he cares about is his wife, his kids and fixing people’s bodies.
  • Luke says…  I don’t think that he likes to but maybe sometimes he likes to do it because at the end he gets to kiss Mom or something.  He does it just to help the house get clean even though he probably doesn’t like it, because no one likes it.
  • Megan says… No. Probably not. He’s not used to it.  He does it with a good attitude but he probably doesn’t like it.
  • Emily says… No.  No one likes to clean the house.
  • Katie says… No. That’s all I’m going to say.
  • Ryan says…Maybe not. But he loves his wife, so he does anyway. He enjoys taking care of big projects in the garage or the lawn, painting, or moving furniture, because of the satisfaction of having it done and the new organized space ready for use.

8. Who does Dad love?

  • Matthew says…His family.  His cousins. His whole family.
  • Luke say…  He loves mom A LOT.  His kids: Ryan, Katie, Emily, Megan, Luke Matt.  His parents, his nephews and nieces and his siblings and everyone except for the bad people like Satan.
  • Megan says…He loves his wife, and his kids and his parents and his sisters and the Christoffersons and all his close friends.
  • Emily says… Dad loves his family and his siblings and his parents and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and all of his friends.
  • Katie says…  Me. And everyone in his family – mostly Mom.
  • Ryan says… don't have to guess for this question. He loves the Lord. He loves his dad. He loves his mom. He loves his wife and kids. He loves me. He shows it.

9.  If Dad could do anything he wanted on a Saturday afternoon what would it be?

  • Matthew says…Go golfing with Katie, me and Luke.
  • Luke say…  He might go on the tramp with us, or play soccer with his friends, or go to the park with some friends, or maybe he’d try to stay home and get stuff done on his mission journal since he had time.  He would tickle us too.  Did you write the tickling part?
  • Megan says…Probably play a board game or watch home videos or research what food is good for you.
  • Emily says… Go golfing with his kids or spend time with his family playing games.
  • Katie says…  Go to Europe.  He usually just wants to get stuff done that he has to do.
  • Ryan says…Dad would take the family out for dinner and have friends over for board games and a BYU game.

10. What does Dad like about being a Dad?

  • Matthew says… Tickling me and Luke
  • Luke say… That he gets to kiss Mom.  That he gets to be kind of mostly in charge I guess.  He likes to have kids because he loves kids and he’s good with babies and he loves his kids.
  • Megan says… He likes his kids and that he can play and teach them games.  And that he can do sports with them and teach them to love sports, and teach them stuff.
  • Emily says…  He likes teaching his kids and showing them things that he loves like golfing and skiing.
  • Katie says…  Tickling kids, having a beautiful family, being in charge, EVERYTHING.
  • Ryan says…I don't know. I bet he loves having so many kids and that he can do so many different fun things with each one. He must love showing them the things he loves, especially when they love it too. He must like having a positive influence on some of God's choicest spirits. I am so grateful that I have him as a dad. I have learned so much from him over the years. His joyful spirit and funny comments and love of family are contagious and make everyone smile.

11.  What does Dad need more practice at?

  • Matthew says… More cheering for football games.  Don’t you think he’s loud enough? He’s loud but he doesn’t do it enough.
  • Luke say…  I’m not sure.  He’s really good at a lot of things.   Oh, I got one… Video games and editing pictures like Mom and building lego. Oh and cooking.
  • Megan says… Just making dinner in general.
  • Emily says… Nothing.  Well, everyone needs practice at everything.
  • Katie says…  Speaking quietly.
  • Ryan says…He better practice ping-pong and billiard, because I am ready to play him.