Chinook Trail–Cross Country Brothers

Cross Country Race 1-4

I love that these brothers get one more year of Cross Country Races together now that they are in the same school again.  Luke, 5th grade, and Matthew 4th grade, race in the same race… 4th/5th GRADE.  I also love that they cheer for each other and are excited with how well each other does.   Cross Country practices were every Monday and Friday morning from 7:45-8:30.  The boys were so eager to get there on time so they can get as many laps as possible.  On the first day of practice, Nathan Buchannon came up to Luke and said, “Luke, I’ve been practicing all summer so I can beat you.”  : )  And he sure did.  He was steps ahead of Luke in every race – but had such sportsmanship in congratulating Luke in a race well run after each meet.    This season was shorter because we usually have a Chinook only race at the beginning but couldn’t because of the construction of the new Middle School.     - - So just 3 races this year.

Race 1

  • Held at Academy International Elementary School with three schools racing. 
  • 1.5 Miles
  • Luke – 2nd Place
  • Matthew – 9th Place

Love these boys!  Ian, Matt and Luke right after the race.

Cross Country Race 1-2

Luke and Nathan – 2nd and 1st Place : )

Cross Country Race 1-3

Luke and Matt with Running Coach, Mr. Patrizi.  : )

Cross Country Race 1-5

Cross Country Race 1-6Cross Country Race 1-8

Race 2

  • Held at DaVince Academy Elementary School with three schools racing. 
  • 1.5 Miles
  • Luke – 3rd Place  (another school’s student took first, Nathan took 2nd)
  • Matthew – 5th Place

Getting ready for the race.

Race 2-1

Race 2-2Race 2-3

Off they go…

Race 2-4

Luke coming in third!!

Race 2-5Race 2-6Race 2-7

Matt coming in fifth…

Race 2-8Race 2-9

Race 2-10

Race 2-12Race 2-13Race 2-14

Race 3

  • Held at Rampart High School with SIX schools racing. 
  • 1.7 Miles
  • Luke – 2nd Place
  • Matthew – 6th Place

Race 3-1Race 3-2Race 3-3

Race 3-4

Race 3-5

Nathan and Luke leading the pack…

Race 3-6

Race 3-7

Matthew and Gavin (Luke’s best friend)…

Race 3-8

Dad, Emily and Megan watching Matt pass Gavin…

Race 3-9

Race 3-10Race 3-11Race 3-12Race 3-13

Race 3-14

Nathan and Luke giving it their all crossing the finish line…     GO CHINOOK!!

Race 3-15

Race 3-16

It was a long hard run.  Luke immediately felt sick and fell to the ground as soon as he reached me.

Race 3-17Race 3-18

Matthew came in 6th!!

Race 3-19Race 3-20

Luke and Nathan                                                  Luke and Matt                                                    Luke and Gavin

Race 3-21Race 3-22Race 3-23
