December–Day by Day

Love to journal our December.  So fun to go through all our Christmas things and get our house decorated.

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The kids always love seeing our old stockings.  Luke thought it was so funny to find a hershey’s kiss in his stocking!!  Who knows how many years that has been here.  This year they decided to hang their old stockings on their bedroom doors so their secret santa could use it.   Megan got straight into reading Christmas books with the boys.

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The kids with their favorite nutcrackers…

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I added a few white and gold stars to the tree this year.  And here’s our newest Jim Shore Santa.  Love him  : )

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I got new Christmas sheets for my birthday!  I love them!

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I found this cute picture of the boys to put in a frame this year.  I just love it!  : )

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Saturday, December 1st – Day of Service

  • It was a good day.  Chris left for National Guard at 5:15. (That’s not the good part.) 
  • But I woke up at 7:30 and got busy exercising and cleaning the house. 
  • Megan and the boys tackled the kitchen without being asked – they knew it was WORLDWIDE DAY OF SERVICE and were quick to serve. : )  It was a productive morning.
  • By 9:00 the house was clean (including my room and bathroom) and most of the laundry folded. 
  • The kids and I started a Christmas movie on Netflix (Princess Switch) and made chocolate chip cookies.  Such a great Saturday morning. 
  • At noon we took cookies over to the Richins and volunteered our services to help do anything they needed.  We cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed and swept, cleaned out their van and washed walls  -  AND held baby Zachary.  They loved that we stopped by. 

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  • At 1:30 we said goodbye and headed over to Matt’s basketball game.  From there he headed over to Anders house and
  • Emily, Megan and I headed to Panera Bread for lunch and errands.  It started snowing big flakes for a minute or two but mostly was just a chilly day.  

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  • At 6:00 we headed over to the Live Nativity at the Stake Center.  It is so beautifully done and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into it.  We got there just as Joseph led Mary on a horse and then the angles sang, and the shepherds and wise men visited the newborn Babe.  We drank hot chocolate and then moved into the cultural hall to see all the nativities.  Two that stood out to me this year was Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus made out of balloons! Really cute.  And a scorched and color faded nativity that had survived a house fire from the Waldo Canyon Fire with a neat story to go with it.  Fun to visit with friends.  We ended the night in the chapel listening to a piano/cello/voice recital, which was beautiful – especially Jen Swensen on the piano.  Beautiful.

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Week One – Light the World

Sunday, December 2nd

  • Sunday.  Buddy the Elf decided to join us and sat perched in the tree.
  • Chris headed to Denver for National Guard. (Counting the days till his time is up).  
  • Emily headed to choir at 10:15 and the rest of us to church at 11:00.
  • By 1:30 my migraine was over the top and I had to leave and head straight to bed.  Friends brought my kids home from church. 
  • At 3:30 I took part of dinner over to a sister that I minister to and then the girls and I headed to the YM/YW planning meeting at the Hales house. 
  • At 6:00 the Theurers and the Facundo’s came over to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional and then eat ice cream and drink Mexican Hot Chocolate.  : )  So fun to have them over. 

Monday, December 3rd

  • Chris headed to Jury Duty downtown but narrowly escaped being chosen and took off for a ski equipment fitting before heading home.
  • I exercised, read the B of M, cleaned and finished up my Christmas cards. 
  • Dad and Emily picked up Megan from basketball practice at 5:30  -- Emily still needs a few night time hours. 
  • We ate rice and vegetables for dinner and then gathered around the table for FHE.  We watched the WEEK ONE VIDEO and then talked about ways we could LIGHT THE WORLD. A powerful video.  We decided to donate money to the Water Aid charity – which we had done last year.  Each of the kids decided how much they would contribute from their own money – which ranged from 5 – 20.  We also talked about the opportunity we had this last week to contribute money towards the FESTIVAL OF TREES in honor of Grandpa Johnson.  Nikole, Ashlyn, Lindsey and Shelley put in a great deal of time thinking, shopping and working on the tree – which was an I SPY themed tree which included various ornaments about him…. 10 golf balls, 9 hidden presents, 8 Army men, 7 Helicopters, 6 Ice Berg Cups, 5 Ladders, 4 Golf Clubs, 3 Luminaries, 2 Coke Bottles, 1 Temple.  They did such a great job. Around the tree were Golf clubs, a sleigh full of BYU stuff (shopped for by Ryan and Katie),  a quilt and Christmas countdown, etc.  What a fun way to remember Grandpa.  The tree earned $2200 which will go to the Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. 
  • After the kids all went to bed Chris and I had a great discussion and planning session.  When we talk we tend to jump from one kid to another, to Christmas present ideas, to parenting and then to future vacations.  It all seems to be intertwined.  I love it.  I love him.

Tuesday, December 4th

  • Chris worked today. 
  • I had a mostly free day and stayed at home getting things done.
  • My Christmas present came early today!!  My new couch was delivered this afternoon.  : )  We donated our old couch to someone who needed it.  #LighttheWorld
  • On Tuesday night we headed over to the Pine Creek Choir Christmas Concert.  It was really fun.  I always love to hear the choirs sing – especially Christmas music.  Love the end song called PEACE, PEACE which the choir sings and then the audience joined in with SILENT NIGHT.  It was beautiful.

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Wednesday, December 5th

  • Chris had a Flex Day today. 
  • We went out to lunch at a new Mexican place and it was not good at all. : (   But still fun to be together.
  • I went and got my haircut and then headed to pick up Emily and take her to piano and then over to a student voice recital. I got a lot of email checking, scripture reading and podcast listening to done while I waited for her.   Boy am I excited to have Emily get her driver’s license!! 
  • Wednesday night Chris had all of the 11-year old Scouts over to our house and taught them how to make fires. 
  • The girls and I headed over to Megan’s house for a YW Christmas party and sock exchange.  It was a fun night.  : )

Thursday, December 6th

  • Chris had the day off and he went skiing with Jon Jackson up to Breckinridge. 
  • St. Nicholas visited our home and the kids got chocolates in their boots.  No picture this year.  : (  Such a busy day!
  • I got snow tires on the van, grocery shopped and then put everything away just as Chris was getting home.
  • He showered and then we headed down to have a meeting with Chris Edwards about Luke’s neurotherapy results and plan.  It was such a great meeting.  I really feel validated being able to talk to him and have him explain why some things are happening based on his scans.  He explains things well.  Not sure if it will totally work, but I feel like we’re at least on the right track. 
  • After our appointment we drove over to Challenger to pick up Megan from basketball, stopped off at home and ate some soup that Ali had dropped by.
  • Then we headed to the temple.  It felt late driving up to the temple in such darkness but it was great to be in the Temple – especially on Stake Temple Night.  We decided to do Sealings and it was such a great experience.  I immediately had the thought that I could be best friends with everyone in that room – even though our ages spanned decades – because of our united desires.  One older woman was doing the work on her father and close relatives.  It was special to be there with her.  I always love the opportunity to be with Chris in the temple, and on the way there and way home as well.  Lots of good time to talk.

Friday, December 7th

  • Typical day.  At 10:00 I headed over to the Stake Center to help set up our market place for the Christmas in Bethlehem Ward Party. We helped several people with their markets and had fun talking to everyone. 
  • Once at home I spent some time on laundry, shopping for deals, cleaning the house.
  • Megan stayed after school for Basketball practice and I picked her up at 4:15.
  • Then we headed to the Ward Christmas Party at 5:15.  Chris met us there.  The party was so well done.  All the market stalls looked really great.  We got our shekels and then went from place to place getting our pita bread, meat, and vegetables for our gyros and then our fruit and desserts.  It was really great. 
  • Chris and I stayed late to help clean up and then invited all of Megan’s friends home to hang out. 
  • Then Chris and I watched an English detective show ‘RIVER’ upstairs.

Saturday, December 8th

  • Chris was on call at the hospital so he left for work early. 
  • Matt and Luke got their jobs done early and then Matt took off for Anders house and they hung out for awhile and then Ali took them both to their basketball game. 
  • I dropped off Emily at the Shops of Briargate to join her school choir for some caroling
  • Drove Luke down to his indoor soccer games.  I watched the first one and then Chris got there for the second one while I headed off to do some errands and picked up Emily. 
  • Then I grabbed Megan and the whole family met at MOD PIZZA for dinner.  Then home for a movie.  : ) 

Week Two – Light the Community

Sunday, December 9th

  • We had a great Sunday.  Church was moved to 2:30-5:30  (for this week only because of another Stake’s Conference) so we decided to have the Jacksons and Larsons over for a big waffle breakfast. #Lightthecommunity   It was so fun!  They came and ate and visited from 9:30 – 11:00. 
  • Chris was on call at the hospital so he left at 11:00. 
  • We enjoyed a couple hours of quiet and then headed to the church just before 2:00. 
  • Church was great.  I taught the Beehives about having a Christ-Centered Home and it was a great discussion.  Love my class – and I’m enjoying getting to know the new girls who came over from the Pine Creek Ward. 
  • We had a quick dinner after church and then headed over to the Stake Christmas Music Devotional at 6:30.  I invited Esme and Dan to join us but Dan was sick so he stayed home, but Esme was excited to come. #lightthecommunity! The music was amazing.  Emma Patterson and Joe Hale always put so much effort into making it a great night.   
  • Chris, Emily, Megan and I stayed up and ate ice cream after the boys went to bed. 

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Monday, December 10th

  • Chris worked today.
  • I got the kids off, got ready and enjoyed a YW’s meeting over at Tiffany’s house. 
  • After the meeting I stayed at the door and talked to Tiffany for a long time – which was great.  Talked a lot about Luke’s neurotherapy and Jaden’s struggles.  
  • I finally ate some breakfast at lunchtime and then worked on a few projects and ordered a few things.  Lots of sale checking.  ; )  
  • At 3:15 I took Emily to Voice Lessons
  • Then back home for Brown rice and Indian Curry with Vegetables before Emily had to head to the Bosses House to babysit.  As a family we worked on some friend and family packages that we’re getting ready to mail and tagged all of our neighbor gifts. #Lightthecommunity and (#Lightthefamily for next week)

Tuesday, December 11th

  • Chris had the day off today. 
  • I got the kids off to school and showered and then we got right to work wrapping presents, looking up present ideas, and ordering things. 
  • At 11:00 we headed off to Thai Mint for lunch together and then over to the mall doing an exchange and checking out a few stores.  We found some things the kids will like and a surprise for later tonight. We stopped at Target to do some shopping and then back home to update our lists and wrap a few more things.  
  • Emily got home and started on homework and then the boys got home and did their homework pretty quick so they could run outside and play soccer together. 
  • I had some hot chocolate and ended up having to reheat it four or five times throughout the hour since I got so distracted. 
  • We also talked to Ryan on the phone and heard about his busy final and project schedule and his great grades.
  • At 5:00 we all headed over to Timberview to watch Megan’s first 8th grade Basketball game. She hasn’t had much experience, but it was fun to see her being aggressive out on the court.  Love that girl.
  • When we got home we ate spaghetti with two different sauces (no meat) and vegetables.
  • Then we had the kids open up a surprise present – a new Pixar 1000 piece puzzle, which we got right to work on.   We started watching THE FAMILY MAN until Chris had to head to a soccer game.

Wednedsay, December 12th

  • Luke and Matt took teacher gifts (Bath and Body Room Spray) to school today.  #Lightthecommunity  
  • It was a productive morning.  I got a lot of laundry and cleaning done and by 10:00 headed out to do some errands.
  • I picked up some groceries and my CHRISTMAS CARDS at Costco and did an exchange at Hobby Lobby and then got a call from Chris saying that he had forgotten his hearing aid and needed it for an audiology appointment.  I ran home and grabbed it and then we talked on the phone the whole time as I drove towards each other for the handoff.  Fun to talk about the podcasts we’ve been listening to lately.  -- Intential Grandparenting  -- Transparency in Marriage  -- LDS stories of faith and ministering     
  • When I got home I quickly wrapped and addressed our packages, picked up Emily from school and dropped her off at piano lessons, mailed the packages at the Post Office, picked up a few things at DICK’s, and then headed home.  Emily is almost finished with her driving hours!!  Yay.  
  • Matt was picked up for CubScouts at 5:50.
  • The 11-year old Scouts met at our house and build fires and made s’mores. 
  • The young women and young men were combined and we collected things for a Homeless Shelter (#Lightthecommunity) played a Christmas song game and then sat in a big circle to have our White Elephant Gift Exchange.   I love our youth and I love being in the youth program!!  It was pretty fun. 
  • Worked on the puzzle and finished FAMILY MAN… then took a bath. : )

Thursday, December 13th

  • Thursday morning Matt and I finished up his Culture Project on Switzerland.  Fun to work on that with him.
  • The boys bundled up and headed off to school and I sent them with chocolate chips for the Teacher Appreciation Hot chocolate bar. #lightthecommunity  
  • I spent the morning in my pajamas addressing Christmas cards – which I always love.
  • I had a migraine that kept getting worse and worse so at 1:30 I headed to bed for several hours and it seemed to make everything better. 
  • Luke stayed after school for All-State Rehearsal and Megan stayed for Basketball. 
  • I headed to her game and met Chris there.  Challenger was playing TCA so we sat by Amy Richins to watch.

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  • When we got home we ate  rice and Indian Sauce and vegetables for dinner and then watched CINDERELLA CHRISTMAS while we finished our new Pixar Puzzle.

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  • Then Chris and I chatted with Ashlyn for almost two hours.  Fun to get caught up.

Friday, December 14th

  • The boys were up early and I decided to tackle their room with them.  I went through all of their clothes and looked at which ones were too small so we could donate them to GoodWill.  #Lightthecommunity   We got their whole room cleaned, 3 baskets of clothes folded and put away, the floor vaccuumed and I had them eat breakfast at seperate times to avoid distraction.  It was a good morning.
  • Then Chris woke up.  Chris had the day off today. 
  • We wrapped presents for an hour and then headed out for lunch at Costa Vida and then a matinee, which we haven’t done for so long.  It was so fun.  Movies and movie theaters (and lunch out for that matter) are definitely Chris’ love language.  We saw INSTANT FAMILY and really enjoyed it.  Lots of laughing and crying.
  • When we got home the kids were all home – which doesn’t happen that often with Megan in basketball.  We had fun talking and preparing a light dinner.
  • Emily headed off to the Hatch’s to babysit,
  • Chris, Megan, Luke and Matt headed off to Target to pick up some lunch stuff and then came home to pack for their ski trip.
  • I headed over to the Shops of Briargate to pick up a few things I had been watching.
  • I got home at 6:30,  and Matthew got ready and was picked up for Basketball
  • Chris, Megan, Luke and I decided to make sugar cookie dough and watch Hoosiers.  I know, random choice, but it was really fun.  We paused half way through so that Chris could go pick up Matthew and Megan and Luke and I put the timer on and cleaned the kitchen in 10 minutes.  We caught Matt up on the movie and then finished it all together.  Luke especially loved it and got pretty excited and anxious at the end with an intense emotional finish.  He was cute to watch it with.  It was fun to watch this movie without a puzzle this time – all the lights off except the Christmas tree and cuddled in blankets. 

Saturday, December 15th

  • Chris, Megan, Luke and Matt left for their day of skiing at Breckinridge at 5:45am.  They met the Jacksons there and had a great day.
  • I slept in till 8:00, worked out for an hour downstairs on the treadmill.  I haven’t been great the last week so it felt good to walk for three miles and then do some floor exercises.
  • I grabbed my yogurt, berry and granola breakfast and caught up on my Book of Mormon reading as I sat by the fire.  Emily came down for breakfast and started on her Book of Mormon reading as well. 

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  • Then she left for a babysitting job and I straightened my room and started journaling here about the last several days. 
  • Saturday night we headed over to the Patterson’s house for their annual Christmas Sing-Along and White Elephant Gift.  It was fun to be there with the Perigos, Rassmussen’s, Murdocks and several other families.  We ate great food and had fun exchanging funny gifts.

Week Three – Light Your Family

Sunday, December 16th

  • 3 hour Church – one of the last days!   Megan Jackson taught the lesson in Beehives, which was great. 
  • After church we delivered our Neighbor Gifts.  This year we used the ‘divide and conquer’ method… Dad and the girls delivered gifts to our Cordera friends and the boys and I delivered gifts to our Pine Creek friends.  : )

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  • We invited the Richins to come to dinner.  We ate Thai Soup – one of our favorite meals – and had a great time visiting with them.  Scott told us that a friend received the impression that the Richins family had angels watching over them during this time.  Scott said he believed that some of those angels were deceased but some were living angels who were helping their family.  He then thanked us for being angels to their family this month.  He got a little choked up – and it made me emotional too.  Love them.    They stayed a long time and we talked and talked.  It was great.
  • Before the dinner the kids had finished helping me get the kitchen ready and were watching funny Christmas youtube videos – the HAMILDOLF is my favorite!!!   I love that there are all squished together. 

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Monday, December 17th

  • Chris is home most of this week.  He scheduled this to be his CME week so he needs to get through 28 Breast Imaging Videos in the next couple days.
  • Emily, Megan and Matt headed off to school and Luke stayed home so he and Chris and I could meet with Chris Edwards downtown Colorado Springs.  We had the opportunity to talk in detail about everything Luke is going through.  It was validating and enlightening and a little emotional to hear Luke explain how it feels to have tics and how being easily distracted has been so difficult.  He talked about anxiety, sleep, explosive emotions, nervousness, tics, etc and quantified them all – how many days a week they happen – and then added a level of how much they impacted his life.  Nothing he said surprised me, but hearing him talk about it all made me a little sad.  When we were done he said, “That was a lot of talking.  I knew all that was going on with me – but I’ve really never explained it all before.  He asked some good questions.  It was good to talk about it all.”   It was great to talk about it all and Chris Edwards did ask some great questions.  I am filled with hope.  We won’t start our neurofeedback sessions until February but we will start some sleep training and some Heart Math (biofeedback) soon.  It will be a busy but good couple of months. 
  • After our session we decided to head to La Baguette with Luke for some French Toast and Quiche.  Luke loved it and we loved being with him.  I dropped off Dad at home and Luke at school and then picked up Emily from half day school, drove friend Riley to her house and then returned home. 

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  • I was able to talk to Scott for awhile who was at the hospital with his boys. (Owen and Nate were hit by a car on Sunday).   He cried telling me the longer story and I cried listening to him be emotional.  Then I cried even more sharing the details with Chris.  Just such an emotional 24 hours.  So grateful they are doing well.
  • I chatted on the phone with Ashlyn and Nikole while Emily drove to Voice Lessons. 
  • Then we had some dinner and went over to the Theurers house for ice cream.  Ali really wanted to catch up and hear how everything was going.  It was so fun.  We just adore their family.

Tuesday, December 18th

  • Chris watched some breast imaging videos at home for a while
  • Chris and I ran over to Chinook Trail to watch Matt do his culture presentation on Switzerland. He was so :-) when we walked in and did a great job on his presentation. We brought Swiss cheese so that all the kids could taste it.

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  • Then Chris and I ran home to make some decisions on presents and then headed to Panera bread for lunch and some shopping at shops of Briargate. I love being with him during the day.
  • I took Emily to a make up lesson for piano while Chris watched some more mammography videos
  • Chris watched Megan play basketball at Challenger. He said that she played really well and took notes of all her stats.
  • We hosted Bob’s soccer team for a Christmas dinner and present exchange. It was a lot of fun! We sure love hosting. The new coach, Dan, spoke to the girls and parents for a minute and we are excited to have him.

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  • After the party the girls got studying And Chris helped the boys meditate before heading to bed. Then we locked ourselves in our room. :)

Wednesday, December 19th

  • Chris worked up in Denver with the National Guard today.
  • I got some December journaling done, finished off the last few Christmas cards, ordered a few things online, like fudge for the Christofferson’s, worked on the schedule for when the kids are home, got dressed.
  • Drove Emily to her friend Christmas party at Caroline‘s house from 12 to 2.
  • Drove Emily swing dance practice from 2 to 3.
  • Drove Emily to piano lessons from 3:15 to 4.
  • Picked up Megan from basketball and took her over to swing dance lessons from 4:30 to 5:15.  Lots of Driving today!!
  • Took Matt to Cubs where he finished up this cute ornament for us!

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  • We had the BEEHIVE Christmas party at our house.  We colored Ugly Christmas Sweaters, Wrote 3 Word Answer Journals, Ate treats and played downstairs.  

Thursday, December 20th

  • Chris and I left the house at 10:30 for the Travel Medical office where we got a few shots and prescriptions for our upcoming Thailand trip.
  • Headed to Denver to pick up Ryan and Katie from the Denver Airport.
  • Headed to Chris’ favorite Sabor restaurant for burritos and then over to Park Meadow’s Mall to do a little shopping.

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  • Home to see the family and hang out.  Neighbor goodies being delivered left and right.  We enjoyed some treats and hot chocolate and started another puzzle.

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Friday, December 21st

  • We got the kids off to school for their LAST DAY
  • Katie and I did an ABS workout together – which was fun.  
  • Buddy the Elf has been moving around the house and finding some great places to spy.

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  • Ryan wrapped some presents.

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  • Emily got home from her last final and then Chris and I took Ryan, Katie and Emily to Modern Market for lunch.

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  • Then we ran through COSTCO to grab a few things and then headed to the movie theater to see CREED 2.  We loved it. Chris and Ryan really loved it – getting emotional with all of the nostalgic music and dramatic ending.  It’s so fun to see movies in the theater in the middle of the afternoon. 
  • Megan, Luke and Matt got home from school with Christmas party stories and goodies and shouts of joy for a much needed break. 
  • Katie dropped off Emily and Megan at the Hansen’s house and they had a great time performing a couple Christmas Swing Dances at a local Care Center.
  • We ate leftover taco stuff for dinner and Katie and Emily did some grocery shopping for me – which was awesome.  Boy do I love having a driver or two at home. 
  • Megan went to Carter Wyeth’s house for pizza and then the group of them headed over to Brynnley Hale’s house to decorate cookies and watch a movie.  Such great friends. 
  • Katie and Emily went to Maggie’s house for a girlfriend party and they watched While You Were Sleeping. 
  • Ryan, Chris, Luke and I played CASTLES and then watched SOLO (Ryan’s first time seeing it.)  Everything is so fun with these kids.

Saturday, December 22nd

  • Chris and the kids left for Breckenridge at 6:00am.
  • I could hear them gathering their things and eating breakfast and was happy I wasn’t joining them.  I did, however, have a headache so I took a drink of water with some Tylenol and then went back to sleep until 8:50 – later than I usually can sleep in.  It feels like a ‘free day’ when everyone is gone skiing.  I ran on the treadmill, read my Book of Mormon, straightened the kitchen, showered and did my hair, and  wrapped a few presents while it snowed outside – while drinking hot chocolate and eating a few joe-joe’s!   I then sat at the table and penciled in all of our travel plans in my new 2019 calendar – something I’ve been anxious to do for quite a few weeks.

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  • Then I ran over to Target.  The parking lot was at full capacity and it just made me smile.  I know most people are frustrated with long lines and crowds of people, but it just makes me happy.  I feel connected to random strangers knowing that we are all there to pick up last minute things for special meals and people we love.  I just love the excitement of it all. 
  • By the time I got back at 4:00, Chris and the kids had just pulled in from their ski day.  Taking 6 kids skiing is no small task and I applaud his mostly patient dedication to helping his kids love skiing.  Although he would have loved to stay longer, the group of them were done at 1:00.  Windy conditions and cold toes today… but they had a great time and everyone was happy they went.  They cleaned out the van, put their clothes in the wash, and showered. 
  • Ryan helped me make dinner and Matt set the table.  We ate rice, sauce, vegetables and salad and Chris talked to us about the latest podcasts he’s been listening to about health.  We had fun talks and could barely finish any conversation without hysterical laughing and inside jokes. 
  • We practiced our ‘Goofy’ song while we did the dishes.   Dad and the kids finished Home Alone and finished the Disney puzzle, while I worked on Grandma Johnson’s calendar. 
  • Then we watched home videos from Germany – random ones that we don’t usually watch – and we laughed.  And like normal, Chris reached for my hand as if to say, “Those were such good days.’  Ryan is so much fun to watch with.  Everything the kids do in the videos is hysterical to him.  He laughs so hard he cries.  It’s fun to watch him.
  • Katie headed out with friends, the boys headed down to play a little Wii, and Ryan, Emily, Megan, Chris and I played Istanbul.  It was a good day.  : )

Week Four – Light Your Testimony

Sunday, December 23rd – Christmas Adam

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  • Oh what a great day!  I made scrambled eggs for everyone.  Chris, Katie, Emily, Megan and Luke headed to the church at 9:30 for Choir Practice.  And Ryan, Matt and I followed for Sacrament Meeting at 11:00.

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  • The program turned out very nicely.  After it was over Luke kept saying things like, “Mom, I’m always going to be in the Choir because I felt the Spirit so strongly”   and “This is the best day ever.”  I’m so glad.  Love that emotional kid.  Chris played the piano for one of the choir songs and did a great job. 
  • When we got home we ate nachos and changed into other clothes and headed over to the Care Center to sing and perform for the residents.  It was really a fun time.  The Theurers organized the event and invited the Hales, Jacksons and us.  We sang some songs together and then several people did small group numbers of played musical instruments.  We performed our ‘Goofy’ Christmas song and it was a hit.  Luke said, “Mom, I’m feeling the Spirit so much in one day.”  It was neat to be singing and serving together and talking with the residents.

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  • On our way home we decided to head over to the Larsons and sing WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS to them.  They loved it.  In fact, Mindy was close to tears and said it made her day.  Ryan is deployed this year and thought he was going to be able to come home but then they declined it.  Very sad.  Mindy’s parents (Bishop and Cheryl Lant) were able to come for Christmas so that was good.  They were there so we were able to talk to them for a little while and chat with Mindy.  Love their family.

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  • Spontaneously we invited the Theurers to come over and have some Squamish Bars.  Anders was pretty thrilled and when Ali said, “Ok, we’ll come over for a bit!” then Anders kept saying “No take-backs!  No take-backs!”  It made us laugh and we repeated the phrase several times throughout the night.   Fun to talk to them and then the Jacksons came over and we made crepes for everyone.  It was such a fun night. 
  • When everyone was leaving, Matt turned to me with big eyes and said, “Mom!  It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow!!  Do I have all my presents?   I just hugged him.  He continued – “Mom, Do I have Dad’s present?”  and then I whispered it into his ear.  “Oh ya!  Do I have Katie’s present?”  and then I whispered it into his ear.  “Oh ya!”  Ok – I do have all my presents!!   Exciting stuff! 
  • When everyone left we pulled out another puzzle and watched ELF and I made the Pretzel Jell-O.

Monday, December 24th – Christmas Eve

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  • Chris ran an errand to Target with Luke, and Ryan picked up some rolls from Kneaders while the rest of us got ready for our Christmas Eve Brunch at the Jacksons house.  We brought fruit and fruit dip.  The breakfast was great! French toast, Hot Chocolate and Wassail, fruit and fruit dip, yogurt and granola.  It was the Egberts, Hales, Theurers,  Jacksons and us.  Such a fun group.  We sat around the table for hours talking. 
  • After the breakfast we ran home to put the meat in the crockpot and grab sweatshirts and blankets and head to the movie theater.  We had reserved 8 reclining seats for MARY POPPINGS RETURNS.  We really enjoyed it – very nostalgic.  Love these recliner seats. We didn’t see Captain Marvel but everyone is so excited for it that we had to take a picture.  Comes out in March.

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  • Back at home we worked together to get dinner ready.  Roast, Potatoes and Gravy, Creamed Corn, Rolls, and Pretzel Jell-o.  I had told the kids to set the table with big red plates and small plaid plates but when I went in there the plaid plates had been taken away.  What is going on here!’ I said a little frustrated.  (My migraine was really getting bad).  Then Chris told me to sit down, and I found wrapped presents sitting at my chair.  I knew immediately there were new Pottery Barn candy cane plates.  I opened them up and we immediately washed and used them for Christmas Eve Dinner.   Love my husband. 
  • I barely made it through dinner, while trying to apply pressure to my head.  I excused myself as soon as I had finished eating and went straight to bed while Chris and the kids cleaned up.  I tried sleeping but wasn’t able to.  Then I tried a bath.  I got dressed and came downstairs again to see what the kids were doing.  I just didn’t want to miss out on anything – but I was still in so much pain that I ended up crying to Chris and he sent me back to bed.  This time I was finally able to sleep.
  • At 8:15 he came to check on me and my migraine had finally settled down.  Chris and the kids had been playing ping pong, and pool down in the basement.  We gathered in the dimly lit living room and watched a few '#Lightmyworld videos which made me cry and talked about ways we could #lightyourtestimony this week and throughout the year.  Then we Read from Luke 2 and then watched  several nativity videos which were really great. 
  • We took Christmas Eve Pajama pictures, got Santa’s plate ready, ate a few chocolate covered Joe-Joe’s and Squamish Bars.
  • Then  we bundled up for a spontaneous trip through the neighborhood to go see Christmas lights.  We stopped in front of one for quite a while watching the lights flicker to the different Christmas songs coming through the Radio.  It was perfect. 
  • The kids decided to all sleep in Emily’s room so they pulled Megan/Katie’s mattress and Matt’s mattress and squished together.  Chris successfully ‘locked’ them in their room AND hyped them up so they would couldn’t possibly sleep.  Ryan had been looking forward to all of our Christmas traditions but really didn’t want to miss this one.   
  • Chris and I stayed up to get a few more things wrapped and ready and then headed to bed.  Love doing everything with him.  I couldn’t sleep for awhile – I guess because of my earlier nap and just the excitement of Christmas.  : )

Tuesday, December 25th – Christmas Day

What a great day. ( Pictures on separate post)

  • My alarm went off at 7:30 and I longed for another half hour.  Not quite enough sleep.  Chris was already in the shower and the kids were going to call any second.   I got up and changed into my black leggings and white athleta jacket while Chris went and got the kids one by one and brought them into our room. 
  • We had a family prayer and then headed down stairs. 
  • The kids were SO excited.  Chris and I were so excited too.   The boys saw the Nintento Switch and went crazy.  Katie saw Emily’s HAMILTON printout and had to point it out to Emily who immediately smiled and then got emotional.  She gave Chris and I a hug and said, “This is for Santa.”  It was pretty cute.  Katie was excited about her blanket and Ryan was excited about his Frisbee (and the SWITCH!)  
  • Everyone sat down to look through their stockings.  Ryan got a tie, lots of socks, deodorant and toothpaste and a chocolate bar.  Katie got earrings, make up, deodorant and toothpaste and mints and candy.  Emily got Mickey Mouse socks, makeup, goldfish crackers and mints and candy.  Megan got a headband, Stranger Things socks, mascara, goldfish crackers and mints/candy.  Luke and Matt got a few treats and Gimli and Legolas figurines.  Dad got golf balls and socks and treats.
  • Dad started making Christmas breakfast with Emily’s help and Ryan and Megan went outside to play with Ryan’s frisbee.
  • After we ate we headed back to the couch to start opening presents.  Matt picked the first present and we watched each other open.  It was such a great day. 
  • One funny thing was that Ryan wrapped a present for Emily but when she opened the first layer of wrapping paper, there was new wrapping paper and a new tag saying to Luke.  They had joked about doing that when they were wrapping a present and then Ryan did it.  Later in the morning someone gave a present to Dad, and while he opened it he said “Oh good, no second layer of wrapping paper.  It really is for me.”  Then he opened the box and found another box wrapped that said it was for Luke.  It was pretty funny.  Luke started unwrapping it and found another present wrapped that said ‘TO RYAN’.  It was pretty funny – especially that they had both done it.
  • Another funny moment was when Emily gifted Dad a trophy that said, “WORLD’S GREATEST GRANDMA’  -- It’s a joke from the Antman and the Wasp movie.  Dad thought it was hysterical.

Some favorites –

    • Chris: New Jim Shore Reindeer Santa, BYU license plate and Royal Jacket and socks, two new expansions: Istanbul and Splendor! : )
    • Lisa: My Pottery barn couch, my Athleta clothes ( purple sweatshirt and turquoise workout shirt)  and Anastaia tickets.
    • Ryan: Dominion, clothes & shoes, gift cards (including $ to see Captain Marvel from Emily)
    • Katie: Rifle Paper Co. Calendar, Notebooks, New Vans, $$ to shop
    • Emily: Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, Mickey Mouse waffle iron,
    • Megan: Her Stranger Things Sweatshirt (from Emily), her soccer ball (from G&G Walton) and her Vans (from Dad and I)
    • Luke: The Walkie Talkies, The Switch (and all the things with that), Zelda 3DS game (and a BIKE!)
    • Matthew: The Switch, The two new controllers, Super Smash Bros.
  • We finished up opening presents at about 12:30. 
  • We ate ‘second breakfast’
  • I talked to my mom on the phone and then Chris and I took a little nap.  I wasn’t able to sleep that well, but it was good to rest. 
  • When we headed downstairs Chris, Ryan, Emily and I played Istanbul with the new Coffee Expansion.  We’re hooked already. I won and Ryan was a very close second!!  It was fun! 
  • Meanwhile, Luke and Matt figured out how to use their walkie talkies and played Super Smash on the SWITCH and Katie wrapped up in Emily’s electric blanket and watched Pysche and Megan kicked around her soccerball. 
  • At 4:45 Chris and the kids facetimed Grandma and all the Johnsons.
  • Then we headed over to the Richins for dinner.  The Jacksons and Swensens joined us as well.  It was fun to visit about our Christmas mornings.  We ate a great dinner and then sang some songs and then had a great ‘Snowball fight’ in the basement.  Fun stuff!! 
  • When we got home Ryan, Emily, Chris and I played another game of Istanbul.  Dad won!    We were in bed by 10:45.  So nice to get a good night sleep.

Wednesday, December 26th – Boxing Day

  • Chris headed to work today.
  • I slept until 7:40, exercised, showered and then got the kids eating breakfast and then doing an hour of cleaning.  We got everything straightened up and vacuumed and it was great.  
  • Katie didn’t feel great so she didn’t want to go shopping.  We hung out at home all day and it was nice and relaxing!

Thursday, December 27 - Emily’s celebrated birthday

  • Shopping with the girls. Sweaters at American Eagle. Vans at the van store
  • Lunch with Dad at la Baguette.
  • Opened presents for Emily with the family.
  • Katie invited lots of friends over to help Emily celebrate.
  • Ryan Megan Luke Dad and Mom played Istanbul.

Friday, December 28th – Emily’s real 16th Birthday

  • We spent most of the day getting the van packed and the house ready to leave.
  • Dad and kids left at 3:20
  • Mary Seaquist drive me to the airport at 4:30.   I got lots of Christmas journal writing done as I waited, flew, waited in Denver and flew again.  Shelley picked me up and drove me to her house where I picked up the Mazda.  Then I drove to my parents house in Provo.
  • Chris and the kids arrived a half hour after I did – at 12:30am.  We talked with Grandma, Mike and Carly for a while and then headed to bed.  : )  Fun to be here.
