Trip to Pick up Ryan - Bruges, Belgium

Funny enough, we ended up staying in the same hotel here that we’ve stayed before - and really just by coincidence. I guess our tastes in hotels are exactly the same. It’s a cute place, with great rooms, a cute courtyard and so close to the city center. Chris found underground city parking nearby and we checked in about 10:30pm. I thought we did a pretty good job of ‘staying up’ and settling into the new time zone. We quickly got in bed and had no trouble sleeping until morning.

We headed out to the main square and spotted a bakery on our way. We grabbed a chocolate brioche and a chocolate croissant to share on a park bench in the main Square. We decided to skip the tower because of the line and the steep 15 Euro per person price and just started walking.

I had looked up LDS church buildings but there were none within a 50 minute drive so we were pleased to find a Cathedra with a serve starting. A choir was practicing — here visiting from England — and the acoustics were just beautiful. We moved up to closer seats and were able to enjoy a Catholic service spoken mostly in Flemish, but a little in 3 other languages, including English. We watched as they partook of their sacramental bread wafers and the priests drank the water and they paid tithing when the baskets came around. The choir was amazing. When the service was over the line of clergymen carrying their honored vials of holy blood paraded right passed us. It was a cool experience to be in such a beautiful cathedral and worship with them. I thought several times about my own knowledge and testimony and how grateful I am to believe in Jesus Christ.

We continued wandering, got more Belgian fries for lunch — this time with two great sauces — vegetable tartar sauce and the traditional flemish gravy. Both were great. We headed back to the hotel after walking around and enjoyed a little afternoon nap.

It rained when we got back out so we grabbed an umbrella thinking we might have rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. We walked around in the rain and got the most delicious Belgium waffles for dinner. Chocolate and bananas for Chris and chocolate, cream, ice cream and strawberries for me. So good!

One of Bruges most famous chocolate shops. Love this little brick building which has stayed put for hundreds of years.

After getting ‘lost’ in the streets of Brugge we stumbled upon a forested walkway which circled the city. It was so peaceful - so many other people enjoying it as well.

We headed back to the waffle place and grabbed gelato for dessert. Amarena of course, and then enjoyed the city as the sun went down and most of the tourists headed back to their hotels.

After coming across a tango festival and watching for awhile we headed back to a specific bridge for a few pictures. We met a couple from England who asked if we’d like a picture of the two of us together . Of course we do! We got talking and they happily shared that they were celebrating their first anniversary. They were shocked when we answered that we’d been married for 22. We walked away feeling pretty impressed with ourselves. So glad to be traveling with Chris. Really, he’s the best. And this city… we love it!

Back at the hotel we face-timed the kids and then went to bed. We logged 25,635 steps today (almost 13 miles).

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