End of Year Artwork and Assignments - Luke 4th Grade

Luke had a great year at School in the Woods. Here are pictures of some of his artwork and assignments.

Highlights from Luke’s Portfolio

The Turkey Trot was so fun. As you can imagine Luke was one of the toughest runners. He’s amazing!

I volunteered as the Photographer helper so each week I went in to the school and inserted the new photographer’s pictures into the template I created and printed them out to hang on the wall. Then I moved them to the photographer’s binder the following week. It was definitely a lot of work but fun to do with the kids.

Luke has such fond memories of these teachers… especially Mr. Perry and Mrs. Frei

Spring Field Project

Luke worked long and hard on his Spring Field Project. He picked to work on Forestry and spend months studying and writing up his report. He’s such a perfectionist that we had to go in to the school on a teacher workday so he could finish up his write-up. It paid off though as Luke got ‘Exceeds’ in every category.

Well done Luke!

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