Trip to Utah - Waltons

Backyard Fun

Grandma and Grandpa’s backyard is so fun. Roasting hot dogs for dinner and lots of shooting practice. — June 23rd (Ryan’s birthday but he’s on his mission).

Nightly Walks around the Neighborhood

We love where Grandma and Grandpa live. It’s fun to walk around the neighborhood and check out the view of the valley below. Summer weather is the best. June 23rd

Hike to Timpanogos Caves

The boys got to ride with Grandma and Grandpa in Grandpa’s jeep all the way up Provo Canyon and they were pretty excited about it. It’s been years and years since we’ve hiked up to Timp Caves and a new adventure for the kids. It was a beautiful day. Love it here in the summer. June 25th

Brian took an extended lunch break and met us there!

Dinner at Cubby’s

The party never stops. After hiking up to Timp Caves, we headed into Provo for dinner at Cubby’s and then had fun walking around on Main Street and by the Provo City Center Temple.

Taking turns in the Jeep

At one of the intersections I decided I wanted to ride in the jeep and switched places with Luke. It’s so fun to ride in - especially with the sides open on a summer’s night.

Squaw Peak

One more jeep trip for the day. Dad took Chris and I up to Squaw Peak to watch the sunset. What a great view of the valley and Provo Lake.

Fourth of July Hot Air Balloon Festival

We woke up bright and early for the Provo Fourth of July Hot Air Balloon Festival and met Scott, Elisha and kids on the fields. We wandered around and checked out all the different balloons as they filled up with air. I just LOVE taking pictures!

It was so fun to watch the colors become even more vibrant as the sun peeked over the mountains.


4th of July Parade

Why do I keep going to Fourth of July parades? I guess because the kids love it. It definitely was fun to see Cosmo the Cougar and some of the BYU cheerleaders but boy was it hot. Scott and I ducked into the shade for awhile to cool off and talk. I do love to see everyone all dressed in their red, white and blue.

Picnic up Provo Canyon

It was fun to relax in the shade up at a park in the canyons. We ate sandwiches and treats, relaxed on blankets and hung out. — July 4th

The Best Pool

Scott and Elisha’s friends invited us to use their pool while we were in town. It was amazing. The kids loved being here. — July 5th

Hanging out at Scott’s House

The kids love being at Scott’s house. Good food and lots of fun things to do with cousins. Today Scott and his neighbors put on a firework show. We sat out on the lawn and watched everything explode. — July 5th

Boys Sleepover

Megan stayed the night with Molly — and Foster and Nate came and spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Sleepover for the boys and breakfast out on the deck.

Love this picture. The boys huddled around Grandpa’s computer watching whatever video Grandpa has found at the time.

— July 6th

Epic Waterslides

Grandma and Grandpa’s Bishop lives behind them and told Grandpa that when his grandkids come they’d be happy to pull out the big waterslide. What a nice gesture! We had no idea how nice until they started to put it up. So thoughtful of them. the kids LOVED it!

July 6th

Grandpa got lots of footage and put it all together in a video.

Such nice chairs to sit in and relax.

After a while Elisha brought Megan, Molly and kids over to join in the fun. Even Grandma tried it out!

Shuffleboard with Katie

After Katie’s summer term classes we picked her up and brought her back to hang out with us. It’s her birthday!! and she’s officially 18!

— July 6th

Katie’s 18th Birthday Dinner and Shopping with the Girls

We ate dinner at a fun Mexican restaurant and then headed to Riverwoods to shop for a bit. Katie loves to walk around and look through shops — just like me. Especially fun to check out what’s new at Called to Surf. — July 6th

Sunday Night Walk

A Sunday Night Walk with Grandma and Grandpa and Scott and Elisha and kids. July 8th

Cute Katie Girl — 18 years old

Shooting with Grandpa

These boys love being able to shoot tin cans in the backyard with Grandpa. — July 9th

Brian’s house for FHE

On Monday night we headed over to Brian’s house to hang out. He showed us his laser cuter and cut some things out for the kids. We ate cookies, read cool coffee table books, checked out his new decor and tried out some new SWITCH games and activities. Always fun to hang out with Brian. — July 9th

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