Trip to Pick up Ryan - Shkodër, Albania

We woke up in Bar, Montenegro and went straight to the top floor to enjoy the pool for an hour or two before breakfast and checking out. It was perfect weather and such a cute little rooftop paradise. Ryan’s first ‘pool swim’ after his mission. So nice to sit and relax before our day’s excursions.

Rozafa Castle

We drove an hour from our hotel in Bar, Montenegro across the border to the Rozafa Castle in Shkodër, Albania. This was Ryan’s first area and he had visited the castle a couple of times. Beautiful view of Lake Skadar and the surrounding farmlands.


Ryan by a map of Albania and then by the statue of Mother Teresa — an Albanian!

We walked through Shkodër’s main street and headed to Ryan’s favorite restaurant… Vila Bekteshi. We sat up on the top floor out on an open air balcony with fans. It was great. We ordered typical greek salads, spaghetti, potato salad, bread, fried potatoes and water. It was a great spread.

It was great to visit the Shkodër church building. The missionaries were there so we could go in and have a look around. So neat to see where they gather for Sacrament meeting and where the missionaries work in an office in the back. The font was so interesting as well. A small rented space but with the same LDS pictures and spirit.

After wandering around Shkodër, we drove an hour and a half back to Tirana and checked back into our Tirana Hotel.

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