Elders Quorum Ski Trip

The Elders Quorum came up with the great idea of putting together a day of skiing with whoever could participate on Thursday February 28th. Unfortunately, I was on call the night before and the internet went down which meant we had no teleradiology coverage for many hours in the middle of the night. So I was at the hospital until about 2am, slept for a couple hours, and then met at Pete Theurer’s house at 5:30am. I thought I would sleep on the drive to the slopes, but it didn’t happen.

We went to Breckenridge and had a great day. Pete and Jon Jackson are amazing skiers. The rest of us were adequate. The other guys who came were Ryan Larson, Brik Nielson, Stan Vincent, and Derek Hatch. Pete and Jon were nice enough to hang around with us for most of the day. But they did make us climb to the top of a specific peak to ski down some very steep powder runs. Most of us were not that excited, but in the end I was really glad we did it. It was the highlight of the day. Jon and Pete ended up climbing even higher than the rest of us and we watched them make it look really easy. It is really fun to ski without kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love skiing with my kids, but it is nice to ski really hard and not have to worry about anybody else on the slopes.

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