Girls Trip - Boleslawiec, Poland

We were up early eating breakfast at the Blue Beetroot and headed to Andy’s to start our shopping. Andy’s is Heidi’s favorite. She has known the owners for years and years because of all her trips over the past 18 years. I took some pictures of the gals and wandered but nothing here grabbed me. I have a specific line of pottery that I was waiting for at the next store. It was so interesting to watch the ladies at their tables in the back working on each individual piece of pottery. Amazing, really.

At the next store Manufactura - there were some great new patterns (like the one below). Just beautiful. Lots of the pottery I just don’t like at all, some I really appreciate but don’t need, and then a few — like the multi colored pattern I’ve been collecting for several years - I just love. I found lots of my pattern so I got a couple baking dishes to add to my collection! Yay!

Then on to the next stop. I forget the name of this store but it ended up having a navy blue pattern that Melissa and Megan fell in love with. There were only a couple of bowls out but the worker could see they were interested and starting unboxing more and more and bringing them out to us in piles. Helping them look through them made me fall in love with them too! They were way cheaper that our other ‘multi-colored’ pattern and so we just couldn’t help ourselves and walked away with piles after LOTS of time dedicated to studying each piece. Emma got some too! Good thing we have Heidi’s military shipment to get all these pieces back to the States! So fun to be back here with each other. We spent a lot of time reminiscing of past pottery shopping trips. So fun.

We stopped for lunch at a great Polish restaurant and climbed the wooden stairs to our table in the loft. I ordered potato pancakes with applesauce and it was delicious and more than I could eat myself. We tried everyone’s food and everything was great.

After lunch we headed back to a few stores and even ran back to the blue pottery store for anything we might regret not getting. I grabbed one more tray which I’m excited about.

At the end of a long day of shopping we headed back to the the Blue Beetroot and unpacked all of our boxes of pottery (you can see above how packed our van was!) plus all of our Seiffen treasures, put them into piles for each person, tried to condense our boxes and then repacked them into the van. Using my tetris skills I sat in the back of the van and tried to make use of every pocket of space so that everything would fit back in. It was pretty funny. So glad Heidi rented that van — and that we took out the last bench — there’s no way we could have fit it all

We enjoyed dinner and our evening at the Blue Beetroot. We loved gathering in the big ‘seven dwarfs’ room (because there are so many single beds in a row) talking, eating European chocolate and laughing about different videos like the CoinciDANCE. It was a good night. In the morning we ate breakfast, packed the van with our suitcases and headed on to Dresden. So long, Poland!