Miscellaneous September, October and November

Cute Sisters


St. George Labor Day Weekend fun with Shelley and Ashlyn — Lunch with Megan and Ali — 100 Days before Christmas party — Soccer practice for Megan (United), Luke (United) and Matt (Red) — A trip to Tennessee with Adam and Marilee — Day date with Chris — Chris’ St. George Golf Trip — Helping Mary move in to her new house — Relief Society Recipe Swap — Primary Program Practice on Saturday night and then the Program on Sunday — Several Cross Country Meets for Luke — Ice Blocking for the YW and YM — Several Adventure Thursday Hiking days with friends — Emily’s ‘GIRL’S ASK’ Date with friends —

When Luke started training for cross country, then he was pretty sore. He had soccer practices right after cross country runs and told his coach told him to take an ice bath, so he did! Literally freezing! Way to go Luke!

And look at how skinny this kid is. Because of his celiac disease the good nutrients have a hard time getting to where they are needed.


General Conference with Grandma and Grandpa Walton — Trip to the ER for Megan’s Broken Collarbone — Luke running home from school midday : ( — Emily working lots at Freddy’s — Soccer practices for Luke and Matt — Ameritown Field Trip for Matthew — Cross Country practices and Meets for Matthew — Stake Conference — Parent/Teacher Conferences for Luke and Matt — Podcast Club at Michelle’s house — Emily’s NHS Induction Night — Piano lessons for Emily — A trip to Portugal for Mom and Dad — Lots of appointments for me: Dentist appointment, PAP Smear appointment, Endodontist appointment, new IUD appointment — Rocky Mountain High class for Emily — SNOWSTORMS including two snow days and one 2 hour delay — The Ward Trunk or Treat — Halloween Pot Luck Dinner and Party —

Megan looking cute with her pink hoodie and her ever present sling. Her collarbone is healing well!

Just repainted my pantry. Finally. It was one of those things I had wanted to do for a long time but no one else ever noticed. Except when I told Katie I was painting it white she said, “Finally!” - which I loved. One of the days that we had a crazy snowstorm, I just decided to start painting. Chris was home too. We watched one of the Harry Potter movies in the morning and then started painting in the afternoon. It looks so much better WHITE!


Friday night dinner at Pei Wei with the Jacksons — The Temple and Priesthood Presentation (put on by the Primary) — Luke’s last soccer game in the snow and a trip to Torchy’s afterwards — Chris working in Nebraska for the week — Day of Concecration at the Denver Temple — Phantom of the Opera with Emily — Luke’s Friend Birthday Party — Youth Temple Trip — Podcast Club Lunch at Andrea’s house — Lunch at Chick-Fil-A with Missie and lunch at Mod Market with my ministering sisters — BYU Games — My birthday! — The Fall Swing Dance Recital with just Emily! — Thanksgiving at our house and the Face to Face — Luke’s 12th Birthday — Flying to Vegas and driving to CALIFORNIA for our Newport Beach/Disneyland/San Diego Thanksgiving Week!

Emily and Riley heading off to All-State Tryouts one Saturday morning - Riley came over to get ready and they made pancakes together. AND THEY BOTH MADE IT! SO EXCITED FOR THEM!

Matt leaving for school one day. Love having him home in the mornings for just a little longer than the rest of the kids. This is the last year for that!

Emily - Almost 17

  • She loves Hallmark movies (who doesn’t?)

  • She loves Downtown Abbey - Dad, Emily and I are watching the whole series again

  • She loves Brooklyn 99 and Psych- So funny!

  • This girls loves snow and the Christmas season. She’s been listening to Christmas music for weeks!

  • She’s been into the new app: Mario Kart

  • Likes to go to Platos with Maggie (and buying cheap clothes)

  • Loves her new striped sweater from Madewell

  • Loves her new ‘polar bear’ jacket - super fuzzy and warm.

  • Loves the Temple - she just went to do baptisms on Saturday.

  • Loves making schedules!!

  • She’s working at Freddy’s a couple times a week.

  • She’s working on lots of service hours for NHS

  • She’s trying to finish her Personal Progress a second time before December!

  • Loves to tease her Dad

Luke’s 12th Birthday Party

Luke invited several guys to come hang out for the night. We put together a ‘make your own pizza bar’ and then the boys filled out the Luke Questionnaire - made perfectly by Megan. Emily, Megan, and Matthew naturally joined Luke up at the front of the room to go over the ‘answers’. The boys were pretty interested in getting everything right and the volume was LOUD. They played some Ghost in the Graveyard outside, some Guestures - which was pretty exciting, and enjoyed some time downstairs playing video games, eating snacks and having ice cream. I think it was a pretty great night.

Katie’s Christmas Packages

So fun to get Christmas packages ready for Katie this month. I found cute paper and for our 100 days before Christmas party we made a banner and chain for her. Then I found little presents for every other day in December… mints, mango lotion, a kath kinston bag, Christmas Junior Mints, Stephens Hot Chocolate, christmas paper and tape, an apple cider candle, peppermint EOS etc. I wrapped them all up in black and white buffalo check paper with a date on the outside of when she can open it. Each present has an added note inside it from one of us. I think it will be pretty fun! I found the sleigh at Target and filled it with Christmas York’s. Katie’s second package will be filled with presents and a stocking full of fun for Christmas morning.

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