Getting Ready for the new School Year

A week before school started Luke and Matt and I headed down to the new Middle School for the ‘Ribbon Cutting Ceremony’. It was fun to be there to witness the official opening of the school — especially since we’ve been watching the construction for the last several years. The timing could not have been better. Luke and Matt will both be here for their entire Middle School years. So excited for them. It’s such a great school. The actual building is pretty amazing. The principal is fantastic and I’m excited about good teachers who are eager to teach a new ‘project based learning’ way. It’s going to be great.

After the ceremony and a tour through the school, Luke headed to his first cross country practice. Exciting!

Matt and I headed over to the Elementary School and found out that Matt got Mrs. Craddock for 5th grade. We could not be happier! We found his seat and checked out her vast Pooh collection and then went and found Anders and Cade to enjoy the Kona Ice Shack. It’s going to be a great year.

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