Vail - Ski Weekend

We spent President’s Day Weekend skiing up in Vail with the Jacksons and Larsons - our fellow military friends. With $99 Military EPIC passes, Chris was excited to ski in some great resorts this season. Friday morning we packed the van and headed straight to resort. Chris and the kids skied for hours while I read in the lodge. I think they had a great time.

Pics from Chris up on the slopes…

We rented a house in Eagle — 30 minutes away but way more affordable than anything in right in Vail. It was plenty big enough for our three families with a basement for the kids, which was nice. We made big Mexican, Italian and German pancake meals together, ate plenty of desserts and treats, played games and did a lot of talking.

Saturday the whole crew went skiing to Beaver Creek — except Megan who was sick, and Emma with her broken arm. I stayed back with my book, my laptop and my Stephens Hot Chocolate and my day was so relaxing. I just love it when everyone heads to the slopes without me.

Sunday we went to church in Eagle. It was great to be there, and was especially fun when Emily recognized two friends from her EFY group last summer. It was fun for them to reconnect and take pictures. Back at the house we ate Megan’s German pancakes and then did ‘Family church’ studying the Come Follow Me curriculum all together. Then we went for a walk through the neighborhood. Love having all these kids together.

Monday we checked out of the house and headed straight to Vail for another day of skiing and then home.