Christmas Day

The kids called bright and early at 7:30 - our pre-approved wake time. We got ready for a few minutes and then Dad ushered them into our room - one by one. Katie called and it was fun to share the excitement of the morning with her as we got ready. When we walked downstairs, Ryan carried Katie so she was in the right place for the lineup.

The boys spotted ripsticks placed by their stockings and were overjoyed. Blury pictures but I loved how it captured some of their excitement.

Ryan went straight for his stocking happy to see a little ‘GO SUSHI’ game. Emily and Megan looked around for anything from Santa but couldn’t see anything. It was funny to watch them in such confusion. Dad hinted a ‘Look around some more’. Emily looked straight into the tree, finding three little boxes of Apple AirPods for her, Ryan and Megan. Lots of excitement. All three of them were thrilled.

Katie sat propped up to watch everything unfold ( you can see her in the picture of the kids holding their iPods above) and when the boys found anything exciting in their stockings they ran to tell her. Socks, new ties, Loki and Thor Pez, Yorks, M&M candy canes and soccer ball deodorizers for the boys. They looked through their stockings quick and then jumped on their ripsticks and rode them around the kitchen and hall.

Megan got a journal, mascara, deodorant, soccer ball deodorizers for her cleats, cute new pens in her stocking. Emily got mascara, deodorant, eye liner, face serum from just ingredients, Yorks and M&M candy cane. Ryan got Sushi Go, ski socks, JCrew socks, deodorant, candy and Chance Dice from Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge (which he was thrilled with.)

We paused to enjoy our Santa things and Dad started making ‘Christmas breakfast’. We talked to Katie while we we got things ready and then she said our breakfast prayer. It made me tear up a bit that we were able to spend this time together and have her really be there for it. We ate our breakfast as we watched her open up a few of her presents and then we opened up her presents. Lots of fun things… A Hat for Megan and I. A Florida puzzle for Dad, Luke and Matt. A little turtle keychain for Emily and a Florida shirt for Ryan.

A new hand mixer for me! Love it.

Emily opened a GIFTCARD to CHICK FIL-A from Luke that was wrapped in a box and then again in a hot chocolate container and then again just the gift card holder. It was pretty funny. And little did Emily know that her whole Christmas (minus two coats) would fit in this hot chocolate container. It began to be a big joke that was referred to many times throughout the morning. She got AirPods and then lots of gift cards and paper certificates for presents that fit nicely inside. One of her big presents was a 5 Punch Pass to a new Climbing Gym. She’s really been excited about climbing since taking Rocky Mountain High as one of her classes this last semester. It was a fun present to give.

A new Travis Matthew’s shirt for Chris and a shirt for Luke.

Ryan loved his Storm Trooper socks from Megan and Luke. And in normal Ryan fashion he changed right into them.

Emily and Megan found a Nike sweatshirt from Dicks for Matthew. He loves it! I love that the kids giving like to go sit by whoever is opening the present. So much Christmas love and bonding.

Luke got Mario Maker 2 from Dad and I and it was a total surprise. So fun.

Megan opened up a long sleeve BYU soccer shirt and with it a coupon for Soccer Camp at BYU this summer. She’s pretty excited!!

A Pickleball Paddle to Ryan from Grandma and Grandpa Walton — the perfect present. And a wristlet for Emily… another present that fits in her hot chocolate can.

Luke was pretty adamant that Matt needed this special Super Smash Brothers Pro Controller and he got exactly the reaction he was hoping for. Matt loves it!

A present that says… “Mostly for Dad, a little for Emily and Megan” is pretty intriguing.

A new iPhone 11 for Dad means Emily gets Dad’s old phone, and Megan gets Emily’s old phone. Megan was the MOST excited. Her phone has been broken for months.

A new coat for Emily and ski pants for Megan.

Love this picture of Meg and Matt watching Emily open a present. Lots of sibling love going on today.

Emily, Ryan and I went in on a Jim Shore Santa for Dad to add to our collection. The title of this one is “Year after Year, You Make Christmas Sparkle” and indeed he does. We love how much Dad loves Christmas.

Above: The Han Solo game for Luke and Matt from Ryan. Dominion Intrigue for Ryan from Mom and Dad.

Below: A note to me from Dad and Emily that says “For Christmas Dad and I decided to help you out by making Sunday dinners twice a month for you! We want to give you time to blog, edit, or anything else you want to do!! We love you so much! I TOALLY started to cry as soon as I read it. Such a thoughtful gift and I love them for it! Golf balls for Chris — praying that his shoulder gets better and he can use them this year. Ryan and Matt got Dad a Star Wars Christmas puzzle. Ryan gave me iTunes money to buy the Downton Abbey movie! Dad, Emily and I (and sometimes Megan) have been rewatching the entire series to get ready for this new movie. We finished the last three episodes and then watched the movie after Christmas! So good. Thanks Ry. Money and new temple slippers from my Mom and Dad. : ) And a cute Santa mug from Anthropologie from Chris.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 for Matt.

Above: New soccer cleats. After a broken collarbone in October and a broken toe in December she is getting SO anxious to play! Hoping for a great first season of High School soccer.

Below: Megan holding up our new BYU blanket from Dan and Sarah! LOVE IT! And Ryan giving money to Emily with a note saying, “I could buy five donuts with that! because that’s exactly how Emily thinks of money — in number of donuts. It was pretty funny.


Our biggest surprise for the kids was divided into 8 boxes with numbers from 1 - 8 on each one. They were scattered under the tree and the kids kept asking, “When can we open the numbered ones?” but Dad shaking his head and putting it off. Finally towards the end of our present opening they opened the first one.

  1. The first paper said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family… (They were excited and intrigued.)

  2. The second paper said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK… (Megan was so relieved we weren’t going skiing over spring break again.)

  3. The third said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… (Hmmm… lots of speculation)

  4. The fourth said… We are going ZIPLINGING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… to a land of VOLCANOES… (Hawaii?)

  5. The fifth said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… to a land of VOLCANOES… and amazing BEACHES… (Hawaii? Mexico?)

  6. The sixth said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… to a land of VOLCANOES… and amazing BEACHES… while staying in a beautiful HOUSE… (They were pretty excited about the pictures and asked - Are we staying somewhere like this or are these pictures exactly where we’re staying? It’s a pretty great place. I’m super excited too!)

  7. The seventh said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… to a land of VOLCANOES… and amazing BEACHES… while staying in a beautiful HOUSE… in COSTA RICA… (They were shocked. Nobody guessed that at all!)

  8. The eighth said… We are going ZIPLINING as a family over SPRING BREAK after flying on an AIRPLANE… to a land of VOLCANOES… and amazing BEACHES… while staying in a beautiful HOUSE… in COSTA RICA… with the THEURERS and the JACKSONS! (They JUMPED up and screamed!!! It was pretty exciting and all of a sudden they were filled with emotion and Matt started to just sob. It made Megan and I and Dad cry too. It’s going to be such a great trip!)


The last present I opened was from Chris and was handed to me with a smile that told me he was excited. I opened the box to find 8 paper scrolls all tied up with string. It was impressive and ironic since we had just done something similar to the kids. It must be a trip. The hints were:

  1. A piece of paper with the May calendar and the dates blocked off from May 8th -17th with the word TRIP. I immediately started to cry.

  2. A picture of the Chuggs, Whites and Breinholts on our Thailand Trip.

  3. A note to open a particular present of trekking poles. Peru?

  4. A picture of HAMILTON. That threw me off. Chicago? London?

  5. The paperwork for our flight to LONDON.

  6. A picture of Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff. He asked me to guess. I said, “Are we going on a cruise? to Norway?” He smiled but didn’t answer and told me to keep going.

  7. A picture of a buffet. Yep, a Cruise.

  8. The paperwork of our Celebrity Cruiseline leaving from Southhampton, England and stopping in Bergen, Norway; Olden, Norway; Geiranger, Norway; and Stavanger, Norway. So exciting!! Wow. What a fun present! He spoils me.


After the presents were all opened, Dad took a nap on the couch, I talked to my Mom and Dad and then went to have a Christmas afternoon nap, the boys played some Switch games and we all snacked on Yorks. It was such a fun day. At 5:00 we got ready and headed over to the Richins house for a big dinner with several other families. Such a good time. Ryan and dad wearing their new sweaters, Megan wearing her new BYU shirt, and the boys wearing new sweatshirts, new t-shirts and new pants.

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