December Day by Day - Part 1
Sunday, December 1
Woke up in San Diego, packed up and headed to Las Vegas and checked into our timeshare
Listened to the ‘Don’t Miss This’ episode for this week’s Come Follow Me lesson and had some good discussions as we drove
Ate pizza (and GF tacos and tortillas for Luke and I)
Watched all of our Christmas highlight videos to celebrate the first day of December. - Ryan’s request - Cried just a little bit watching the video of the surprise suitcases and trip to Europe
Played a couple games of Splendor - Dad won the first one, Emily won the second one
Dad took Ryan to the airport to catch his flight back to Utah
I started addressing Christmas cards
Dad and I watched the last episode of Poldark. : )
Monday, December 2
Flew from Las Vegas to Colorado Springs! So nice to be home and so grateful we flew into the Springs instead of Denver!
Dad dropped me off at Costco to shop for groceries while the kids unpacked their suitcases at home.
Video chatted with Katie! She has received the first package and is loving the banner, chain and presents to open every other day. She said, “Mom, you really outdid yourself.” and Dad said to me… “She’s definitely your daughter.” She’s opened up cute Christmas paper so far! So fun to hear about all her investigators. Transfers are in one week. Crossing our fingers that Katie and Sister Hurley stay together! : ) We did a video tour of the house, which is all decorated! So nice to come home and see everything all Christmasy! Glad we tackled that before we left for Thanksgiving.
Made roasted vegetables for dinner and ate it downstairs while watching the new CHRIST CHILD video. So good! Then we watched this year’s LIGHT THE WORLD video and several from previous years. Lots of tears. Even Emily looked back after every one and said, “I’m turning into you guys!” Love those videos. We are signed up to receive the daily LIGHT THE WORLD texts. : )
Emily was such a big help to Luke with his homework and then to me as I started to stamp Christmas cards. She’s the best! I’m feeling extra appreciative of all she does in our family!
Dad and I headed over to the Shops of Briargate to check out a few Cyber Monday sales. I have grand ideas for some cute baskets for Ali and Megan.
Dad, Emily and I watched Downton Abbey while I continued working on Christmas cards.
Tuesday, December 3
The kids headed off to school and Chris off to work.
I ate some granola and blueberries, checked out a few lingering cyber sales, unpacked my suitcase, showered, made my bed, wrote in my journal, returned some emails, adding things into my calendar, edited all of the Star Wars pics from Disneyland, wrote a note to Emily… etc.
When the kids got home from school I moved from the computer down to the table and finished up Christmas cards and took them over and dropped them off at the mailbox!! Yeah!
We had 7 layer dip for dinner and Anders and Owen spontaneously joined us.
Dad and I went to YW in Excellence. The theme was “Let Your Light Shine” and there were candles and white lights everywhere. It was cute. Emily and Maggie sang “Be Thou my Vision” and did such a great job! Fun to visit with so many friends. I just love our ward.
Wednesday, December 4
Kids off to school and Chris off to work. Luke was up early and got everything done with extra time! Fantastic!
I cleaned the kitchen, exercised, make dinner ahead of time (spicy chicken dip) and even set the table! It helps us eat as a family, and keeps the after school mess to a minimum. I watched a few episodes of Heartland while I cleaned and exercised — but really I should be watching Hallmark movies!
I finished packages for Ali and Megan and delivered them to their houses. For Ali I made a ‘How to Survive Moving to UTAH in December’ package with
Eat treats - chocolate covered Joe-Joe’s and Trader Joe’s peppermint patties
Cry a Little - box of Christmasy tissue
Use paper plates - cute plates from Target since they’ve already packed up their kitchen
Spend a lot of time with good Friends - Christmas card from us
Make a list of everything you’re excited for - Notepad from Anthropologie
If it gets really crazy, have a drink! - A bottle of Martinelli’s
For Megan I made a ‘How to survive the Holidays without your husband’ package with
Eat treats - chocolate covered Joe-Joe’s and Trader Joe’s mint stars
Pamper yourself - Hand scrub — a memory from when we were in New York
Spend a lot of time with good Friends - Christmas card from us
Light a candle and relax - Apple Cider Candle from Anthropologie
If it gets really crazy, have a drink! - A bottle of Martinelli’s
Ali was out doing errands but Megan was home and we chatted for 45 minutes getting caught up on things. We always have so much to talk about. It was fun to put those together for them. Truly some of my very best friends.
The kids got home from school and started on homework. Emily had piano with Gina and Matt had piano at home with Ian. I finished blogging the Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Post!!
Gavin came over to hang out with Luke and stayed for dinner.
Dad checked over the girls grades and assignments, Megan headed upstairs to study and the rest of us watched The Knight Before Christmas - (with Gabriella) which was pretty cheesy but still fun. Our first Christmasy movie of the season.
Luke led our first official Family Devotional and read a quote from Elder Uchdorf and asked us how we felt about it. Then we sang ‘Angles we have Heard on High’ in the Piano room and said family prayer.
Thursday, December 5
Kids off to school and Chris off to work.
Got a few more cards ready, cleaned my room, wrapped an early Christmas present for the boys… I just love December. It’s so great to come into the living room with the tree lit and the stockings up. Whatever I’m doing just feels happier with a decorated house.
Met up with Emma and Mary for lunch at Chuy’s - as a late celebration for my birthday. Talked for 2 1/2 hours about life, Christmas plans and parenting.
Went over to the post office, returned something, did another errand and then went to the church to drop off my nativities for the creche.
Picked up Megan and Ali, met Chris at the freeway and then headed to the Denver Temple. We did sealings and it was great — my first time as a witness. Fun to be with Megan and Ali and get lots of talking done on the way up and back.
While we were gone the kids had macaroni and the boys filled their time doing trick shots and capturing them on the iPhone. Fun stuff. Also Dad found this cute note on his pillow when we returned.
Chris and I watched Jack Ryan on VidAngel in the basement. Fun to be cuddled in blankets, beside the tree and fireplace. Love December. Love my man.
Friday, December 6
Kids headed off to school and Chris off to work. Matt left at 7:40 for an early Sports club and I got busy with journaling and things around the house.
Inspired by a chat I had with Amy Richins about medicine for ADD/ADHD, I made an appointment for Luke to see a Pediatrician. I mentioned it to Dad last week and he did all the research on a practice who might be covered under our insurance. I’m anxious for Luke to have his own doctor who can follow him through his teenage years and know everything he’s been through. His appointment is on Monday! I made the appointment and then got a little emotional as I hung up the phone. Feeling like this is the next right step for him.
I edited and blogged about Newport Beach. Yay! Fun pictures to edit.
At 12:50 I headed off to Modern Market to meet Ali, Sunny and Crystal for lunch. Ali wouldn’t let us pay and said “I won’t be talked out of it. Just say you love me, you’ll miss me and good luck.” It was kind of an emotional lunch feeling like it was kind of goodbye. It has been such a great presidency and so fun to work together. Ali will be released on Sunday and Sunny will take over as President. I’m staying put as Secretary - which is fantastic. Love these ladies.
I ran down to Costco and Trader Joe’s really quick to pick up a winter coat for Luke and some more Christmasy treats for neighbors, teachers and friends.
Then checked out Matt from school a little early, grabbed the kids who were getting all bundled up at home, met Dad at the Anthropologie parking lot and drove up to Denver for the German Christmas Market. It was crazy traffic so it took us 2 HOURS to drive up there and after trying to settle some arguments in the back row, we took turns playing our favorite Christmas songs.
We met the Theurers and then Jacksons at the Light The World - Giving Machine’s right on 16th Street. It is so fun that we have one in Denver this year! The kids picked out ‘A Year of Clean Water for One Person’, ‘Groceries for 10 Days’ and ‘Two Meals for a Women’s Shelter’. Today’s #Light the World text was ‘Donate to a reputable global charity’ so that worked perfectly!! We talked to the Missionaries for a while (who couldn’t wear their tags) and learned that the Denver Mayor saw these in SLC last year and wanted them for Denver and had to jump through some big hoops to get them. The people who owned the land agreed to have them if the name of the church was removed from the machines. So no name tags either.
We walked over to the German market and wandered through the rows of shops and food, ending in the tent to dance and listen to music. The Hales met up with us there and the kids had a blast.
Then over to Corner Bakery for dinner… and then watching some of the Parade of Light which happened to be coming down the street right when we finished. Fun to walk over to Larimer Square to see all the lights and then back to the Market for pretzels. So fun for the kids to hang out, dance, sing in the streets, do an impromptu ‘Let it Go’ broadway crosswalk, do a couple hand pretzel games and take pictures. It was a fun night!!
The Giving Machine
The Christmas Market
The Festival of Light Parade
Larimer Square
Saturday, December 7
The kids woke up and found their shoes filled with German chocolates and candies from St. Nicholas — (a day late! but nice to celebrate on a Saturday) Then the boys opened up Christmas pajamas! Exciting!
Emily headed off to Stake Choir Practice from 9:00-11:00 and then straight to work at Freddy’s from 11:30 - 4:00.
We ate eggs and hash browns for breakfast while Dad and the boys watched lots of Conference Championship Football.
At 12:30 Megan and Matt and I headed to Matt’s indoor soccer game. We dropped Matt off and did a little grocery shopping for squamish bar ingredients (gluten free this year) and then headed back to watch the rest of his game. Then we stopped at Costco to exchange his new ski coat, and then at Old Navy to try to exchange his Christmas pj’s — but they are out of stock.
Meanwhile Luke went to a goodbye party for Owen Theurer at the Cannon’s house and had a great time.
When we both got home Matt went to play at the park with Anders and Luke and I cleaned up the kitchen and I made Spaghetti for dinner. Anders joined us for dinner. Football Conference games still on. It was heaven for Dad. He watched games all day while he worked on video and blog stuff.
Emily rushed home from work, got ready and Dad drove Megan and her to the Stake Center to be volunteers in the Primary Room for Creche.
At 7:00 we joined the Theurers at the Live Nativity and then went inside to hear the boys youth choir perform (which was amazing) and then walked through the cultural hall filled with nativities. It was pretty great.
At home we watched a Christmas movie - NOELLE. The boys loved it. It was fun!
Sunday, December 8
Family Church was great. We had great conversations about ‘God is Light, and God is Love’ and ‘Overcoming the World’ and what that looks like for each of us. We watched Elder Neil L. Andersen’s Conference talk and took notes on it. I loved the quote that “Overcoming the World is a lifetime of moments that define an eternity.” Then I had Megan read one of my favorite articles about Christmas - which I forwarded on to Ali, and then to the Seven Sisters.
"For Christmas is a beautiful time of the year. We love the excitement, the giving spirit, the special awareness of and appreciation for family and friends, the feelings of love and brotherhood that bless our gatherings at Christmastime.
In all the joyousness, it is well to reflect that Christmas comes in three levels:
Let’s call the first the 'Santa Claus level.' It’s the level of Christmas trees and holly, of whispered secrets and colorful packages, of candlelight and rich food and warm open houses. It’s carolers in the shopping malls, excited children, and weary but loving parents. It’s a lovely time of special warmth and caring and giving. It’s the level at which we eat too much and spend too much and do too much–and enjoy every minute of it. We love the Santa Claus level of Christmas.
But there’s a higher, more beautiful level. Let’s call it the 'Silent Night level.' It’s the level of all our glorious Christmas carols, of that beloved, familiar story: 'Now in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus…' It’s the level of the crowded inn, and the silent holy moment in a dark stable when the Son of Man came to earth. It’s shepherds on a steep, bare hill near Bethlehem, angels with their glad tidings, a new star in the East, wise men traveling far in search of the Holy One. How beautiful and meaningful it is; how infinitely poorer we would be without this sacred second level of Christmas.
The trouble is, these two levels don’t last. They can’t. Twelve days of Christmas, at the first level, is about all most of us can stand. It’s too intense, too extravagant. The tree dries out and the needles fall. The candles burn down. The beautiful wrappings go out with he trash, the carolers are up on the ski slopes, the toys break, and the biggest day the stores in the entire year is exchange day, December 26.
The feast is over and the dieting begins. But the lonely and the hungry are with us still perhaps lonelier and hungrier than before.
Lovely and joyous as the first level of Christmas is, there will come a day, very soon, when Mother will put away the decorations and vacuum the living room and think, 'Thank goodness that’s over for another year.'
Even the second level, the level of the Baby Jesus, can’t last. How many times this season can you sing 'Silent Night'? The angels and the star and the shepherd, even the silent, sacred mystery of that holy night itself, can’t long satisfy humanity’s basic need. The man who keeps Christ in the manger will, in the end, be disappointed and empty.
No, for Christmas to last all year long, for it to grow in beauty and meaning and purpose, for it to have the power to change lives, we must celebrate it at the third level, that of the adult Christ. It is at this level–not as an infant–that our Savior brings His gifts of lasting joy, lasting peace, lasting hope. It was the adult Christ who reached out and touched the untouchable, who loved the unlovable, who so loved us all that even in His agony on the cross He prayed forgiveness for His enemies.
This is the Christ, creator of worlds without number, who wept, Enoch tells us, because so many of us lack affection and hate each other–and then who willingly gave His life for all of us, including those for whom He wept.
This is the Christ, the adult Christ, who gave us the perfect example, and asked us to follow Him.
Accepting that invitation is the way–the only way–to celebrate Christmas all year and all life long."
Ali and Pete Theurer spoke in Sacrament Meeting about ‘SEEKING CHRIST’ and both did such a great job. I was definitely a little emotional hearing them bear their testimonies and talk about how much they will miss the ward. They have both been such great examples of service, love, faith and friendship.
After church and nachos Chris and the boys headed to deliver neighbor gifts in one car and Emily and Megan headed off to deliver gifts in another car. I stayed home and made Squamish Bars. One gluten-free pan for Luke and one regular pan for everyone else.
We got together with the Jacksons, Theurers, and Richins over at Megan’s house for Thai soup, salad, bread and Squamish Bars. Then we watched the First Presidency Devotional. Fun to soak up time with the Theurers and be with the Richins again. Dad monopolized time with baby Zach - now 1 year old. His laugh was making us all giggle — especially Matthew. So grateful for great conversations and the support and love we feel from these good friends.
Monday, December 9
As soon as I woke up I saw a text from Katie. She’s staying with Sister Hurley in Apollo Beach!! Christmas wishes have come true!! I’m so happy for her.
The kids headed off to school. Dad had the day off since he’s starting a week of night-shift.
Dad and I (and Emily who was home with a stomach ache) video chatted with Katie and Ryan. : )
Dad and I worked on budget spreadsheets, Christmas present ideas, and calendar planning. Good to get working on some ideas!
Dad headed off to his orthopedic appointment. He said his surgeon agreed with him that his shoulder problem is ADHESIVE CAPSULITIS (also known as frozen shoulder). He will have a procedure next Wednesday where they will put him under and manipulate his shoulder all around to try and break up scar tissue and enlarge the shoulder capsule. Sounds painful! He’s excited to be trying something to help it start to heal. It’s been a long 10 months.
Meanwhile Luke and I headed to a new Pediatrician and introduced her to Luke’s history and current challenges. She feels like we need to be referred to a GI specialist, a Pediatric Neurologist and then fill out some paperwork to look at possible ADHD medicine. Grateful to be moving forward.
I made potato onion chowder and then another gluten-free one for Luke. Luke worked distractedly on homework, Megan studied, Emily went to work at Freddy’s and Matt worked on his chart and then videoed trick shots. Dad worked on his blog.
I gave the little family devotional. We read a quote, watched a video about Kids and Christmas and then I read some Christmas books to the boys. We read ‘The Three Christmas Trees' first and the boys didn’t remember it at all. When the first tree - who wants to be made into a box to hold treasure - gets made into a manger and then the baby Jesus gets laid inside, Matt looked up at me with a cute ‘oh’ and look of recognition. It was a fun story to read and I definitely got emotional. They always look up into my eyes as they anticipate my emotion. I loved that they were so excited to read with me. We read two snowmen books as well!
Tuesday, December 10
I met my Podcast friends for lunch at Panera Bread to discuss this month’s Podcast which was actually a BYU speech entitled ‘On the Road to Character’ by David Brooks. So good. Then I picked up a gift card, bought wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby and met Dad over at the mall so we could look at stuff and start making some Christmas decisions.
Emily’s Christmas Choir Concert was so fun! All of the choirs did such a great job and it was so fun to see everyone. I picked up Ali, Owen, Anders, Mia and Brynn and took them with me since they are without a car. Nuance did a great job and looked cute with pink Santa hats on. Love that Emily is enjoying that. Especially fun that Emily was recognized for making All-State Choir and was able to wear her medal during the show.
We went to the 5:00 show since Dad is working nights — and Megan went to the 7:00 show with all of the young women. When the girls got home Sister Hammond dropped off a M&M filled candy cane for Emily— which was so thoughtful.
Luke, Matt and I cuddled in a blanket with the fireplace on and watched Olaf’s New Adventure — which is a 17 minute Christmas Frozen short. Pretty cute! Then I went into the boys room and sat with them in the dark and told them stories of when I was little — which they ALWAYS ask to hear.
I was up TOO late searching online for presents for Dad and Ryan.