Portugal Trip - Obidos

We drove from Sintra to Óbidos, grabbed some food at a nearby grocery store for lunch and then parked outside the walled city. With snacks in hand we walked in the city and wandered for an hour or two. I LOVED this photogenic little town!

Postcard-perfect Óbidos sits atop a hill, its 14th-century wall corralling a bouquet of narrow lanes and flower-bedecked whitewashed houses. It’s name, dating from ancient Roman times, means — appropriately enough — ‘walled town’. Óbidos - now protected by the government from modern development - is ideal for photographers. Rick Steven - Portugal Book

One of the little shops looked like a fancy library but was actually a SARDINE shop. So interesting that you could buy sardines from different years?? Sardines were on every single menu we saw in Portugal so it’s definitely popular enough to warrant it’s own very fancy store.

We popped in a few shops and Scott and Elisha were able to pick out a few souvenirs for their kids and also a chalice for Brian - but not the wolf one below - a pretty cool skeleton one. Lots of fun things to look at.

The church at the end of the town (from where I took the above picture of the main street) is no longer a church at all. It’s been transformed into a bookstore. So interesting to see bookshelves all throughout the cathedral!

The Town Wall

From the castle we hopped on the town wall and followed it for great views of the green farmlands and red roofs. The all white buildings had either yellow or blue borders to visually divide properties. We noticed the same white, blue and yellow throughout many small Portuguese towns.

Church of St. Mary of Óbidos

You know how much Chris loves cathedrals! When we first walked by the Church of St. Mary of Óbidos, there was a wedding inside so we couldn’t peak in.

Glad it was open later because this little cathedral was one of the coolest we’ve seen. Love that it is wall to wall 17th Century blue flowery tile!

Love these upper quiet streets. So picturesque.

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