Portugal Trip - Peniche and Azenhas do Mar


Knowing that our forecast for Porto was another day of complete rain we decided to check out of our apartment early and head south. We looked up a couple of coastal cities that might be fun to check out and Peniche was one of them. This city was built on a rocky peninsula and is known for it’s constant wind. The picture below is where we first stopped to check out the view. We promptly put sweatshirts on for the rest of our exploring. The rocky cliffs were so fun to play around on.

When we came around the corner, we sat and watched the waves crash onto the rocks over and over again. Loved it.

We stumbled upon the BEST Indian restaurant and really enjoyed our late lunch.

Azenhas do Mar

This cute little town I found on Pinterest. : ) We wandered through it a little bit, then headed down to the beach for awhile and then up to the bluff overlooking the town. A fun last stop. From here we headed back to Lisbon for our last night before flying home.

One more trip to the grocery store to pick up a few treats for the plane ride home. Ha ha. We bought chocolates, not seafood. Portugal, we loved being here!

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