Summer Fun

After weeks and weeks on vacation in Lake Powell, Provo, and Telluride and then a few weeks in-between of Girls Camp, Scout Camp and sending Katie off on her mission, it’s been nice to spent a few summer weeks at home.

Lots of fun afternoons at the pool - always fun to see friends!

A great hike and then playing by the river.

Hiking up in Monument and Costa Vida with Luke and Matt

Playing at the Jon Venezia Park with Larsons, Theurers and Jacksons

Emily and Megan put on 3 Kid’s Camps this year - which helped them pay for their portion of Girls Camp, Trek and EFY.

  1. A MICKEY MOUSE CAMP for little girls (3-6 year olds) 9:00 - 12:00 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

    • These cute girls loved everything and were super excited about their Mickey crafts.

  2. A CIRCUS CAMP for big kids (7-9 year olds) 1:00 - 4:00 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

    • This afternoon one is always a bit rowdy and the most work — water activities and a trip to the school playground helped on the last day. And they loved turning in their behavior tickets for prizes at the circus. It was a big hit.

  3. A WILD WEST CAMP for little boys (3-6 year olds) 9:00 - 12:00 The following week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

    • This one only had 4 little boys and was super easy, which was nice since Megan did most of it by herself since Emily started her job at Freddy’s and had some Pine Creek Choir Picnics to go to.

So sad saying goodbye to the Larson’s. We met up with them at the pool for one last afternoon of swimming and then moved to the Grand Lawn to take some pictures and then say goodbye. We loved having them here in the ward and will miss them so much. I got especially teary when the boys were saying goodbye. Can’t wait till they come back!

Spencer Gillespie came to the pool with us too! The boys were beyond excited to have him hang out for the afternoon. That night we had Megan, Lindsey, and Brooklyn and the Seaquist’s join us for dinner and dessert. So fun to have them in town for the weekend.