Girls Trip - Seiffen, Germany
We were able to sleep in, which was nice, because the shops don’t open until 10:00. We ate a free breakfast at the hotel restaurant and were ready to go when the doors opened. We started around the corner at the top of the shops and made our way down the main street. We began our shopping day all together but gradually separated as different friends were interested in different things. Let me explain how this shopping in Seiffen thing works. First we run around checking to see what each store has. We’ve been here enough times to know that sometimes you can just buy the perfect thing on the spot — but usually you wait so that you can see everything and then run back to the store after making your final selections. Thankfully, all stores are within walking distance.
All the other girls had specific things in mind that they would be looking for. We share ‘looking for’ lists and are there to aid in the search of and fully support each other’s purchases. It’s really a fantastic process. Even though we get separated there are looks of texts back and forth or regathering meetings where we tell each other where they can find the perfect pyramid, nutcracker or tiny figurines. It’s so fun to see what each other is getting.
I own 18 nutcrackers. It’s really totally enough nutcrackers for one person to own — but I went into this trip thinking that just maybe I might find a special one to add to my collection. And find one I did. And another. And another. Yikes — by the time the day was done I had added 6 more nutcrackers to my collection. Seriously, why can I not resist them? Ha ha My big downfall was heading into the main nutcracker store where Melissa, Heidi and Brittany were already gathered looking at natural nutcrackers. They are BEAUTIFUL but my nutcrackers are all colored and I would need at least a group of 3 in order to delve into all natural ones. At least, that’s the way my brain organizes things. Well, after about 20 minutes staring at natural wooden nutcrackers (the very ones Crate and Barrel orders from this very store to sell at Christmas time for 3 or 4 times the cost)… I had 3 picked out. So exciting!! They are beautiful!! I also picked up two little fat guys to go with a collection in our bedroom and one more colored German Miner — that reminds me so much of this cute little town.
It was a good day - but plans we had to gather somewhere for lunch were tossed out the window as closing time quickly approached. Like normal, we had black sharpies in hand to mark our names on bags and boxes immediately at the check out counter so they wouldn’t be unowned in the huge pile of treasures in the van. By 4:00 we were happy, exhausted and starving. We settled around a large wood table in the Hotel’s restaurant, ordered delicious food and sat for hours. Actually 5 hours to be exact. (Love that about European restaurants) Enough time to rehash the day, laugh about everything, make a plan for the next day and get hungry enough for dessert. Good times.