Walton Week - Fourth of July - Telluride, CO

We took the gondola from the Mountain Resort down into the town for the Fourth of July Parade down mainstream. It’s a pretty idyllic place to celebrate the Fourth. The street itself is charming and the surrounding scenery is pretty great. It was fun to head down there as a big group and find a place to watch the old fashion cars, skateboard gang, and candy throwers.

What we weren’t prepared for was the amount of water they would throw at us. But the locals had umbrellas, rain jackets, and even water balloons. The kids loved it!


The Walton crew. My Mom and Brian stayed back with my Dad who wasn’t feeling well. He wasn’t doing well, so my Mom was nervous to leave him alone. He ended up feeling better by that evening.

Love this family picture!


We took the gondola back up to the Mountain Resort and walked around for a little bit. We thought about getting ice cream but then decided that we could pick up 2 gallons at the grocery store for so much cheaper. Chris and the girls were anxious to get back to the house but my two little boys were dying to stay and join the line for FREE trampoline flips. I guess the part of my mom brain that thinks about how ‘these two little boys won’t be little forever’ took over and I decided to stay with them and grant their every Fourth of July wish. We waited and waited and waited in line - for over an hour - and then the boys had their turn and loved it. They kept thanking me for letting them stay.

After trampoline jumps they got Fourth of July balloon hats and we wandered the Resort looking for fun things to do.

The weather was perfect and the atmosphere was pretty great. Love seeing everyone decked out in their red, white and blue. And love that these boys still love to dress the same. These days it’s them, and not me, who arranges the matching outfits.

The boys found and watched a magic show for awhile, then we went into a candy store and I let them both pick any treat they wanted. They were pretty shocked. There are benefits to only hanging out with two kids. : )


We spent the late afternoon at the house and had a big BBQ feast. The little boys rode their bikes around the backyard and some of the guys played Bocci. It was a fun day.

My favorite memory of the day was the TALENT SHOW put on by all the cousins. It was ADORABLE. Chris recorded the whole thing and it’s pretty priceless.

The talent show my Dad got up and started what turned into a testimony meeting of sorts with most of the adults speaking of their love for all of us, their love of the gospel and any wisdom or well wishes for Katie as she prepared to go serve. Many of us were emotional and it really was one of the highlights of the whole week. We are blessed to have each other and to be able to share our feelings with each other in this kind of setting was really special.

As night approached we decided to drive back into Telluride and watch the fireworks from the opposite ridge. It’s quite an impressive location to witness the celebrations — especially with the echoing boom reverberating from the mountain walls. The kids got all decked out in glow in the dark bracelets, necklaces and earrings. It was a lot of fun. Happy 4th! -Talent Show and Firework pictures by my brother, Dan