At the Temple with Katie

Being with Katie in the Denver Temple was a really wonderful experience. We were greeted by the cutest temple worker who was beaming with excitement to be Katie’s guide for the morning. Because of a neat emotional conversation with Chris, Ryan and Katie in the van on the way to the temple, my emotions were already close to the surface and I cried almost immediately as we entered the temple. This cute lady just made things worse by saying… “Oh, mama - this is a big payday for you. What a special day to be here with your daughter.” It was definitely true and I felt it. We had the great experience to meet with the Temple President and his wife and then to be escorted through a Sealing Room and into the Endowment Room. Their words of counsel and encouragement to Ryan and Katie were tender and meaningful. Truly grateful to be in the temple with my kids.

At the end of our morning the Temple President met with us again to call Katie to be a temple worker for the next four weeks. This is becoming common practice for Missionaries who are waiting to go. She ended up working a five hour shift on Wednesday afternoons all throughout May. Chris and I were both able to spend one afternoon with her on different occasions. Another wonderful temple experience. So grateful for this Katie girl and her willingness and excitement to serve in the Temple.