Last Developmental Season for Luke and Matt

Luke’s Last Development Season

Luke made some definite strides over these last two seasons. He’s a natural defender. Because of his speed, he was able to race down and get anything that slipped by the defenders. It was Luke to the rescue over and over again. So fun to watch him play. Scott Richins, original coach of this team kept mentioning over and over how far he had come and often would tell him after watching a game that he was the MVP - giving his heart and soul to the game.

Chris took over coaching this group of boys after Scott couldn’t do it anymore. It was definitely a fun group of boys and Chris really enjoyed getting back into coaching. They practiced three times a week and Megan came once a week to help coach.

Below: Luke’s team. I just couldn’t crop out cute Megan on the side.

Some of these boys have played together a long time… Carson, Nathan, Ben, JJ, Matthew M, Luke and Thane to name a few.

Matt’s Last Developmental Season

This team was tons of fun. Coach Horspool was kind enough to volunteer to be the coach. Matt loved playing forward and played great this season.

Right there in the middle: Anders, Ian, Matt and Cade. What fun!

Love these boys!

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