Ryan and Katie - BYU Winter Semester

Ryan’s memories of winter Semester: - intramural soccer games with Mike and Charlie and the girls cheering us on - going to Captain Marvel with Annie and Katie — marvel movie marathon - visiting Hayden at the hospital and playing games - being at the Christofferson’s house in California (and being told by them that I’m exactly like Chris) - Magic Mountain and Katie grabbing my hand during the spinning pendulum ride ha ha - having our living room packed to capacity - watching Jason Bourne and Top Gun with Charlie - games at G&G’s house with Mike, Carly and Brian - holding Mara and laughing at Mara and Whitney (they are my favorite) - mission call openings - Super Saturday: pancakes and eggs at Grandma’s, darts and BB guns, zip-lining with Carson and the girls, pizza pie cafe for dinner, Avengers: Infinity War in someone’s home theater - games on the Switch at Brian’s house - teaching Elders Quorum - talking about health and finance with Dad - seeing the family in Park City - seeing Avengers: Endgame - Engineering class with Taylor - Physics class with Logan and Sam - late 6:00 Albanian class - getting everyone to play volleyball outside with me at midnight and getting 35 consecutive hits - spiderman: into the Spiderverse in theaters with the boys - finally finishing our Lord of the Rings marathon - Priesthood session with Hayden, Michael, Spencer, Carson, Charlie, Nelson and Trevor -

Katie’s memories of Winter Semester: - haydawg - hospital visits - panda friday - seven sisters was born - self reliance - soccer intramural - jason bourne and marvel marathons - super bowl at christofferson’s grandma’s - temple visits - rear ended with abbey - dance party - trip to LA march 15th - nick sparks movies with the girls - lazy iron man - swing dancing - brynn’s birthday part - ice cream with girls for brynn - mission call openings - 7 sisters photoshoot - late breakfast at magleby’s - dinner at relatives houses - sleepovers with annie/brynn and dally - provo bachelor - rearranging our room - artED with brecka - babysitting moons - fam spring break in park city - zip lining and super saturday - staying at the library till 2am to hear the music and dally and claire falling asleep and annie getting weak and going to denny’s -