Father's Day Questions for DAD
We were in Provo for Father’s Day this year. We’ve been doing Father’s Day Questions for TWENTY years now so this year Emily and Megan helped me revamp the questions a little bit. Fun to have Dad read them out loud to everyone.
1. How old is Dad?
Ryan - 45
Katie – 45
Emily – He is… Let me think about this. I want to say 45.
Megan - 46
Luke – 45?
Matt - 45
2. What year was Dad born in?
Ryan – Um… these are things I should know. How about 1975.
Katie – 1972
Emily – I don’t know that either. Sings… I don’t know. I think 1972. Maybe it was 1973.
Megan - 1979
Luke – 1975. Wait. Ya.
Matt - 1975
3. What do you like to do with Dad?
Ryan – I like to watch moives, play board games, golf, play outside and play overcooked or other switch games if the chance ever arises.
Katie – watch movies and talk, plan trips and travel
Emily – I like to play boardgames with him sometimes when I feel like it. And golfing with him was fun.
Megan – Play soccer, talk and have family discussions, and watch BYU basketball
Luke – watch shows with him like LOST and old shows that he liked in his life, watching sports with him, and playing board games with him.
Matt – I like when he tickles me. He loves all the games I like to play.
4. How are you and Dad the same?
Ryan – We’re organized. We keep spreadsheets. He taught me everything I know. In games we’re both deep thinkers and like to consider all the options. We’re both buff and like doing everything – especially with our family.
Katie – We both really like to watch movies and travel to Europe. Sometimes I think I’m a worrier like Dad and also a control freak.
Emily – We both like watching shows. We like traveling. We both like reading but I’ve tried to read some of the books he likes and I got bored… but we both like reading.
Megan – We both love all sports.
Luke – We both like soccer and we’re both good at it. He’s a doctor and I want to be a doctor.
Matthew – We both love BYU, we both LOVE games, we both love movies. Yep. That’s it.
5. What is Dad’s favorite thing to do?
Ryan – Golf. Watch BYU sports. Play board games.
Katie – Dad likes to golf, play sports, hang out with his family, plan trips, plan life, plan his kid’s lives, plan Christmas presents… just plan.
Emily – I think watching shows with us and playing a lot of board games.
Megan – Play golf probably.
Luke – He likes to be with his family and do things with them. He likes to kiss his wife.
Matt – He likes to watch movies and spend time with the family, and golf.
6. How tall is Dad?
Ryan – 6’3’’
Katie - 6’2’’ (one foot shorter than a Christmas tree)
Emily – He is 6’2.5’’
Megan – 6’2
Luke – 6’something… I think 6’4’’
Matt – He is 6’5’’
7. What is Dad’s favorite food?
Ryan – Anything spicy.
Katie – Thai food, Califlower rice and roasted vegetables, some new Keto meals.
I think he likes to try new things.
Emily – The thing that came to mind was curry and Thai but really just anything.
Megan – Lasagna or really any food
Luke – Lasagna, Spaghetti, Christmas breakfast
Matthew – I don’t know. He loves all foods. He does like ice cream a lot. He loves crepes.
8. Where is Dad’s favorite place to be?
Ryan – The Golf course, St. George, and the soccer field.
Katie “On Vacation” Whenever he comes home from work ready for a trip he says, “I’m On Vacation” – even before we’ve left. So it doesn’t matter where he goes he just loves being “On Vacation.”
Emily – In our beautiful home or with his family traveling.
Megan – With his family, Utah, Europe or just anywhere. Maybe a golf course.
Luke – The golf course, a ski resort, in the house, or on vacation with his family.
Matt – With his family in Utah. He does like to go to new places like Costa Rica and places we’ve already been like Germany and Mexico.
9. What is Dad’s favorite movie?
Ryan – The Godfather
Katie – (Mission brain—I can’t even think of any movies.) Ferris Bueller
Emily – I don’t know. Elf. Gladiator.
Megan – I don’t know. I think Sports movies like Remember the Titans and that one basketball movie.
Luke – No idea. Maybe Lord of the Rings or an old sports movie that he likes.
Matt – Movies we can watch as a family like Just Mercy and LOST and Lord of the Rings. Oh, he loves Lord of the Rings.
10. What is Dad’s favorite thing to do during quarantine?
Ryan – Play board games and watch shows.
Katie – golfing, family workouts
Emily – Play a lot of board games and he’s been golfing a lot and watching LOST and Outer Banks with us.
Megan – Play games with the fam or watch a show.
Luke – Watch shows, play lots of board games.
Matt – He likes to play games with us and watch movies.
11. What did Dad do when he was a teenager?
Ryan – Worked out with his uncle. Prepared to be body guards to Frank Sinatra. Dated lots of girls. Wrote in his journal about his crushes.
Katie – He had a mullet. He played soccer a lot. He played basketball with his little neighbors, he went to Hub’s house sometimes. He dated a lot of girls.
Emily – He played basketball and football. No not football. Actually I don’t know what he played. He was a cool soccer boy with a mullet.
Megan – He played a lot of soccer, hung out with friends and he played… actually I don’t know.
Luke – He went to high school, lived with his family and played soccer and I think basketball too and then went on a mission.
Matthew – I have no idea. He was really good in school. I know that because he’s a doctor. Maybe he liked to hang out with his friends a lot.
12. What was Dad’s first job?
Ryan – Working with his dad’s roofing company.
Katie – Roofing in the summers with his Dad.
Emily – He worked for his dad and also he worked at Arby’s.
Megan – He was a roofer and worked with his Dad. Actually he wasn’t a roofer. That seems so weird to think of Dad as a roofer.
Luke – Were there lots of fast food restaurants when he was a teenager? Maybe he worked at a fast food restaurant? Maybe he sold something?
Matthew – Lawn mower for other people’s houses.
13. What is Dad’s favorite trip he’s ever been on?
Ryan – Good question. Trip to Germany before my mission. End of the golden years.
Katie – Probably returning back to Germany. That trip can not be topped. At least that was mine. Unbeatable.
Emily – I think the Europe trip from four years ago.
Megan – Probably somewhere in Europe. That one big Europe trip that we took.
Luke – The three year long one in Germany. Europe with his family.
Matthew – Disneyland with the family.
14. Is Dad an early bird or a night owl?
Ryan – YES.
Katie – Night owl. But kindof both because he doesn’t need a lot of sleep.
Emily – I think he’s a night owl. But he’s both also.
Megan – A night owl.
Luke – Both. Probably night owl.
Matthew – What does that mean? I think he’s BOTH.
15. What is a quality about Dad that you love?
Ryan – Understanding.
Katie - There’s so many. But one is that he’s always learning, and trying to progress and seeing what he can do better. I think that’s one thing I’ve picked up… is wanting to learn more. He’s also a great people person, speaker and leader.
Emily – I love that he’s happy and positive and tries to make his kids happy.
Megan – He’s really caring and considerate. He always loves us even after we mess up.
Luke – He’s funny. And he gives good advice. And he always wants to help me.
Matt – He likes to play whatever game we set up and wants to do anything that we want to do.