November - Day by Day
Sunday, November 1st
We Zoomed with my parents and siblings to plan the dates for TWO adult trips this year. A long weekend in March and a week long adventure at the beginning of November. The places are just ideas right now, but nice to have the days booked!
Monday, November 2nd
Emily, Megan, Luke and Matt had in-person school.
Emily’s BYU application was due today. It should have been a smooth entry but one of Emily’s teachers hadn’t submitted his recommendation letter and it made for a super stressful afternoon. Emily tried contacted him several times, was in communication with the school’s counselor and I was on the phone with the BYU application office for a hour. Finally I found a link to chat online with someone from the Application office and they confirmed that it was not submitted and some extra details that might help. With 2 1/2 hours until the deadline, Emily emailed her teacher and jumped in the car to head over to the school to talk to him in person. She then called me, relaying that he had already left for the day. She went to talk to the counselor and she jumped on the phone to call BYU without knowing what she could really do to help the situation. I headed over to the school to give her some support but when I got there she walked out and said an emotional “It’s ok”. The teacher had though he’d submitted it but hadn’t done it correctly. He followed Emily’s email directions and let her know it was done. She officially submitted her application in the Pine Creek High School parking lot. Whew! Crazy. It might not be the place for Emily, but completing the application feels so great.
Megan had her end of season Soccer party at Marco’s Pizza. We dropped her off to attend with her teammates.
The missionaries came over to get to know us and share a message. They were able to come inside our home but wore masks.
Tuesday, November 3rd
Emily, Megan, Luke and Matt had in-person school.
Indoor High School practice at Soccer Haus started today for Megan. I wonder how long it will last. 3:30-5:00 on Tuesdays. Megan has been assigned to practice with the Varsity group. The Junior Varsity group meets on Thursdays.
Wednesday, November 4th
Luke, Matt and I headed to the Orthodontist today at 11:00. Luke and Matt got braces but on and I started 10 trays of Invisalign to adjust a few last couple things before my contract expired. Separately Luke and Matt both decided on blue elastic bands. I took them out to Panera Bread for soup for lunch and they each thanked me several times. Going to Panera Bread after getting braces on or off has really become a tradition. Braces makes both boys look older!
Got an email from Pine Creek saying that the kids will go on a two week quarantine because of cases at the school. Our kids weren’t closely effected but I think it’s hard to keep enough teachers staffed for in person learning.
VOTING DAY - We sent our votes in earlier through the mail. When Chris got home from work he turned on the news and switched between networks to hear the updates as he worked on taking out the old spindles on the balcony. At 10:30 I headed to bed with stomach pains. Chris stayed up until 2:00 watching election updates. I few great election memes that I liked over the last couple of weeks.
Thursday, November 5th
Adventure Thursday - I met at Andreas house and headed up to Dawson Butte Ranch Open Space for a 5 mile hike. It was a fun one. Fun to talk to Andrea, Danielle, Emma, Adri, Cynthia and Carol.
Skype piano lessons for Matt.
We spent the evening working on staining the banisters and replacing the last of the
Friday, November 6th
BYU/Boise Football Game was so fun! Our first win on the blue field! We invited Jon and Megan to come over and watch it with us and we all wore masks. I made some pumpkin bars and it was fun to visit with them six feet apart. I’ve missed getting together with friends!!
Saturday, November 7th
Sunday, November 8th
8:30 church for the whole ward - socially distanced and masked. This Sunday we just had Sacrament Meeting with the plan to adjust our meetings in the coming days. No second hour today. COVID is getting worse and worse.
Monday, November 9th
Emily and Megan online learning. Luke and Matt head to school for in-person learning and stayed after school for yoga/running/sports club in small assigned pods.
Tuesday, November 10th
Emily and Megan online learning. Luke and Matt went to school for in-person learning and stayed after school for yoga/running/sports club in small assigned pods.
Nick (woodworker) came to give me a quote on new molding for the kitchen cabinets. I had a flash of inspiration just before he came to try and add 6 inches to the lower cabinets to make them all the same height. I texted Amy, Scott and Monae to get their ideas and help! It took up lots of my day and brain power, but I’m excited about posibilities!
Megan had indoor HS soccer practice at the Soccerhaus. 3:30 - 5:00. Megan drives the 20 minutes and is getting good practice driving. Chris picked her up at the end. I did some grocery shopping at Costco and mailed a letter at Copy It.
Luke and Matthew had Bishop’s interviews at 7:45. Matthew for ‘Preparing for the Priesthood’ interview and Luke for an updated Temple Recommend. Fun to talk to Bishop Bullet and grateful for all his service. He always remembers every detail from Katie’s letters. : )
Wednesday, November 11th
Chris had the day off today for Veterans Day. We woke up excited to tackle a few errands like a big Target run with a 10% military coupon. We stocked up on toiletries, food and some fun extras for Christmas decor and presents. It was a good run.
We headed back to the house to meet up with people who would be putting up the top section of our Christmas lights. Our first year paying someone. Hard to want to put money towards that but excited to have great lights everywhere on the house.
We made some purchases at Dicks and then enjoyed a late dinner at BJ’s. Chris’ meal was free because of a Veteran’s Day promotion. We brought in Chris’ laptop and enjoyed sitting close as we added some things to our budget and Christmas idea list. So fun to be organized this early.
After dinner Chris suggested that we go check out some furniture stores to look for a new chair for the living room. We headed over to Furniture Row and although I didn’t think we’d see anything I liked, I was so excited to look. Right as we walked in I saw a leather 1 1/2 chair that had real possibility. Nice clean lines, a good medium colored leather and no nail polish stains. I really thought I’d get one leather chair or two smaller chairs to fit that area, but we love having a comfy chair that seats two for this room. It just fits! We checked out another store with no possibilities. Definitely interested in this one! During our shopping Chris hinted at a overnighter in Denver but wouldn’t actually come out and say it. Even when I asked, “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” he wouldn’t give in.
We watched the first episode of the new season of THIS IS US with Emily and Megan — although Megan fell asleep, like normal. It was so good and particularly interesting how they wove the characters through the pandemic and killing of George Floyd. They always do such a great job with relationships and real human feelings and this was no different. So moving — and really the first time we’ve seen the pandemic come through the screen. Love this show.
Thursday, November 12th
Chris and I exercised and watched the news, taking turns on the treadmill and lifting weights. When we got dressed then Chris said, “Hey, how about we check out some furniture stores in Denver. And maybe pack a bag so that if we get tired we don’t have to come all the way home.” Love that guy!
We started shopping at Park Meadows Mall. We checked out Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel etc. for chairs and found some that we liked, but nothing that could compare with the one we’d already found in price and in function.
We ate a late lunch/dinner at Cheesecake Factory — which we’ve missed since the temple has been closed. We shared a beet salad and chicken and biscuits, which was so good.
We headed to a Furniture Row close by to take another look at the leather chair. We like it a lot and decided to go ahead and order it. Then we happened to walk over to a section of ‘as is’ furniture with the exact leather chair waiting for us. We looked it over and it was in perfect condition — and almost $500 off. Feeling so grateful!
We video chatted with Katie and Ryan as we walked through West Elm. I rarely get to walk through that store so it was definitely a bonus to an already great day. Chris is such a trooper to shop all day. Love him.
We drove to Union Station and checked in to the Crawford Hotel! Love this building so much and was pretty excited to be staying here. Each floor is decorated in a different era. We stayed in the ‘Classic’ floor with big fancy beds and long drapes. It was fun. We bundled up and enjoyed walking around the city, through Larimer’s Square and then over to our second Cheesecake Factory of the day to pick up Cheesecake, which we ate back at the hotel.
Friday, November 13th
We woke up in our cute hotel room and decided to pay for more parking so we could relax and enjoy the morning and area. We got ready and then hung out in our room — I looked up Christmas ideas on my phone and Chris researched about real estate investments that he’s excited about. We both finished our Cheesecakes.
At 11:00 we checked out and then took a few pictures in Union Station. It was such a fun place to stay. I love it there. With our night’s stay we each received an ice cream at the Milkbox Creamery. Salted Caramel Peanut Butter cups — and sat outside in the sun while we ate them. I just love being in the city and watching all the foot traffic. So fun to imagine where everyone is from and how they live.
We walked through the city to our car and then drove over to City Creek Mall to check out some fun stores like J Crew, Kate Spade and Stance. We found a few ideas and I ended up with some new booties from Aldo, which I’m excited about.
We enjoyed a perfectly wonderful late lunch at Seasons52. We hadn’t been there in a long time. Chris ordered some steak tacos and I ordered a yellow beet salad, which was great. Then of course a little $3 dessert. Pecan Pie for Chris and Oreo for me. So good.
We got home late afternoon and it was good to see the kids. We made a late dinner and watched the first episode of the Mandalorian with everyone and then a couple episodes of THIS IS US with the girls.
We got an email from the School District that announced that school will be online until Christmas break. I figured that news was coming so I wasn’t too surprised.
Saturday, November 14th
Dad borrowed the Richins truck and drove back up to Denver to pick up our new leather chair for the living room and then to buy them (and us) some yummy salted caramel donuts from Krispy Kreme.
I went with Megan as she drove to the Soccer Haus for an indoor team practice. Spectators only allowed if you reserve a table upstairs so I waited in the van for an hour, updated my budget spreadsheet and listened to this week’s episode of Don’t Miss This.
We received an email from our stake and ward that state that because of El Paso County regulations we can now only have 50 people at Sacrament meeting on Sundays. Our ward is now split up into 4 groups. Groups 1 and 2 will go one week at 8:30 and 9:30 and Groups 3 and 4 will go the next week at 8:30 and 9:30. We are group 3: from Jesters to Rasmussens. We don’t even get to see the Jacksons.
Dad figured out how to fix the outdoor lights that automatically turn on when it gets dark - but that were broken. So glad he’s able to figure things out like that!
We had a big sweet pork Cafe Rio style dinner and then watched two episodes of the second season of the Mandalorian.
Then I headed upstairs to have a bath and settled in my bed to start journaling in my Christmas journal — first time for this year.
Sunday, November 15th - My Birthday
Our church group is assigned to next Sunday so we slept in, got ready and enjoyed a Home Sacrament Meeting for the first time since the end of summer. It made me miss Ryan since most of our memories of Home Church included him helping to bless the Sacrament.
Chris and the girls made a big breakfast for me: eggs, hash browns and toast. We ate while we started our Come Follow Me study on Ether 1-5. It was a great lesson.
Chris and the kids helped me working on Katie’s Christmas Advent Calendar. We each took 3 or 4 days and found a Christmas quote and then attached a little note to put in each box. Her package needs to be sent by Friday so I was happy to have this part of it completed.
I talked to Amy on the phone for a little while - Happy Birthday wishes and then mostly talking about our week in Texas — which is going to be so fun. Katie called and we talked for 45 minutes. I had a great talk with Ryan later in the evening and he gifted me $10 towards Stephens Hot Chocolate. : ) The I skyped with my Mom and Dad for an hour. Good to talk with them! The Jacksons walked over and gave me a present, which was so nice. A cute Rifle Paper Co. tumbler and straws and nice card. I received so many texts - from all of my family, a phone call from Shelley and Ali, texts from Tiffany, Mindy, Yvonne, Megan Gillespie, Emma, Mary Seaquist, Peggy, Geneva, Terri, Lindsey, Nikole, Cynthia and a cute soap and note from Sunny. I felt very loved.
I opened a few presents in the afternoon. Emily and Megan gave me a jar full of Yorks and a ‘coupon’ for a Girls Night with massages and a movie of my choice. Dad and the boys gave me new Christmas plates — green ones with little white trees that I had been eyeing at Crate and Barrel. It was a fun surprise.
At 4:00 we watched the 150th Celebration of the YW Program, which was such a good broadcast. I was overwhelmingly emotional from the very start. I feel the power of the YW leaders, the YW all over the world and the spirit was present as they shared their message through word, examples of service and song. Chris and the boys stayed to watch the whole event as well — which I loved. It was a highlight of the day.
Monday, November 16th
I couldn’t sleep so I was up at 5:45 and at my computer by 6:15. Lots of emails and sales to check, graduation things to order, photos to send to the yearbook and journaling of the weekend to do.
Tuesday, November 17th
I exercised, cleaned a bit and then wrapped all of Luke’s birthday presents — mostly while talking to Ashlyn. So good to have a nice long talk and get caught up. Loved chatting about our similar interests in getting the best Target deals and fun present ideas.
Late afternoon I headed off to Home Goods and then Joanna’s and found quite a few things I was excited about… grey Euro pillows for Ryan’s room, grey pillows for the living room, a funny sumo game, some holly berries pics for the tree and a cute green mug. I keep thinking I’ll return some of the things I find but it turns out that I like them all once I get them home. : )
Megan made dinner for the family and when I got home we headed to the Stake Center for the Temple and Priesthood Preview. It looked a little different this year. It was held in the Chapel, social distanced and masked. Luke spoke from the YM and Emily spoke from the YW — she filled in for Brynn who was sick with COVID. It was fun to go with Matt and celebrate his turning 12 next year. Sister Groe and Brother Greenwood also spoke and we gave the kids cute temple cookies in a bag as they left.
Wednesday, November 18th
Most of today was decorating the house for Christmas. Late afternoon Megan, Matt and I headed to Target to pick up some things… a few birthday treats for Luke, some package things for Katie, and a new wreath that I’ve been eyeing for several weeks.
As a family we logged on and watched the Colorado Regional Youth Fireside on Zoom. Several speakers, missionaries and a beautiful musical number. It was a great fireside aimed at helping the youth realize the ways they can GATHER ISRAEL — especially on social media even during this difficult time.
Chris and I watched an episode of GRANDCHESTER in bed. It’s been a fun show to watch.
Lots of talk about a COVID vaccination in the news right now. At least two companies have vaccine trials with 95% effectiveness. It’s definitely hopeful. Right now they say it could come out for Medical Professionals by the end of the year and hopefully for my parents in early 2021. So grateful.
Thursday, November 19th
Katie’s friend, Abby Andersen, got home from her mission in Sweden today!
Such a great day today. The kids did their online school during most of the day and I wandered from room to room figuring out where Christmas decorations fit best. I really do love it. It certainly makes a big mess, but it feels productive - especially when it comes with some extra cleaning and organizing. Each of the kids did a job or two and Megan was able to earn some Santa bucks after her classes were over.
Peggy and Ashely both dropped off a birthday gift - which was so nice. Ali called and we chatted for awhile.
When Chris got home we ate yellow curry sauce for dinner - the six of us - and then Chris and I video chatted with Katie for a long time. It’s so fun to talk to her but we are SO excited for her to get home.
Chris turned on a Hallmark Christmas movie that we’ve never seen — and then we decorated the tree and ate Stroopwafels. It was a cute movie and a fun night. Matt snuggled in next to me and kept telling me what the characters were thinking and how the movie was going to end up. It was pretty cute.
Friday, November 20th
I spent most of the morning posting some things to sell on Facebook Marketplace. Then late afternoon I headed to do some returns/exchanges at Joann’s, Home Goods and Hobby Lobby. I quickly got home in time to meet someone at the door wanting to buy a rug and then Dad and I headed over to Copy It to mail Katie’s Christmas package and then go out for dinner at Biaggi’s. Chris talked the whole time about his dream of having a golf simulator. : )
Saturday, November 21st - Luke’s 13th Birthday
The boys asked to stay up until midnight on Friday just so they could be awake for the very second it turned November 21st. I said ok if they hung out in their room. This morning they showed me their vlog of when it turned 12:00. Funny boys. They tried to stay up as long as they could but only made it until 12:40am.
Dad couldn’t sleep so went in to work from 2:00am - 8:30am. He was planning on working from 6:30 - 12:30 but at 2:00am his plan changed. Crazy guy.
I exercised on the treadmill, got ready and then wrapped the last of Luke’s presents.
During half time of the BYU/North Alabama game - which we won! - we face-timed Ryan so he could peek in to watch Luke open his presents. Luke was pretty excited about everything — especially the magic card set. It was fun.
Luke picked Waffles with syrup, cream and berries for his birthday dinner and peanut butter pie for his dessert. The girls gave him JUMANJI 2 for his birthday so we watched it together and laughed a lot. It was a good day.
Sunday, November 22nd
Our week to go to church at 8:30. Only about 6 other families there with us. Elder Kelley spoke - during his home MTC experience - and it was great. We studied our Come Follow Me lesson after a breakfast of waffles and cream. Then we cleaned the kitchen, watched home videos, and packed clothes. I helped the boys and we went through their drawers to see what they’d outgrown.
Luke and I skyped with Grandma and Grandpa Walton to talk about his birthday and say thank you for his new shirt. It was fun to talk. Silly Matt kept prancing through the background, and then slithering on the ground. At one point Grandpa pranced through the back and slithered on the floor moaning and groaning the whole time. The boys thought it was pretty funny.
By 5:00 when Dad got home from work we had Sweet and Sour Chicken ready to eat and all our bags packed. We are ready for this trip in record time. I'm SO excited.
Monday, November 23rd - Drove to Chris & Amy’s house
Left out house early at about 5:30am. Drove 11 hours and arrived about 5:30 (with the time change). We listened to 9 chapters of Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites. We talked to Katie, talked to Ryan and took a few little naps. So fun to walk around and get a tour of their house and then sit down to eat some Chicken corn chowder, salad and bread for dinner. Fun to stay up late and talk before heading to bed.
Tuesday, November 24th
Chris Silva went to work. Chris found a place to golf and Amy and I stayed home and talked and talked and talked. After homemade salsa and chips for lunch we worked on the 7 Wonders Puzzle and finished it in record time. When the Chris’ got home we headed out to a nearby State Park and went for a walk. Then we spontaneously decided to head to In ‘n Out to grab hamburgers and shakes — which were so good. We ate outside the restaurant in our own little area. When we were finished Emily said, “That was so good! Now I’m full of life!” At home we taught Chris and Amy how to play Istanbul. Then they taught us how to play Horrified. Luke was interested so he joined in the game and really understood everything so quickly. This started the pattern for the week… Istanbul and Horrified with Luke!
Wednesday, November 25th - Day in Waco
Annie Christofferson gets home from her mission today! (Uruguay/Texas)
Katie’s friend, Claire, gets home from her mission today! (California Spanish Speaking)
Exploring the Magnolia area in Waco was so fun!! We started with lemon lavender and chocolate cupcakes at the Magnolia Baking Company, then shopped for an hour in the Magnolia store (so fun!) and then wandered down the street to the open area where the kids played tag and Amy and I headed into the furniture store. A little human pyramid on the lawn in front of a darling church and then we headed to Torchy’s for lunch in our own private outdoor space. Such a great day. More games of Istanbul and Horrified.
Thursday, November 26th - Thanksgiving in Texas
We spent the day at home. We worked out and then played a family game of soccer outside in the cult-de-sac — which was great. Amy and I made lots of Thanksgiving sides and we ate around 3:00. Such good food and so fun to share it together. AFter dinner we went on a walk around the neighborhood. The kids loved riding around on the Silva’s longboards and scooters. Delicious chocolate silk cream pie for dessert and a fun game of Pictionary.
Friday, November 27th
We explored Fort Worth! First in an old section of town with a cattle drive right down the street and lunch at the Shake Shack and then downtown at the water gardens and then wandering through the streets. It was a great city! Dinner and games at home.
Saturday, November 28th
The forecast was for rain so we had decided to just hang out at home but when the rain didn’t come we decided to head into Dallas - just the adults. We enjoyed seeing some JFK sights and then some shopping and eating lunch at the Pecan Lodge. So fun to have so much Chris and Amy time. We watched some shows on our last night… Episodes of Umbrella Academy and Scrubs.
Sunday, November 29th - Drive back to Colorado Springs
We left at about 7:30am and the Silvas waved to us from the driveway and then chased us down the street. On the way home we came up with our
Favorite things about our Week in Texas List:
Chris: Horrified, visiting Dallas to see JFK stuff and eating at Pecan Lodge, playing soccer as a family, lifting weights in Chris’ garage, playing with Sam and Ali.
Lisa: Shopping and cupcake eating in Waco, exploring Fort Worth, Amy’s French chocolate silk pie, all the games!, lots of talking and making Sam giggle.
Emily: Long boarding, that Ali liked me, eating Thanksgiving food, In ‘n Out.
Megan: Watching shows like Scrubs and the Umbrella Academy, outside soccer and Thanksgiving Dinner and Sam.
Luke: Playing Horrified, playing outside with everyone on the bikes and longboards and playing ultimate Chicken Horse.
Matt: Cousins, playing switch, hanging out outside, playing zombie tag, playing soccer, going outside at night.
The Silva’s Favorite Things List:
Chris Silva: Playing soccer, Horrified, Deep Elem Date, staying up late and talking, watching the Johnson kids be so sweet with our kids
Amy Silva: Exploring Waco and having our own outdoor area for Torchy’s, Istanbul and Horrified, the afternoon double date in Dallas, and playing soccer with everyone.
Jane Silva: Playing video games, soccer with the Johnsons, playing zombies outside, having the party.
Peter Silva: Video games with Matt and Luke. SOCCER, SOCCER, SOCCER, climbing around the Water Gardens.
Alice Silva: Playing Mario Kart with Megan, drawing a picture with Luke, going to where all those cows were.
Sam Silva: Hiking, playing with cousins, eating so many treats.
Back at home we unpacked the van and started a Christmas Hallmark movie while we made and ate dinner. It’s officially Christmas time!!
Monday, November 30th
Back at home. Lots of laundry, grocery shopping and list making. SO MUCH TO DO. Worked on editing and sending pictures to Lindsey for most of the afternoon. Chatted with Katie for an hour or two!