December - Day by Day
Tuesday, December 1st
It’s so nice to start off December with a fully decorated house. We love the warmth of the sparkling tree, cozy pillows and blankets, and collection of Santa’s on the front table. Especially loving our natural wood nutcrackers and trees on the front entry table this year and the pictures I printed out earlier this year for our 100 days before Christmas party.
“GIVING TUESDAY - Spend this Christmas following the example of Jesus Christ, who gave freely to help those around Him. Donate to or volunteer with a charity or nonprofit group doing good in the world. ”
We decided to give to WATER AID - a charity we’ve supported for several years now, which is determined to make clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene a reality for everyone everywhere within a generation. Matthew suggested that we donate $100 but when Dad asked him what he wanted to donate personally, he had to really think about it. What started out as a ‘I’m not sure I want to give any of my money’ turned into quite a generous offer when we talked about how blessed we are to have what we have when there are so many without water. As always it was a good reminder of what blessings we have. Each of the kids and Chris and I donated to WATER AID.
Wednesday, December 2nd
The kids had an easy online Wednesday. They don’t have official classes but just work assigned to get done throughout the day. We spent some time getting the house cleaned and ready for Grandma. I took Luke over to the orthodontist to get a wire fixed and cleaned out the van while I waited. I ran a few errands including a Target trip and a trip to Dillards to make use of the 20% off Military deal to buy something for Luke.
Dad picked up Grandma Johnson from the Colorado Springs airport at 5:00 and brought her home. We ate dinner together and then settled on the couches to watch the LIGHT THE WORLD Christmas Devotional. Great music and fun to have the Sister Missionaries show us around Temple Square. Excited to LIGHT THE WORLD this December.
During the devotional a big package was delivered. A HUGE package with the words FRAGILE written on the outside. It was from the Starbucks and must have cost a fortune just to mail. We opened it up and found a ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY’ letter along with tins filled with Santa and Nutcracker ornaments — one for each of our 25 years. And not only that… each ornament was an ornament specifically made in a certain year… 1995, 1996, 1997 and so on. How amazing is that. We are blessed to have the most thoughtful friends! We opened the first two and then decided to open one each day. (Check out pictures of our favorites on it’s own post)
After our devotional and present opening, we got right into decorating our Gingerbread Houses. Grandma, Luke, Matt and I worked on one and Dad and the girls worked on the other. Because we had to put our house together with icing, we had seriously problems. Half way through, our house collapsed and we scraped off the icing and then used the glue gun to put it back together. Dad and the girls’ house didn’t fall over but was pretty crooked and it made us laugh every time we walked to the side. It was a fun night!
Candy and treats for our Gingerbread Houses!
“HERO HIGHLIGHT Jesus Christ demonstrated perfect love, but He also took the opportunity to point out ht selfless actions of others around Him. So when we take the time to call out those who are following His example, we’re actually just doing what HE did. Who represents Christlike love to you?”
We chatted together about who we thought represented Christlike love. Emily suggested Brother and Sister Richins. Megan brought up Elisha saying that she was caring and like everyone’s mom ‘in a good way’. Luke said Ali Theurer. We agreed that Ryan and Katie were both amazing examples of Christlike Service. We listed the Jacksons, Yvonne, Grandma’s and Grandpa’s and so many of our family and friends. We are surrounded by good examples. . I’m grateful for a husband who loves the Lord and keeps His commandments and kids who are excited to serve. That night before I headed to bed I texted everyone who was mentioned tonight and thanked them for being a good example to our family.
Thursday, December 3rd
I did an 8 FIT workout in my room while watching the TODAY show and then got ready for the day. Shelley and I headed down to have lunch with Chris at the German restaurant, but the dining room is closed. Apparently a lot of the restaurants around are closed for inside seating — which I respect and agree with. We ended up enjoying salads, soups and sandwiches from Panera Bread inside the van together. Nice to see Chris during the day.
When Emily and Megan were done with on-line school we headed to the mall to do some shopping with Grandma. We wandered through American Eagle and H&M but there wasn’t much the girls were excited about, but when we entered a shoe store Emily was thrilled to find a pair of white Doc Martin’s — which she has been wanting for months. Grandma was excited to buy them for her (half for Christmas and half for her birthday). So fun!
MOVIE MARATHON NIGHT: When Chris got home we ate a few leftovers and then started ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ (Grandma’s Favorite Christmas movie) while we cleaned up the kitchen, worked on a puzzle and started wrapping a few presents. It’s such a cute movie and it was especially cute to watch Luke really understand it and love it too. Our Second movie of the night was LAST CHRISTMAS. We turned on the fireplace downstairs and cuddled up on the couch for this one. Dad and I had seen it in the theater last Christmas but no one had seen it yet. Everyone really liked it. The boys headed to bed and we watched a THIRD movie of the night… whew… talk about movie marathon… RETURN TO ME, which Chris and I absolutely love. So good. Got to bed much too late.
“PEACE ON EARTH - When Jesus Christ was born, angels proclaimed peace on earth. Today that promise of peace is more relevant that ever. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus declared, “Blessed are the peacemakers”. (Matthew 5:9) Post a picture or video to social media that brings you peace and calm. ”
Chris - Reading the scriptures, talking to my wife, working out, watching a good show, listening to a podcast or audiobook, visiting the temple (before COVID) and knowledge that families can be together forever.
Lisa - Sitting in my room reading the Ensign or the Work +Wonder magazine, taking a hot bath, a quiet house, listening to an LDS podcast or Conference Talk, taking a walk, taking the time to think and pray during the Sacrament, couple prayers with Chris, thinking and praying as I drive by myself
Emily - Listening to and playing music, driving, beautiful snow, reading a book in my bed with blankets
Megan - Going outside to play soccer or going to soccer practice and games brings me peace. Also watching sports with Dad - lol!
Luke - Reading scriptures, the thought that we can all make it to Heaven and that families can be together forever, finishing or completing something hard or long, being with my best friends, siblings, family and loved ones, watching and helping Matt or someone with video games, playing Switch sometimes.
Matt - My friends, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Katie, Em, Meg, Luke, playing the switch, listening to church talks, music, winning a soccer game.
Friday, December 4th
Emily and I did an 8FIT workout together during her Weights class — which really just means she needs to work out online. She places the iPad so that it records her workout and then she submits it to her teacher in a sped up version.
I took Shelley out for lunch today - just the two of us since Chris was working and the kids were home doing online school. We tried to go to Biaggi’s but the dining room is closed so we wandered around looking for an option where we could eat inside or outside somewhere. Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar had an outdoor seating area with a heater and we decided to try it. Great appetizers and sandwiches.
After school we took the girls out shopping again… this time to find something from Grandma to Megan. Megan suggested Target but when we couldn’t see much that we liked, I suggested Dicks and she found a cropped Nike black zip up sweatshirt within minutes. Happy girls.
Back at home we got ready for our ELF PARTY. The table was set with menu cards and a display of the Elf’s 4 Main Food Groups. I served spaghetti, candy canes, pop tarts and syrup but did NOT know that Dad and the boys would actually put them all together. Disgusting. We watched the movie while we ate and drank World’s Best Hot Chocolate. It was a fun night.
Emily and Megan goofing around while they make the spaghetti sauce.
Saturday, December 5th
We enjoyed exchanging presents with Grandma Johnson. She spoiled us with some money, some peppermint soap, a cute framed picture of the nativity, books for the girls, white Doc Martin boots for Emily, a Black Nike sweatshirt for Megan, BYU hats and head lamps for the boys, flying remote controlled drones for Megan and Luke and flying UFO’s for Emily and Matthew. Everything was a hit. We gave Grandma one of her presents early — a Christmas sign from Magnolia.
Grandma also gifted us with an outing to go CHRISTMAS BOWLING. We ended up trying the bowling alley on the Airforce Academy and it was great and HALF the price. We played three games and had a lot of fun. Below, Emily is pointing to her best score ever: 158!
Grandma bought us Marco’s Pizza for lunch and we ate it while watching the beginning of the BYU/Coastal Carolina (our first loss of the season). I worked on ordering Christmas cards and then helped Shelley with getting hers ordered as well. So great to have that done!
We taught Shelley how to play SKYJO and ate ‘Party Food’ like brie cheese and red pepper jelly with crackers. Then we watched THE CHRISTMAS MIX-UP — one of Grandma’s favorites.
“PAY IT BACKWARDS - Show gratitude like Jesus did. Think of someone who served you and return the favor. ”
Sunday, December 6th
The kids put their shoes out before bed and woke up to them filled with German candy and chocolates. Love that St. Nicholas Day is still a tradition.
Fast Sunday. We had Sacrament Meeting in-person today. The four Missionaries who greeted us formed a sort of a pathway with their elbows up causing us to walk in with both elbows out chuckling as we went. It was pretty funny. We had a 40 minute Sacrament Meeting. We listened to the hymns instead of sing them, Luke helped pass the family bags of gluten-free crackers and then water, and we listened to a few testimonies - with masks on. With the local restrictions we are now divided into four groups. Group 1 and 2 meet at 8:30 and 9:30 one week and then Groups 3 and 4 meet at 8:30 and 9:30 the next week. We’re group 3 right now. After church we enjoyed our COME FOLLOW ME lesson and then I gathered Grandma and the kids to help me with the huge project of bagging, tagging and organizing the Primary treats for all our 100 primary kids.
We paused the project to work on dinner. Chicken and Broccoli Sauce over Rice with roasted carrots. And then we said our goodbyes to Grandma and Chris drove her to the airport. It was definitely a fun couple days.
I spent another hour or so on the Primary treats and then had Luke go with me to drop off to all the kids in Cordera. He was good to help me!
At 6:00 we enjoyed the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It was social distanced with recordings of previous choir songs but was still great. Good Christmas messages and great blessings evoked by our Prophet + traditional Sunday ice cream = a great Sunday evening.
Luke and Matt jumped in the car and helped me finish the rest of our Primary deliveries. I probably worked on that for 5 hours today! Glad it’s done.
Matthew and Emily organized the SECRET SANTA names for the next week or two. It’s a fun tradition that the kids LOVE.
“FAST RELIEF - Before Jesus Christ began His mortal ministry, He fasted inthe desert. For 40 dya, He went without food or water as He prayed for strength and guidance. As we donate the money we saved on food to help feed the hungry, we can find strength in fasting like Jesus did. Go without a meal or two today, and donate the amount of money you saved to a food charity.”
We fasted for general COVID issues and specific friends who need our help and support and then contributed money to the church to distribute to the poor.
Monday, December 7th
Excited for this day. A lot of the big things I’d been working on lately were completed, sent off or ordered so I had some free time to clean, journal and shop.
Instead of open just one of my Santas/Nutcracker ornaments each day I got anxious to see them and so I opened ALL of THEM! They are darling and I added them to the tree downstairs — which is already home to my ‘Santa’s from around the World.’ They look so good hanging on the tree. (See separate post for more pics)
I got to talk to Katie for an hour or two. She comes home in 30 days! We’re pretty excited. I sent the kids downstairs to watch a movie together so I could have some quiet time to wrap presents. Chris came home and we talked through some present ideas and ate dinner by ourselves while the kids were downstairs re-watching Stranger Things. The girls worked on math homework. The boys watched some Dude Perfect and then got ready for bed.
“SIGNS OF CHRISTMAS - Jesus Christ always took the time to offer encouragement and life others. As we celebrate His birth, one of the most Christlike things we can do is reach out to give someone a boost. Decorate a neighbor’s door with Christmas greetings. ”
At 9:00 Emily and Megan helped me cut out some colored lights and write a note to our good friends. Then Dad drove us over and we taped it up on their front door. It was anonymous but they texted just a while later and said, “Did you decorate our door? It’s so cute. I know it’s you!” We miss hanging out with our friends!
Tuesday, December 8th
Worked out on and off the treadmill with Emily as we watched Gilmore Girls.
Had fun chatting with Ryan about some gift ideas (a big one) that we’re excited about right now. He is going to be a little ELF and will bring home some fun presents from a few stores there, as well as from Ashlyn and Grandma and Grandpa Walton. He comes home on Friday!! Can’t wait.
Megan had a zoom Gingerbread Temple activity with her Young Women’s class. The supplies were dropped off yesterday — individual bags of candy and graham crackers ready for each YW. It was such a cute idea. She sat with her phone in front of her as she put together her temple and chatted with her friends and leaders. So fun.
Dad and the boys played ping pong for awhile.
“HEALTH CARING - Jesus Christ came to heal the sick in more ways than one. We can follow His example. This year, medical professionals around the globe have devoted countless hours to help fight a global pandemic. Do something to show your appreciation for the essential workers in your local medical community.”
I posted a picture of Chris at work and how grateful I am for his knowledge and service in the medical field. Even though he’s not on the front lines of COVID, I’m grateful for everything he does and how hard he works. I’m also so grateful for all the many friends we have who work in the medical field. It’s been a hard year for a lot of them.
Wednesday, December 9th
Chris had a flex-day today so stayed home. We dropped off two cars to get oil changes, he worked on his talk for Sunday and I finished packing up our friend packages. At noon we headed out to PFChangs for an outdoor lunch. Luckily it was a beautiful 60 degree sunny day… the last before a snowy cold front comes in for at least a week. We ate our lettuce wraps and finalized a few more things for Christmas. December lunch dates are just so fun!
Back at home Chris started to put together his big delivery! A new sauna. He’s been researching the health benefits for ages and finally decided to get one. We decided that the perfect place for it would be the downstairs office, since we hardly use that room at all. Emily and I were helpful bringing big pieces down and helping it get all put together but Chris worked on it for hours. Chris and I ended the night with a 40 minute detox session in the Sauna. Chris got the speakers working and logged into Netflix so we can watch something while we’re in there. Chris LOVES it but boy is it hot. It’s going to take some getting used to but I’m determined to use it with him.
“WORDS OF LOVE - Be mindful of those you love, like Jesus was. send your favorite book to a faraway friend.”
My friend Yvonne has been having a really hard time lately. Just a lot going on in her little world and I can’t even imagine the stress and emotion she’s feeling right now. When I talked to Chris earlier this month about doing something for her he suggested I get her a Work + Wonder magazine, since I’ve enjoyed mine so much. So I did. I hope it brings her added peace and hope during this time of year.
Thursday, December 10th
At home for the morning and early afternoon. Exercised, cleaned, did laundry, and worked on finishing up Christmas cards. Mid afternoon I headed to Copy It to mail our friend packages, to Costco to do some returns and pick up some healthy food, and then over to the UPS to buy stamps since Copy It was out. I sat in the car and stamped all of the Christmas cards and then mailed them. Feels good to have that done! Then one last delivery for the Primary treats.
I pulled in the same time as Chris did. I made some chicken noodle soup and red pepper jelly grilled cheese sandwiches while Dad and the kids worked on cleaning up the garage. Emily and Maggie headed out to do some shopping together - masked the whole time. Glad they could spend some time together. Chris, Megan, Luke, Matthew and I ate dinner and listened to Christmas music as we did the dishes. Then we all wore our Christmas masks and took a spontaneous trip to Target — the kind where you have to be very careful to not look for each other in the isles as several of us picked up some surprise things for each other. When we got home we settled in to watch JINGLE JANGLE. Dad, Emily and Megan worked on a Pixar Puzzle and got the whole thing done in one night.
In Provo, Ryan had a Christmas party with Cassie, Spencer and Brynnley. They drank hot chocolate, watched Polar Express (while Ryan finished up an online assignment) and exchanged gifts. Ryan gave Cassie two games - Skyjo and Quixx and she gave him a box of ‘Favorite Things’: an Albanian mask, an R2D2 mug and watermelon socks. Spence and Brynnley gave him a Book of Yoda Wisdom and a watermelon ornament.
Friday, December 11th
It snowed over night and the roads were pretty bad for Chris driving to work. We looked at the forecast for Ryan driving home today and decided to postpone until Sunday to try for better weather. It’s snowing all day in Colorado Springs, Denver and Cheyenne. We’ll see if it’s better in a couple days. I think he’ll enjoy the extra few days there to hang out with Cassie and friends and get some school stuff done.
I exercised this morning and played a couple games of Tetris, then wrapped some Christmas/Birthday presents and edited some pictures and worked on this post! It was a great afternoon.
We ate roasted potatoes/carrots and veggies for dinner and Dad asked what was one thing we were grateful for today.
Matt said, “Christmas pictures from when I was two .” I guess he’s been hanging out on the blog.
Luke said, “Great teachers.”
Megan said, “
Emily said, “Gilmore Girls and my planner so I can write everything I need to do and then check it off.”
Mom said, “An afternoon to edit and blog.”
Dad said, “Having a good job so that I could finish my talk today.”
Dad and I sat in the sauna again and then watched some Crown while the kids re-watched Stranger Things. After the boys went to bed, then we watched some Umbrella Academy on VidAngel.
“TREATS TIMES TWO - Share as Jesus did. Make two plates of treats. Drop one off to a friend, give the other to someone the friend suggests. ”
We are counting our package to Gracie as our Light the World today. Sister Katie Johnson brought her up in a recent conversation and told me she had been thinking about her quite a bit lately and suggested that she might need some cheering up since this is the first Christmas season since her mom passed away. We wrapped up the game Quixx and added some of our favorite treats from Trader Joe’s and dropped it off on her porch with a note. Grateful to act on Katie’s inspiration.
Saturday, December 12th
Chris and I enjoyed a morning of working out and then a ‘cardiovascular session’ in the sauna.
After the kids had all their chart stuff done then we cleaned the storage room, vacuumed downstairs, swept and vacuumed the main floor, sanitized the door handles, and cleaned the baseboards. Then we headed out as a family to run some errands. Dropped off some things at Goodwill, did a return at Hobby Lobby, dropped off Gracie’s goodies (see Light the World from yesterday), and went to DICK’S to pick out some gifts for cousins. We listened to Christmas music as we drove from place to place and it was fun to be together.
We had tacos and homemade salsa while we watched the BYU basketball game against Utah. Then the final BYU football game of the season. We won both. Megan and Emily worked hard on a hard Villainous Puzzle and the boys had so much fun adding to their fort — which they’ve slept in for the last two nights.
We had tacos and homemade salsa while we watched the BYU basketball game against Utah. Then at 8:00 the final BYU football game of the season. Megan and Emily worked hard on a hard Villainous Puzzle and the boys had so much fun adding to their fort — which they’ve slept in for the last two nights.
“Sometimes we forget that Jesus spent His time in a relatively small area, geographically speaking. He is the Savior of the Word, but His ministry was mostly done on a community level. Like, Him, that is where we too can make the most difference. This Christmas, many local businesses are struggling to stay open after a tough year. Make a holiday purchase, or give them your support in whatever way you can. ”
We’ve enjoyed doing a little shopping here in town over the last couple of weeks - including today, as we shopped as a family. Driving all over the town had me thinking about each little store or business and wondering how they’ve each been affected this year along with all of their employees. So many people - and that’s just here in Colorado Springs. What a year. Hoping small stores, business and restaurants everywhere will recover during this next year.
Sunday, December 13th
We had a great Sunday. It was our week to stay at home from church so we slept in just a little bit longer than usual. Chris had a Ward Council meeting with the Meadow Run Ward and when he was done we started our Come Follow Me Study. It was great material and I was extra emotional. Chris spoke twice at the two different Sacrament Meetings for the Meadow Run Ward. While he was gone the girls did some Bullet Journaling and Watercoloring — Matt joined in and painted this cute picture of our Elf on the Shelf — and we watched home videos as I cooked dinner. The videos made me extra excited to have Ryan and Katie home. Can’t wait! We had Curry Soup over Rice for Dinner, Chris’ talk went great, and then we got our paper and scissors out to have the Jacksons over for an hour or two. No food. All of us in masks. We cut out snowflakes and had fun talking and showing them a few new Christmas ornaments, the Sauna and the boys fort. It was fun to be a little bit social. We haven’t had much of hanging out with friends this year!
Ryan got home just as the Jacksons were heading home. He was going to come home on Friday, but because of weather and school work, he decided to wait and come home on Sunday. The roads were good for him and he made great time. So fun to have him home! Ryan ate dinner and the rest of us enjoyed some traditional Sunday ice cream. Then we did two LIGHT THE WORLD activities.
“THE CHRIST CHILD - The birth of Jesus was a beacon of hope for the world. As we watch those events unfold in THE CHRIST CHILD, we’re reminded that the hope He brings is just as powerful today as it was 2,000 years ago. Watch and note a moment that gives you hope and why.”
We watched the Christ Child video together and then headed to the table to write our thoughts about which moment in the movie gives us HOPE and why. It was really neat to hear everyone’s thoughts and share special moments from the movie. I was emotional voicing my thoughts and hearing others. It was a highlight of the week for sure.
Chris - I like the dichotomy between the despair you see in Joseph’s eyes when he can’t find a suitable place for the birth - and the hope and wonder in Joseph’s eyes when he holds the baby and looks into his eyes and at Mary.
Lisa - I love that the first people to know of the Savior’s birth are the Shepherds — the most lowly and humble of men. And then the wise men. It shows that Jesus is Christ to all of us - the rich and the poor - whoever seeks him.
Ryan - Joseph wanted to help Mary move to the stable, but waited until she was ready to stand and nodded before lifting her up. God and Christ are the same with us, and that brings me hope. He has his arm around us, waiting and understanding until we nod.
Emily - I like the part where Mary sings to her newborn. Also how the wisemen traveled for so long to meet Jesus.
Megan - I like when the Shepherds first saw baby Jesus because they understood how important he was and they were instantly filled with hope.
Luke - the moment that brought me hope was when the King saw Jesus as a little child and started crying and giving Him the gifts. This brings me hope because the King knew who it was and was so happy and grateful to meeting Jesus Christ, even as a child.
Matthew - Watching the Christ Child gives me hope — especially when the Kings gave Jesus the riches. I like doing Light the World.
“SERENE SUNDAY — Take time to reflect like Jesus did. Tune out distractions and find a quiet place to think about what brings you closer to God.”
We filled in some SERENE SUNDAY cards and thought about what brings us closer to God and shared them with each other.
Chris - Sitting quietly in a dark room with a lit Christmas tree, thinking about each of my children and how proud I am of them, studying the Scriptures, watching General Conference, being in nature.
Lisa - Reading the Ensign, Work+Wonder, Scriptures, listening to General Conference, having great talks with family and friends, being outside in nature, continual prayer, being in the temple with my children, hearing testimonies of family members.
Ryan - Obedience, doing kind things for friends and family, prayer and pondering, participating in Light the World, expressing gratitude and hearing gratitude expressed to me, being in nature.
Emily - When I’m reading the scriptures in a quiet place and learning from it, listening to great talks that help me be better and praying sincerely.
Megan - Watching the Christ Child and Light the World Videos, praying like he’s right beside me and doing baptisms for the dead, service.
Luke - Doing service, going to church and going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, being grateful for things, loving myself - and siblings, parents, friends and just everyone, praying, talking about/teaching/listening to gospel topics, doing Light the World and reading scriptures.
Matthew - Primary, mom and dad, primary teachers, being with family, having church with extended family
Monday, December 14th
I took Luke and Matthew to the Dentist for cleanings. While they were in their appointments I journaled in my Christmas Journal — I appreciate little pockets of time like that to work on something fun. Luke had been complaining of some pain in one of his teeth, so I was relieved that it wasn’t a cavity.
We ate Curry Soup for dinner and then opened up a package which came from the Chuggs - a cute Colorado print and a darling book - which we read together as a family.
Then we enjoyed the Social Sing and Serve — a Christmas concert with inspirational service ideas put on for Light The World. It was great. We then headed downstairs to watch a couple episodes of the Mandalorian, which is fun… especially watching with Ryan. The boys are loving it too.
“Gather together with your family to sing, and do some good in this evening’s Social Sing and Serve event and make Christmas that much more meaningful. ”
After dinner we enjoyed the Social Sing and Serve - a Christmas concert with music and inspirational service ideas put on for Light the World. It was great. Especially loved watching some deaf women sign while Steven Sharp Nelson played the cello, and David Archeleta sing.
Tuesday, December 15th
Got a lot of things done at home. Exercised, showered and then headed over to Target to pick up a few things. They weather was cold and icy and even just driving over to Target was a little bit dangerous. It’s been fun to pick up the mail and see the Christmas cards coming in from friends all over the country.
I had a fun phone conversation with Mike and wished him an early happy birthday. It was good to hear about work and how he and Carly and the girls are doing and fun to talk about some Christmas surprises and plans. : )
We had Tacos with homemade salsa and guacamole for dinner and then played a game of Seven Wonders all together. Dad headed over to the iPhone to see if he could get Emily’s phone fixed, Emily and Megan watched a show, and the boys played some Switch together. Dad and I enjoyed sitting in the Sauna and watched a little bit more of our movie… Sabrina. Then Ryan, Chris and I played a fun game of Dominion. : )
“A wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is to help feed the hungry, just like He did. This year many people have experienced financial hardships and other setbacks, and odds are, your local food bank is feeling the strain. If you’re able, make a donation. Or you can give a meal directly to someone who could use it. ”
I signed up to provide dinner for the sister missionaries working in the YSA ward so I picked up a salad, soup, french bread and added oranges and a Candy Cane cookie mix with a Merry Christmas card. Then I left it on the porch for them to pick up.
Wednesday, December 16th
Katie gets home in exactly 3 weeks!!
I exercised and spent some time in the sauna.
I made an appointment for the orthodontist for Luke — he had a wire that needed to be cut. Then I headed to Banana Republic to do a return and after dropping Luke off at home, continued with an errand to buy stamps and fill up the van while I talked to my parents on the phone.
An easy Wednesday for the boys online school. Tests and final projects for the girls.
Salmon, sweet potatoes and roasted broccoli for dinner. We pulled out the calendar and planned a few Family Christmas themed parties since we only have 8 days before Christmas. That’s crazy! Then right into Christmas pjs and a movie - the new cartoon Grinch which most of us hadn’t seen. It was really cute! Then Ryan helped Emily on her Statistics homework for hours as we watched old home videos of Christmas mornings when the kids were little. It was so fun!
“LOVE MOM & DAD — Honor your parents. Call them, visit them, and post about them on social media.”
I reposted my parents I’ll BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS video on Facebook — which is just darling. It was my Dad’s idea and Mike helped them put it together, film and edit. It makes me laugh and then cry — especially thinking about this possibly being my Dad’s last Christmas. It will be priceless to have. It was fun to share. I received so many comments from friends from different locations all saying how cute my parents are. It’s true. I’m so grateful for them. They have always been great teachers, supporters, advisors and cheerleaders. They are such a great example to me of living a righteous and joy filled life!
Thursday, December 17th
I exercised and spent some time in the sauna.
Matthew had piano lessons.
Ryan spent the day studying for his last final. He began after dinner and when I checked on him he said it was terribly hard. Hope it turns out ok!
We watched the last episode of the Umbrella Academy on Vid Angel and then started a cheezy Christmas movie but couldn’t even finish it. Haha.
I just love spending time in the dark with the Christmas trees. This one is the downstairs tree - now filled with all kinds of santas. Love it.
Friday, December 18th
I headed to Costco to be there at 9:00 so that my snow tires could be put on the van. I was stopped at the entrance because the first hour of the day is for those over age 60 but when I told them about the appointment for tires, they happily let me in. I wandered every isle slowly since I had the time. It’s so much quieter during that first hour of the day. It was nice. I came home and the kids helped me unload everything.
The girls had a dentist appointment at 12:00 and Ryan and I decided to head down to the Shops at Briargate to look around at some of the stores. Pottery Barn… Paper Source and Anthropologie. I found a cute White Elephant Gift for Walton Week at the Lodge. Then over to Target where we met the girls and looked around for a few Christmas gifts and a few groceries. I just love the hustle and bustle this time of year. I know most people hate it but it makes me feel happy and a part of some combined effort to serve and love others.
Emily helped me make buttermilk waffles for dinner. Then we had a zoom call with the Missionaries who gave us a little devotional about LIGHT THE WORLD.
For our Light the World activity, we read some Christmas stories and then headed downstairs to watch the last three episodes of the Mandalorian. It was fun to watch and we ended with some very happy boys when some well known characters entered the last scene. It was fun!
“CHRISTMAS STORIES - Make time for children like Jesus did. Read a beloved children’s story to a child. ”
Ryan, Emily, Megan, Luke and Matthew picked one of our Christmas books and Dad read them all as we sat squished on the couch. As my kids grow older we read less and less so I appreciated the activity.
Saturday, December 19th
Chris, Ryan, Megan, Luke and Matthew woke up at 5:00am and headed off to Breckenridge for their first official day of skiing.
Emily and I stayed home. I exercised, got in the sauna and read my scriptures and scrolled through social media a bit, got ready and then got working on two projects for Christmas. Emily slept in, worked out, played the guitar, ate breakfast, helped me with my second project (a BYU collage for Megan for Christmas) and then headed off to Target to finish buying things for her cute friends.
Chris and the kids got home from skiing at 6:00. They had a great time! We had soup and red pepper jelly grilled cheese sandwiches and then the kids did some much anticipated Just Dance together.
Sunday, December 20th
I woke up at 4:50am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Finally I got out of bed, headed down to the Sauna and watched Don’t Miss This, took a bath and then sat by the tree with my Work + Wonder magazine. It was wonderfully peaceful.
We enjoyed church at home with our family and then Come Follow Me. We used this cute poster to the right to document some gifts that we’ve received this year. It was a great discussion. We are so blessed!
Emily started off the cousin Luke 2 reading and it was SO FUN to have videos coming in all day long.
We banished the kids downstairs and then Chris and I wrapped presents while watching THE HOLIDAY.
For dinner I served homemade salsa and sweet potato quesadillas — a new favorite from my Mom.
The Jacksons stopped by and dropped off mint brownies, a cute jewelry tray for me and a puzzle for the family. So thoughtful!
We played Castles of Burgundy with Ryan and Dad. Love that game… it makes me so happy.
At 7:00 we watched the Stake Christmas concert (on-line) while we did a puzzle, ate ice cream and made Christmas cards for close friends serving missions.
Then Chris and I watched an episode of The Crown.
“LOOPING LUKE 2 — Share a video of yourself reading a verse from Luke 2. Tag a friend to do the next verse and start a chain to verse 20. ”
This was a fun one. Emily started off reading Luke 2 verse 1 and then handed it off to James and so on. It was SO FUN to have videos coming in all day long. Chris put all the videos together including one from Katie, and I posted it on Facebook. It turned out really cute… especially having all the little cousins participate.
Monday, December 21st
No school for the kids. The boys played Switch, I exercised and sat in the sauna and had a great conversation with Carly. They have COVID right now and won’t be able to gather with Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas or the come to the Lodge with the whole family. So disappointing. I feel so bad for them. Such horrible timing to get sick.
I ran some errands, talked to my Mom, and talked to Katie.
The kids and I wrapped cousin gifts in the afternoon.
We ate raspberry avocado, pecan salads for dinner and then talked to the Johnsons for Light the World.
We did the new puzzle the Jacksons gave us, watched Home Along 2 and then ate Squamish Bars.
Tuesday, December 22nd
More errands - this time on the hunt to figure out how to print out a WELCOME HOME sign for Katie’s return.
We ate our tradition Christmas Adam crepes tonight. (We’re moving everything up a day so that we can eat all our leftovers before we leave for the Lodge.). Crepes, nutella, our favorite cream cheese cream, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and melted white chocolate. So good. Half of the family wanted a ham and cheese crepe too. Love this Christmas week tradition.
We watched a BYU victory, played a game of Dominion with Luke, sat in the Sauna and then watched an episode of THE CROWN.
Wednesday, December 23rd - CHRISTMAS ADAM
Worked out and sat in the sauna with Megan. She didn’t like it.
Ryan and I wrapped some presents together and had some great conversations about relationships, life, and marriage. It’s so fun to talk to him especially answering so many questions he has right now. You can tell he’s thinking a lot about his future.
I headed to Costco to pick up a few things - some for our Christmas dinner but mostly a few things we’ll need for our week at the Lodge.
We ate our ‘Christmas Eve’ dinner in the dining room. Roast, potatoes, gravy, creamed corn, sweet potato casserole, pretzel jello, and rolls. We talked and laughed. Ryan mentioned how much he loved eating in the dining room because of the great conversations we have there.
We watched a BYU basketball game and did a puzzle and then headed off to the Broadmoor neighborhood to check out the lights. We weren’t sure if we could walk around on the grounds when we saw families walking in Chris dropped us off at the front door and went to park. Masked, we wandered through the beautifully decorated rooms checking out the giant gingerbread train, Christmas trees and white lights. It was really fun.
On our way home we stopped by our favorite Christmas light houses in Pine Creek and watched as the lights flickered to music. So great. We are SO excited for Christmas.
Thursday, December 24th - CHRISTMAS EVE
Chris enjoyed the day off. We slept in until 8:45 and then worked out as a family. Chris and I sat in the Sauna and texted some ‘Happy Christmas Eve’ texts to close friends.
We had fun making sugar cookies for a couple hours in the afternoon and finishing another puzzle.
After cookies we gathered downstairs to watch our tradition Christmas Eve movie… this year, Disney’s Godmother. It was cute!
Our Second Christmas Eve dinner… this time with different plates.
“GOODWILL TO FAM - Jesus cared for his loved ones: Go around the dinner table tonight and tell each person why he or she is loved. ”
On each plate were notecards for us to fill in — What I love about my family. We filled them in and then went around the table and read them aloud doing one person at a time. I loved it.
What I love about Dad:
Lisa said - Loves traditions, hard working, does things to make me happy
Ryan said - Makes me laugh all the time, talks to me and mom and is understanding, fun to spend time with and talk to
Emily said - Leadership
Megan said -I love how he gets into BYU sports and that he teaches me the way and all the players He loves at everything and makes me laugh.
Luke said - That he likes watching shows and doing activities with the fam and that he always does anything he can to help us.
Matt said - Likes BYU, works for us, funny
What I love about Mom:
Chris said - That we think alike and have the same desires for our family.
Ryan said - Talking, her blogs, her excitement to share her experiences and time with me. Fun to spend time with and talk to.
Emily said - Her ability to plan
Megan said -I love how hMom is excited/down to do anything.
Luke said - That she is nice and cooks delicious food for us.
Matt said - Cooks, cleans and buys for us. She’s funny.
What I love about Ryan:
Dad said - His positive attitude and excitement
Mom said - Excited about everything, positive, helpful, supportive. Fun to spend time with and talk to.
Myself - His family, friends, girlfriend and life.
Emily said - His positive attitude about everything
Megan said -I love his energy and that he can make everything fun.
Luke said - That we like a lot of similar things and how excited and fun he always is.
Matt said - He’s funny, has a good attitude and is fun.
What I love about Katie:
Dad said - Her selfless service and ability to get along with everyone
Mom said - Her good example. She’s so positive and fun to be around.
Ryan said - Her positivity. So fun to spend time with and talk to.
Emily said - Her example in everything and she’s funny.
Megan said - I love her example to me and sense of humor.
Luke said - How cheerful and happy she is for her and others.
Matt said - Funny! Cool. Lit!
What I love about Emily:
Dad said - Her individuality and sense of humor
Mom said - She willingly helps out. She’s cute. She’s helpful to the boys. She’s talented and has a great personality.
Ryan said - She watches Gilmore Girls. Our funny conversations. Her attitude. Fun to spend time with and talk to.
Myself - Funny. Prettiest in the family and quirky.
Megan said - I love that she has the same mind and always knows what I’m talking about.
Luke said - That she always likes and is surprised by my magic and that she’s good at singing and loves listening to music
Matt said - Funny. Creative, Artistic.
What I love about Megan:
Dad said - Her love of BYU and sports and her desire to excel
Mom said - She plays with my hair and sits close. Love that she’s emotional. So fun!
Ryan said - Dance offs. Funny conversations. She is unforgettable. Fun to spend time with and talk to.
Emily said - That we have inside jokes and we like the same shows.
Luke said - That she is funny and likes hanging out.
Matt said - Funny. Fun. Athletic. Fun.
What I love about Luke:
Dad said - His desire to be obedient and do what is right.
Mom said - He’s smart, obedient and spiritual.
Ryan said - We are so similar. He’s so fun to spend time with and talk to.
Emily said - He gets into the things he likes.
Megan said - I love when he laughs.
Luke said - Magic tricks, back flips, soccer and awesomeness. Haha
Matt said - Funny. Fun. Likes the same things as me.
What I love about Matt:
Dad said - That he loves to give hugs and cuddle.
Mom said - He always wants to sit beside me. He’s hardworking and dedicated with his school schedule.
Ryan said - Love that kid. So fun to spend time with and talk to.
Emily said - He loves being around people.
Megan said - I love how excited he gets for anything.
Luke said - That he always wants to play with and do things with me! We like the same things and have so much fun together.
Myself: Funny. Athletic. Likes to do a lot of things.
Friday, December 25th - CHRISTMAS DAY
Such a great day. We were able to chat with Katie for a couple hours — starting in our room, heading downstairs to see what Santa brought, through Christmas breakfast and then with a fun surprise announcement of an upcoming Tampa/Disney World trip. So excited to get that girl home!! We had a great morning opening presents. We ate leftover Christmas dinner and then took our things upstairs, cleaned up the living room and started packing. I didn’t love having to pack on Christmas day but it was all worth it once we were at the Lodge together! (More pictures and details on a separate post!)