Life During Coronavirus - July

  • Wednesday, July 1 - Matt spend the day up in Castle Rock with Cade celebrating his birthday. Matt and I ran over to Target with masks to get Cade a frisbee. They played with it and spent time on the rock climbing structure. They even did a little bungee jumping and loved it. Chris took Megan to her PRIDE UNITED 05 team meeting with Coach Ted to talk about the season. At 8:30 we had a partner meeting with Adam and Marilee and friends.

  • Thursday, July 2 - The boys and I headed to the Alice in Wonderland Park for Play Group. The boys decided to climb trees and read their books sitting on branches. At 2:00 Ryan and I had a dentist appointment for cleanings.

  • Friday, July 3 - Chris had the day off and we got ready for our camping trip and then planned an impromptu Fourth of July Party with the Jacksons and Hales. Sandwiches, salads, fruit platters and then ice cream. We planned it for outside but the wind picked up and we ended up inside — one of the few times we’ve had people inside for months. So fun to chat with friends.

  • Saturday, July 4 - Tuesday, July 7th - CAMPING TRIP TO MOUNT RUSHMORE. Such a fun family camping trip!! (Pictures on another post!)

  • Monday, July 6th - Katie’s 20th Birthday — we didn’t get to chat with her on her birthday because of bad reception but we sent her a fun red white and blue package that she was able to open. We gave her new lightweight grey and black pants (idea from Sister Hurley), an orange shirt from Roolee, a white lace shirt from Bohme, a YETI, a yellow sweatshirt, treats etc. Happy Birthday Sister Johnson!!

  • Wednesday, July 8 - Megan, Luke and Matt’s first day at their Soccer Camp with Coach Troncoso

  • Thursday, July 9 - Hanging out at the Cordera pool with the Jacksons in the morning and then a spontaneous trip up to the lake with the Richins in the afternoon. So fun to get our paddle board out and take it up. The kids loved being with friends and I enjoyed sitting in a chair by the waters edge chatting with Amy, Tina and Emily.

  • Friday, July 10th - Soccer for Megan, Luke and Matt with Coach Troncoso. Emily babysat for the Bosses. I met Mary Seaquist, Emma and Andrea at Black Forest Park for a goodbye lunch for Mary - who is moving to Arizona. Happy for her but sad for us!! Took Megan to go take her Driver’s Permit Test - which she passed - and then over to the DMV to get her Driver’s Permit. Exciting stuff! On the way home we headed over to Crumble Cookie and stood in a spread out line with masks for free warm chocolate chip cookies. Then we went to Costco. That evening Chris and I went on a date to NaRai Thai and went back for more cookies! Love being on a date with my man!

  • Saturday, July 11th - Pretzels from the German Bakery and then a hike through Red Rock Open Space. Then home to change into our bathing suits and head to the Cordera Pool. Then a Dominion game or two and then we Watched the first half of HAMILTON. So fun to sit next to my boys and have them experience it for the first time. Matt constantly asked questions of what was going on with real interest to understand. Ryan loved it as well!

  • Sunday, July 12th - Home Sacrament Meeting and Come Follow Me lesson and then another CHOSEN episode. Love it!

  • Monday, July 13th - Soccer for Megan, Luke and Matt with Coach Troncoso. Eating popcorn after dinner I broke my tooth in half. SOOO frustrating. I wore my retainer so that my tongue wasn’t constantly heading back to feel the jagged edge.

  • Tuesday, July 14th - I got my hair done in the morning. Eli came over to hang out with Luke. I went in to the dentist to get two teeth crowned. A crown for that tooth (second to the back in the right bottom) and then decided to add another crown for a tooth that we had been watching for awhile just to get it over with at the same time. (back tooth in the right bottom) It took a long time. I was frozen heading over to the Hales house for Thai dinner with Rand and Leah who were visiting for awhile. We sat and talked from 5:30 - 9:30. Then we all headed down to the Cordera Pool to crash Romney’s 16th Birthday Party. They rented out the pool for a party from 8:00-10:00. Emily, Megan were invited and Luke and Matt even spent the first hour there swimming. Sounds like they had a blast.

  • Wednesday, July 15th - Soccer for Megan, Luke and Matt with Coach Troncoso. Ryan went with Daylee to Institute for a cool Come Follow Me discussion which inspired him to start a group when he gets back to Provo.

  • Thursday, July 16th - Our first official day of Quarantining to head back to Utah. The kids and I worked out. We did stations — which we love. The boys and I went to the pool (masks to enter) and stayed away from anyone else. We did lots of cleaning. We enjoyed our favorite homemade pizza - sausage, caramelized onions, mozzarella, blue cheese and grapes while we finished watching Mission Impossible. Then we watched an episode of LOST, played 7 Wonders and then went on a walk. Fun night with the fam.

  • Friday, July 17th - I woke up early and worked out with Chris and Ryan. Our workouts have continued to go strong but I usually do my own thing when the kids are heading to soccer camp like today. Last soccer camp for Megan, Luke and Matt with Coach Troncoso. Had a 4:00 Primary Presidency Meeting on Zoom. Decided to start creating and sending out a digital newsletter - which I started working on immediately. Academy School District sent out a Return to School plan. Right now the plan is to return to school August 17th for all in person learning. The high schoolers will be having a 3-hour class, then lunch and then another 3-hour class. Brutal. (Spoiler alert: This changes. Haha)

  • Saturday, July 18th - Chris went golfing and then straight to work since he was on call.

  • Sunday, July 19th - Dad’s Birthday! (Separate post for pictures) We had Sacrament Meeting together and then he headed off to work since he was on call. We decorated the kitchen, made lasagna and brownies, wrapped presents and then had a ZOOM meeting with my family to discuss details about the Reunion and Camping Trip. When Dad got home we ate dinner and opened presents.

Just a few charts from the New York Times on how were doing with COVID. Not great. And some memes because why not.

  • Monday, July 20th - 10:30-12:00 Megan had a soccer clinic with her HS coach. My teeth have been throbbing with pain ever since last Tuesday when I got them crowned. Lots of ibuprofen and some tylenol intermittently. I went into the dentist so he could take a look. They told me to try and go without pain meds so I could really feel what it was doing. I lasted until about 6:00 and then was in major pain and gave in to meds — which took about two hours to kick in. It was awful, but it confirmed my resolve to do a root canal the next day. I chatted with Leah Russel on the front porch from 4:00-5:45. So good to chat with her again. I would have visited with her more if I hadn’t been trying to be careful before our trip. At 6:00 Megan had practice with her Pride Team.

  • Tuesday, July 21st - I had my ROOT CANAL on my second from the back bottom right tooth. It took a long time but the assistant said I was the best patient of the day. : ( Dr. Tuttle ended up redoing my crown for free. When I asked if he could see the reason why it was hurting, he and the assistant both immediately said, ‘Yes, it was definitely an angry tooth! It was bleeding profusely.’ Glad to have that over with. Dr. Tuttle was leaving on a trip from Wednesday to Saturday so I was grateful to have gotten in before he left.

  • Wednesday, July 22nd - Emily’s second day being sick: sore throat, runny nose, headache and a cough. I woke up super weak. I attempted a Paleo Run workout with Ryan and the kids but couldn’t keep up. I took a bath and got dressed which drained my remaining energy. I called Chris and after doing a little research he called back and urged us to go to the clinic to be tested for COVID. We went in at 2:30. We were ushered back to a room together and each took a turn. It was uncomfortable for five seconds and after she pulled the swab out my eyes started to water. . One of the assistants told us our test results would come back in 48-72 hours. The Doctor said it would come back in a Week. That was definitely heart breaking to hear since we had plans to leave for Utah in just three days. We felt very uncertain about how things would go but the Doctor mentioned to us that if our symptoms were getting better and we didn’t have a fever for 72 hours we were ‘good to go’. By that evening my strength was starting to come back. In hindsight I think it was a combination of my Root Canal the day before, too much Ibuprofen and not enough food.

  • Thursday, July 23rd - Megan had another Pine Creek Soccer clinic from 10:30 - 12:00. At about 3:00 Ryan came upstairs with news that Daylee Kirkham had just tested positive for COVID. Ryan and Daylee had been together at Institute just 8 days before. Not good timing. We headed back in to the clinic to get Ryan tested knowing that we wouldn’t have a test result before we wanted to leave for Utah. More uncertainty. I hate COVID and hate that testing is taking so long. Megan had Pride Soccer practice at 4:30. We skyped with my Mom and Dad to explain what was going on. My mom started to get a little emotional. Later, my family started texting that it was ‘Vacation Eve’. I texted back that it was NOT Vacation Eve for us and explained the whole story. So sad.

  • Friday, July 24th - We were supposed to be leaving after work today but with no results we decided that best case scenario we would drive right up to the campsite at some point. We didn’t pack clothes and instead it was kind of a normal day. The kids were really bummed — especially Megan who was doing everything she could to help Emily feel better. ‘Emily, here is some water. You need to stay hydrated.’ For the past several days Emily has been staying out of the kitchen, wearing a mask around the family and social distancing to her room whenever possible. Even if it wasn’t COVID, we didn’t want anyone else picking up this sickness.

  • Saturday, July 24th - We ate a big breakfast together and then started playing a game of Dominion. My parents called to check up on us. The whole thing is so disappointing, but I kept thinking how grateful I was that we were able to make a trip in June.

  • Sunday, July 26th - We enjoyed home Sacrament meeting and Come Follow Me Study and then played some games.

  • Monday, July 27th - Still no word on testing results so after we worked out Ryan, Emily and I headed back to the clinic to ask for results. None. In fact, the lady at the desk said that now all tests are taking between 7-8 days to get back. So depressing. Chris and Ryan decided that they were going to head to work. My family headed up to the campsite today. Scott called me on his way up to the Uintahs and it was so good to talk to him. “Just come up. We need you here.” It was just the conversation I needed. Chris had already been thinking that we would drive through the night to get to the campsite on Tuesday morning and be prepared to be distant and cook our own meals. Talking to Scott confirmed the plan. By 1:00 my Family had gathered up at the campsite and were out of cell range. When Chris got home from work, he and I headed over to Target to rethink some of our food plans. There in Target we got a call from the clinic. Emily was NEGATIVE. I was NEGATIVE. No test results in for Ryan yet. My eyes started to water as I received the news. We needed this. We spend the rest of the evening packing the van and headed to bed at an early 9:30pm.

  • Tuesday, July 28th - We woke up at 12:30 and were driving by 1:00am. We surprised everyone (except maybe Scott) by pulling into the campsite at about 9:30. Cousins from all over ran up to the van and then everyone made a wide semi-circle around us as we got out. We shared the news: Emily and I were NEGATIVE and Ryan was now 13 days quarantined without symptoms — and obviously hadn’t given it to Emily or I for nine days before our tests. My dad was the first one to come up and give me a hug. It was so good to be there.

  • Tuesday, July 28th - Thursday, July 30th - CAMPING IN THE UINTAHS We spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday camping with everyone. Chris and I stayed with Scott and Elisha in their trailer. Emily and Megan jumped in the girl cousin tent and Luke and Matt joined the boy tent. Ryan continued with the plan of having a 2-man tent all to himself.

  • Thursday, July 30th - We drove from Kamas down to Scott and Elisha’s house, showered, did some laundry and then headed up to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner. Amy made a new taco-pile meal that was delicious. From there Chris, Ryan and I took off for the airport and flew from Salt Lake City to Portland, Oregon. We picked up our rental car and headed to the hotel.

  • Friday, July 31st - Spencer and Brinnley’s Wedding Day Marilee texted us inviting us to her room for a small breakfast at 9:30. Fun to meet up with everyone, say hi to Adam and Marilee’s family including Elder Christofferson and see Spencer before they left for the Temple. What an exciting day to be a part of. Chris, Ryan and I headed downtown to find a donut shop and wander the city for a bit. Then back to the hotel to get ready for pictures at the park. Ryan loved being a groomsman. We picked up some Thai food and gathered back at the hotel courtyard for lunch and chatted for hours. Then off to the Reception at 6:00, which was just beautiful. So great to be there! We flew home early EARLY the next morning getting back in town at 9:20ish. We decided to quickly make the drive up to Ogden for Payton’s Baptism and then over to a community center for lunch with all the Johnsons. Then we headed back to Provo for one more day of reunion fun.

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