September Snowman

Monday was 86 degrees and Tuesday morning I-80 shut down, the wind picked up and it started to snow. The temperature hovered right around 32 degrees and even though it snowed off and on for most of the day, it either melted on impact or blew away. It continued to snow overnight and with the drop in temperature we woke up to several inches covering the grass and trees. Just a little September snow storm.

Luke and Matt eagerly got their snow clothes on and headed outside after a morning of on-line testing. We haven’t built a snowman in years!! So fun.

By the time they were finished rolling the snow balls the grass was visible everywhere!


Inside we turned the heat on, had the fire blazing and we went through 3 tins of hot chocolate in 3 days. It definitely set the mood for our upcoming 100 Days before Christmas party! But by then it will be back up to 80 degrees… which is great. Not quite ready for winter yet!

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